Kotor best force powers sentinel And when you lvlup - Dex in Kotor 1 ultimately doesn’t achieve anything worthwhile with this question due to the lack of melee DPS and mediocre defense, which forces you to rely on your force powers for the real damage. With a 4/16 build you get 17 force powers and 9 feats. I'd go guardian Best powers period Force Wave is the best AOE Force Kill Destroy Droid Heal Throw Lightsaber Affliction if you wear armor Plague if you don't If you go with Plague then use force speed. I guess switching at 17 is good for M4-78 games, when you have to beat down droids with But I took most of the Jedi essentials, like Force Valor, Force Wave, Force Speed, Cure (never upgraded to heal), and Destroy Droid. The dump attribute here can be CHA at 10, since you are not really casting Force Powers. A scoundrel/sentinel is best when you focus on 3 things: Skills, sneak attack, using your sentinel immunities to free up gear slots I recommend DS for this build. Each Jedi class gets 2 Force powers at 1st level and then 1 additional Force power each subsequent level, with the exception of the Consular that gets 1 additional Force power every 3rd Consular You get the best saves in the game, a good defense progression, several sneak attack feats, and slightly more force points per level compared to a sentinel. Str 10, dex 10, con 12, int 14, wis 14,cha 16 Powers: insanity (3), force whirlwind (2), plague (3), force breach (2), master speed (3), drain life (1) So a Jedi Sentinel Mira who converted from a level 17 Scout can select Precise Shot V at level 20 with the feat obtained at Jedi Sentinel level 3. If you've got any questions feel free to ask, there are multiple ways to play sentinels. Force Powers I will speak from my experience of playing Jedi Sentinel-> Jedi Watchman, which is pretty much the light side version with more feats and better saves than the Sith Assassin. This tells me that the Radical Jedi Version was probably too radical for its own good. Physical Build: Sentinel/ (Weapon Master/Marauder) Attributes: STR: 14 DEX: 14 + 8 CON: 14 + 4 INT: 12 WIS: 14 CHA: 10 ^^^ In comparison to my first build, I’ve lowered INT and CHA in return for higher STR. Furthermore, it gains increased force points and all 21 of its career force powers in those 12 levels as well. Favorite. A good strategy is to Force Push an enemy away and combined with the Sentinel Jedi Weapon Master/Maurader is my personal choice but only because it fits my up close and personal with force powers for support style of play. Two weapon fighting would probably be the best option though I am overly fond of single weapons for the aesthetic and usually pick dueling. The Toughness Feat tree is good to invest in as it raises your constitution every level. Which then leaves Watchman. If by blaster you mean ranged, you will want to use the heavy weapons sold at Yavin after your 3rd and 5th star maps. You should still have pretty good force powers by then. 1 (21 Total) Plenty of FP to do what needs to be done, With good WIS and CHA in addition to force focus good this class force powers are harder to resist. Since you almost always use Force Jump before an enemy has targeted you nearly every Force Jump attack will give you a sneak attack damage. ( still definitely fun to use ) Choose The Jedi Guardian if : You're a player who likes lightsaber combat more than force powers. Counsellor has powerful force powers, but weaker attacks. I also fully upgraded the Dual Wielding tree. 3. I chose Force Heal for obvious reasons. Tough enemies (especially Sion) are easily kited with Force plague + Force master speed. Or would you rather hang back and focus on taking out your enemies with force powers? If so, Consular. I’ve also changed the starting class to a sentinel in return for more feats at the loss of Force Power’s DC. Your pick your prestige class based on if you want Sneak Attack burst damage or consistent damage and bulk. Players can try a variety of builds in Star Wars KOTOR. Then grab Knight Speed, For force powers, WIS will allow you to cast more force powers and will make them last longer, while CHA will make them harder to resist. Mandalore - pure fire power. Consular is the best for power usage, with the highest force power DC. Ability to land powerful attacks 80% of the time with gear adding + 3 to + 5. Other feats to consider Toughness, Conditioning, Implants (K1 only), Regen Health and/or Regen Force (K2 only). Weapon Masters and Marauders are, unsurprisingly, very good at hitting things. - Consular will get a few more Force Powers. As for Sentinel versus Consular, it agaim depends om how you want to engage with enemies, do you prefer to engage in melee, or Force Powers? If you are using a Sentinel/Watchman, you are essentially using an upgraded Sentinel where you comtinue using your skills, engage enemies with melee and use Force powers flexibly. Jedi Atton - I like having him lead and be the one who interacts with the dark energy spots. Alternatively, I've played KOTOR 2 quite a lot, but only recently have I begun really diving into the meta of the game and I want to get an idea of what's possible with builds. Dark sided power, costs more Force Points due to opposite alignment, but attacks the Will save of enemies which tend to be lower). Light side mastery gives +6 con as Sentinel/Watchmen plenty of equipment easily found to raise dex I barely even get hit. There is no difference in damage before alignment mastery with either Sentinel or Guardian, sentinels only having 1 feat less than a guardian at level 15 before prestige. KotOR 2, I go high Intelligence Sentinel/ Sith Lord for the monster skills + Force powers. If you want to use many skills (they are more important in KOTOR 2 than 1), go for a Sentinel and this class has more feats than a Consular. Here are the pros of each build 4/16 6 more force points 1 more force power Slightly better saving throws (1 fortitude 1 reflex) Character-wise, it would make more sense if she were a consular and Jolee were a sentinel. 10. If heavily reliant on Force Powers, you may wish to consider Force Breach to remove enemies casting Force Immunity on themselves. Only downside is that you won't get as many sneak attack feats as a Sith Assassin prestige class but that is okay. -Force Power-Sentinel gains force power at every level, 2 powers on Lv. Skills like force push, force valor, and force speed can be used in combination with lightsaber abilities, making this class decent with force powers but not the best. Favorited. Regardless, make sure you use the Burst of Speed line of force powers and rapid shot for a total of 4-5 shots per round. If you want to use lots of Force Powers, go for a Consular because it has Force Focus (increase DC) and lots of Force Power. Master Speed, Master Valour, Force Wave, Cure take up 10 powers in all. In KOTOR2 you can get a prestige class. Pick one between Critical Strike, Flurry, and Power Attack, and increase it to max level. When it comes to the best, Jedi powers. “Novel” ideas: Blaster user the whole time Jedi Guardian is weak with the force, but good at hitting people. Kotor 2 has the same issue, with the only difference being defense actually being useful late and mid game. For final class, Consular is good if you are combining blasters with force powers. You also retain the skill point progression from the Sentinel class, allowing you to continue developing your skills. Reduces all enemy attributes for 72 seconds, meaning they have lower attack, damage, defense, hit points, force points, saves, and force power difficulty. Losing her shouldn't cripple you, but it should feel like a loss. This will give you a more versatile balanced build with force powers, good persuasion, good skill gain per lvl, good health, good resist, good options for implants. By far the best sneak attack synergy in KOTOR 1 is with Force Jump. Sentinel is intended to be the hybrid, but has the melee capabilities of the Consular and the casting capabilities of the Guardian, in exchange for some situationally useful defensive passives. Instead, the main character is given 4 extra Force powers when they take their first Jedi level. For guardians/sentinels you mostly need just master speed and master heal. . Sentinel is a no go for me in Kotor 1. Got 2 complete KOTOR 1 playthroughs done right now. I chose dark side powers mostly. Lastly, I cut the Radical Jedi Version. This should be the highest stat you have, with around 14 to 15 points put into the tree 2. Pretty solid damage output and not entirely useless force abilities as long as you pick the non-armor restricted ones. Dexterity : 1. Good immunities/fighting capabilities with Watchman and you can use force powers to effectively buff yourself and allies, damage opponents, and stun them so you can use sneak attack. Any additional powers are just gravy. But, if you want to be good at combat, use force powers, and be persuasive, I'd choose something like a 16 10 14 8 14 14 soldier. She has a handful of things going for her that fit the sentinel bill, like the stealth and her array of force powers she starts out with ( and the fact she puts your party in . Jan 9, 2023 · With powers like Force push, Force speed, and stun Players can defeat opponents and keep them at bay, while taking as little damage as possible. Going heavy weapon in Kotor1 or dual blasters in Kotor 2 could also be awesome if you're interrested, it's good and fun. Flurry/Crit/Power attack based on preference. TWF for more attacks or Dueling for better defense. And besides, by the time she leaves your party, it's pretty far along in the game. To encourage players to level normally, the Jedi Sentinel stops gaining feats and powers after 12 levels but in exchange, players have the option to choose the exclusive Guardian and Consular feats while leveling. 7. Force Wave (dark 26) cannot be selected before Force Whirlwind (dark 30). It also helps to destroy a certain gimmick the final boss uses. Probably would want to mostly spec into str>con>int as the major 3 and keep the others around 10-12. Force Confusion (dark 46 and light 40) can only be Scout/Sentinel With a 5/15 build you get 16 force powers and 10 feats. A Force Wave (Push 1-3) is a good way to clear a space and give your characters a breathing space, and can stun enemies. Other powers. When it comes to the best, however, Sentinel, and Consular. 1. The best KOTOR guide you will ever read. The sentinel’s class feats are also a nice bonus, however, I don’t Players can try a variety of builds in Star Wars KOTOR. For KotOR 1 IMO Sentinel isn't that great (unless you've got some mods to fix it), which narrows your choice to: Would you rather have lots of hit points and go in all hack-and-slash with a lightsaber? If so, Guardian. - Sentinel gets 2 Skill points per level, Consular gets 1 Skill point per level, plus the INT thing is described before. Sentinel will get to choose 1 per level, Consular will get 1 extra every 4 levels. Many dialogue choices and the ability to craft items are locked behind skill This, in my opinion, makes them the best base class for duelist combat, not soldier. Plus, I've usually beefed him up with some good force powers by that point. Reply reply Powers: Master energy resistance, Master Barrier, Master Heal, Master Speed, Force Storm, Master Valor, rest is up to you. You are left with 3 powers to assign, with 2 What Jedi Hunter Excels in Strength : 1. Coherent min/maxes shove the combat part of the game off to the side. Also take Lightsaber Focus and Lightsaber Specialization. 2. Other than that, the same rules apply as 1. The best builds for a scout/sentinel is 4/16 but 5/15 is really good also. Sentinel has force immunities. This sh The affected Force powers are Force Aura, Force Shield, Force Valor, Knight Valor, Burst of Speed, Knight Speed, Energy Resistance, and Force Resistance. I like starting as Sentinel for the skills, then specializing for weapons or force powers as the game progresses. Strength, con, wisdom are good. 5. Exile is a Jedi at 1, so everyone gets a good amount of powers. And force powers scale off your level I used the mine exploit to get to level 50 it was a First time playing Kotor and it’s the best game I And either Sentinel/Guardian -> Weaponmaster/Marauder. Let's not underestimate the force powers of the Gunslinger. Just don't forget to keep your shield up when fighting Sion, he can deflect even under plague. Absolutely critical for consular The Scout/Sentinel combination will have less feats than a Soldier/Guardian and less powers than a Consular so you need to make your choices count on both fronts. Consular will get less HP but more Force Points. These Reason Why: The best Universal Force Power in the game. Reply reply My starting stats were 8 str 16 dex 8 con 18 int 10 wis 10 char. Scoundrel-Consular is all about how you invest your force powers. You get Force Camouflage to hide yourself without a Stealth Generator, and the more inportant Sneak Attack that benefits from stunning Force Powers. Here is the one I use for my dark side play through Scout 5/Jedi Consular 15 Force Powers: Master Speed, Improved Energy Resistance, Force Immunity, Anything you pick will give you a ton of force powers, and the only real casting-class perk that is worth a darn is the force focus line that adds to your DC modifiers for your offensive force powers, and it's ONLY available to Consulars, so switching to Sith Lord later only nets you 50 force points (of which you'll already likely have 400+ force points and insane FP regeneration at that point That's just good Kotor 2 builds for you. Guardian force jump attack can apply sneak attack bonus. aktus. Jedi Sentinel is a well-balanced option that possesses arguably the best skill set out of all the classes in KOTOR 2. If your point was to cast Force Powers, you might as well start with the Jedi Consular, and then take up the Watchman prestige class for an even better version of KotOR I's Scoundrel/Consular. The latter is only available to Guardians. Force powers. Went for Scoundrel /Counsular for all the Force powers on my first ever playthrough back in high school and then went with Sentinel /Scoundrel to get more use out of my skills and immunities a year later. Sentinel is a balance between force and attack, plus some immunities. All weapon style are equally as viable due to strength multiplier. Though you should definitely max out the Force Speed powers, Valor and the Force Armor Powers. If you look at the Sith Assassin (and Jedi Watchman) prestige classes, their niche is in the Sneak Attack feat, which adds damage on unaware or debilitated enemies. This alternate gameplay mode was included from day one and I haven't received any feedback on it. With a 2/18 build you get 19 force powers, but still the same amount of feats. Max these out early on to get the best use from it. Keep that in mind when building your character. If you want to throw up a mix, continuing onto Jedi Watchman works too. The exile gets so many bonus FP, and Force Body makes it even cheaper, so all that really matters is lowering their chances of saving rolls. Works pretty good with dark side cuz the force powers of them are insanely strong. I have to agree Sentinel is (obviously) my favorite starting I have never ever done that in KOTOR or KOTOR 2. Award. You'll be able to find lots of armor items that boost your dex along the way of your walkthrough. Unfavorite. If you really wanted high effectiveness with Force Powers, start with the Jedi Consular which has Force Focus to increase Force Power DC. I only took the first stun power because I didn't have enough powers to spend on stasis or stasis field, although stasis field is one of the best powers there is. Powers: heal, wave, Insanity, kill I actually don't have a problem with Sentinel since it has some cool defensive feats that will help (especially immunity to fear, making force stats or gear with the same effect less necessary), but if your Strength is too low and you're dueling without offensive force powers or Speed, your damage might be pretty low (it's a cliche, but the best defense really is a good offense in most Lower defence progression, slower gain in Force Powers, lower saves than even the basic Jedi Consular. I hadn’t thought of Juhani that way before, but you’re right. As for "bad with Force powers", well Force powers are for consulars. Sounds like a good distribution for everyone. With a 3/17 build you get 18 force powers, but miss out on the free second Implant feat that Scouts get on level 4. ( still definitely fun to use ) Choose The Jedi Guardian if : Consular is best with force powers. I like to use a hybrid of force powers and melee, and in KOTOR 2, - Sentinel will get more HP but less Force Points. Alignment and how it affects Force Powers List of Force Powers. Using the scout build is best Jan 9, 2023 · Skills like force push, force valor, and force speed can be used in combination with lightsaber abilities, making this class decent with force powers but not the best. Sentinel is great defensively due to its unique feat (and immunity: MA from armor doesn't completely match this feat). Take Sentinel for skills, guardian if you want a couple more feats (including getting two armor feats for free) for k2 Attributes: whatever you want but dump dexterity. Could be anti jedi build. Posted March 18, 2005. A full light-side weapons master can still dish out loads of damage with Force Lightning when the situation calls for it. Consular is better at melee than Guardian is at casting, so if you want a hybrid, Consular does better. Mira would have obtained Precise Shot IV by level 16 as a Scout, so it is only a matter of getting Precise Shot V manually if converting to a Jedi Sentinel before level 20. It seems like a really odd thing to do. New players looking to get started building the best Guardian in Star Wars: KOTOR 2 should check out this guide to help The choice of Force powers will depend on the Jedi (Sentinel Class Ability to get at least 14 levels of Jedi Sentinel for the exclusive bonus (Force Immunity) you simply have more force powers and points to play around you have to endure some pretty crappy levels until you get a workable force pool. 18 con by level 16 in K2 is a good idea for implants. I'm assuming 7/13. 1 . The last run I did was a full DS Mira run Considering that, the optimal Scout levels to take in terms of bonus feats are either level 7 (Guardian) or level 8 (Sentinel/Consular). The best brute force option may be to start as a dark Jedi Guardian (although this is really only for the mastery bonus) and become a Sith Marauder (for a second mastery bonus and bonus damage from Weapon Specialization and Increase Combat Damage feats, and kills while Master Fury is active), although a Sith Assassin or Jedi Watchman with Sneak Attack (maximum X Regarding the number of force powers; Valor, Speed, Heal, stunning power, offensive power, and Energy Resistance are all completed by 15/4 at the latest. Consular however is a totally different discussion and are total beasts for other reasons which involves very good use of force powers where no other class can compete. That gives you high strength, If in KOTOR 2, Pick the sentinel or consular class and follow the same process as above. If used with flurry maxed out Players can land 3 hits with the same amount of damage in one roll/turn. Mira works best in the back like with blaster pistols, so you can set up her force powers to either be some ranged utility casting, like stun/stasis/stasis field, push/whirlwind/wave, etc, or have her focus on buffs for the party- Armor buffs everyone, and Speed is just powerful on a character with as high of damage-per-shot as a late-game blaster pistol build gets. Sentinel to Marauder (Dark Side, Weaponmaster if LS), Feat used Master power attack as it is the most damaging special attack, 14-8-14-14-14-14. For Light Side I see a lot of people saying Consular, but the thing is, there really isn't a ton of useful LS Force powers that have a high damage output, so your best bet would be to go Guardian and then respec to Weapon Master in the future, spec for "Stasis Field" and "Destroy Droid" for force powers with all your buffs like Battle Meditation etc (depends on if you're in KotOR 1, I go Soldier/ Consular for the feats + Force powers. They are a jack-of-all-trades in the sense that they are meh at everything. The attributes to start with 14 would be INT (for skill points to upgrade skills), CON (the game relies on your CON attribute to equip implants), and WIS (improves your Force Powers, Force Points, Will save which will be weak for dark side characters). Technically, sneak attack will trigger whenever you attack an enemy who isn’t already engaged in combat with you. With the main powers I used being Insanity, Kill, Storm, and Destroy Droid. Side note: An untouchable max dexterity defense build is a lot of fun. Jedi Bao-Dur - for all the techy bits and healing. This should only affect a Jedi Consular, and later a Jedi Master or Sith Lord, due to the extra Force powers sometimes selected on level up. I generally always go for Guardian, since I usually prefer the tanky style of play and use of Lightsabers, occasionally I go Consular to spice things up and run an offensive force build. Good for a kind of crit build. Consular is the best Kotor 2 starting Although I would say Sentinel is a better all rounder jack of all trades, the Consular if played and built right tops the chart as the best starting class IMO with eventually at + 4 DC to enemy saves against force powers is the equivalent of needing 8 Attribute points in WIS/CHA to get If you are limiting yourself to blaster pistols, Saul Karath + Cassus Fett's are your best weapons. Force Wave kind of serves the same purpose though. I have seen a lot of discussion and inquiries from new kotor players about good/best character builds. Share With Force Resistance and Force Immunity you have about a 25%/50% chance of resisting all harmful force powers targeted at you, although good on paper there aren't that many difficult fights where you You could also go for 8 scout levels to get implant 3 but then you will be missing out on force powers and force points. It's to even non-Combat oriented Jedi, you'll want to at least Grab Burst of Speed at an early level. You can first read these portions regarding Force powers: The attributes affecting force Power casting in Wisdom and Charisma. and Force powers - this allows for character builds for nearly any type As a Sentinel finish off Dueling or Two Weapon Fighting then move from there, for Force Abilities a Lightsider should grab Burst of Speed, and Force Armor, then at Second level grab Affect Mind, or Force Valor then go from there. For Jedi, this is best accomplished with I've done dark side runs as soldier/sentinel with sword and heavy armor. In that case dex is best dump stat, most heavy armor restricts dex bonus to +1-2 and wisdom/charisma is a bust because most force powers (I believe all the offensive ones) are unusable, so you'd only have a few powers that give buffs. Stun Droid 1-3 is really useful when there are lots of So, this leaves you with loads of essential Force powers (regardless of what alignment your character has): -Force Speed: increase your defense, running speed and attacks per round is You will have 13 Force Powers as a level 12 Light Side Sentinel. I recently played the DS version of this so I went Consular/Sith Pretty much every class can be formidable with force powers. Sentinel is kinda underwhelming in Kotor 1. The real fun is learning to path optimally for your companions influence/progression. carlqy eawa ytraz cvyrr ohvec eynct fzny fxil rmsc btlp