Avengers fanfiction peter hyperventilating tony. No, you're not sorry, because you're going to be just fine," he tried to insist, even as his own voice shook. Peter dropped his backpack on one of the chairs and walked over to a kitchen area. Shuri and Wanda stood in silence until, BOOM. Warning: This fic does contain the disciplinary spanking of a minor although the central focus is the developing Irondad/Spiderson relationship between the two. About 15 minutes later tony noticed a weight on his chest he looked down and saw peter curled onto his chest Jul 23, 2019 · Movies Avengers. Peter leaned his head into tony and close his eyes. Peter flinched as another voice met his ears in the dark. After the events of Homecoming, Tony has suddenly been very stalker-ish to what Peter's doing and constantly checking in with him or inviting him over. Tony quickly got back in his armor before picking up peter carefully and taking off towards the compound. "You're fine. "Karen," he whispered, hyper aware of the kid's sensitive ears, "block out my voice now, too. Tony makes it to his knees and bends over Peter, feeling his heart thud against his ribcage at an ever-rising speed. Peter's Family By: slayer of destiny. "Kiddo, why did you swing all the way here so . "Chill kid, take a breath. All Tony wanted to do was get a Happy Meal for his son, eat some chicken nuggets and go home. Now, the two were finally going to meet the Rogues. Peter stands inside one of these very training rooms, practicing with Natasha. Tony realising Peter is a dad By: SpideyParker0100. Chief Brown had been one of Ben's closest friends and, a few months after Ben's death, had risen to Chief position. Peter's been trapped under a frozen lake for far too long. Worried Tony Stark. By: losingmymindtonight. Tony will think he's weak. Peter and Michelle had been married for 6 months. "I need a med team in here now!" Tony's blood ran cold, at Bruce's panic. Peter Parker is diagnosed with cancer. " Happy pushed the door open, grumbling. "Oh, I missed you so much. This all gets to Peter's head as he curls up in his bed, hyperventilating. Stark Towers By: mcnootles. Peter is kidnapped and tortured in front of Tony, in order to teach Tony a lesson. The painful hole right above his hip had come from a dirty looking knife wielded by a dirty looking man who had apparently been hiding out in the Movies Avengers. "Come on Tony, copying my breathing" he feels Rhodey squeezing his shoulder. Stark" peter said as he laid his head on the car window and closed his eyes. After the Funeral By: Ketchupwings. " With no other option in sight, Tony reaches out and rests his hand on Penny's shoulder. But Tony – ""Chop chop, Hap. Five Times Peter Called Tony Dad By: SilverInTheGalaxy. When Peter cancels on Tony one too many times the man starts to worry and realise there is much to Peter Parker he never knew. A Mocha for Mr Stark By: WasianGal. Set just after Spider Man Homecoming. Sep 12, 2021 · Movies Avengers. No Big Deal. " "Um, Peter. Angst and Whump! Rated T for cursing even though there's like 2 sentences with Movies Avengers. Peter was sure that the cut was no big deal, despite the fact that the technical term for it was probably 'Stab wound. Innocent By: wolfypuppypiles. Tony took a painful breath and tried to regulate his breathing. First his suit malfunctioned. Parker luck is true to form, luckily Tony is there to help. " Peter muttered, fighting back the saliva pooling into his mouth over and over again. Singing Spiders By: HalfIrishWriter99. Now known as Jones-Parker, she liked waking up next to who she believed to be the one. Prompt: Peter gets hurt and doesn't tell anyone, then gets sepsis. The Return By: randomfan276. Follow Harry on a his journey to find his true heritage as his eyes are open to facts which put long standing plans in jeopardy, on two fronts. He did not have nightmares, Tony had asked, nor Tony realising Peter is a dad By: SpideyParker0100. Then again, not much had gone as Peter hoped lately. He grunted as he tossed Tony to the ground. , Hulk/Bruce B. "I-I'm sorry," he stammered. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Iron Man/Tony S. He used his webs to snag onto the nearest building again. Peter's heart began to race, the beeping of the monitor notifying the older men he was awake. "Pete wake up bud" tony said shaking peter's shoulder lightly. - Words: 8,408 - Reviews: 50 - Favs: 472 - Follows Spider-Man + Ironman Crossover. "New subject, number fourteen, randomly selected today. Tony can't find out about his nightmares. Peter was wearing his favorite black t-shirt with an arc reactor decal, while he clung to his Hulk stuffed animal. Steve, Nat, Bruce, and Thor are still reeling from the effects of what happened until an unexpected guest arrives at the doorstep. 'Peter, if you keep going, I will call Mr. The doors opened up into a large sitting area he immediately recognized as the common area for the avengers to "hang out" as Tony called it. " Peter give a high-pitched giggle that sounded a little maniacal and twisted. Feb 1, 2019 · Movies Avengers. Tragedy once again strikes the Parker household (shocking, I know, not like that has ever happened before) leaving Peter all alone and he goes to Tony for help. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker, May P. Peter showed tony his stomach. Tony's feet are killing him. " After the Funeral Chapter 1, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction. I forgot and I just…". This other person was very interested in his tech babble. Aug 9, 2021 · Steve could hear the panic in the teen's voice, and he was quick to reassure him. Truth or Dare. "Ok thanks Mr. So, my heart has always broken for Peter. "Yeah, and why no one else can either. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Words: 1,528 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 61 - Follows: 23 - Published: Feb 1 May 19, 2019 · Movies Avengers. he asked cautiously. Stark, proud of him, Peter decides to keep a serious injury secret at the end of a mission in Sweden and gets addicted to the morphine substances. Peter fell asleep almost immediately tony chuckled at his small snores. The Face In The Papers By: StarkandStars. Tony tries to help him through this ordeal, whether the teenager wants his help or not. Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Iron Man/Tony S. How do you reassure a child? She had the urge to google it. "No, I'm fine. That you are going to die alone and no one is going to notice, much less care. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Chapters: 2 - Words: 2,075 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 62 - Follows: 35 Avengers Endgame By: CrimsonSayian12. The Avengers are broken after what Thanos has done, Tony is starving and stranded. Stark!'. The top floor is basically a club room, but everything below is either a workshop, science lab or military training room. He barely speaks to anyone, much less to Tony. Peter Parker had a tough start, he lost his parents and his Aunt May and Uncle Ben. Mr. "Tony's fine, Peter," he said, and Peter sighed in relief and sank back down in his seat. " The boy still didn't wake up. Peter just wants to help. "Hey," Tony's face and tone changed slightly. Peter, the oblivious bean continues texting him and Tony Stark starts getting concerned about a breach in security with the way kids keeping This time, they are joined by Peter, the three-year-old kid he and Tony adopted just over two weeks ago. Feb 15, 2020 · The kid groaned in frustration, but backed off from the desk. Dec 31, 2023 · A trip to the past Chapter 1, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction. "SHURI!" "Bahahahahaha!" "I Swear you better sleep with one eye open tonight. So it's basically the original Avengers from first film still working together, and Tony recruiting Peter simply because he was impressed with his skills. However, when they are ambushed by a group of information-hungry journalists, bitter childhood memories are forced to the surface and the father will do anything to protect his child from It's a cry, a cry of please, someone help. He looks over his shoulder as if someone more equipped to deal with this will suddenly appear. "Ok, thanks JARVIS," Peter replied. Waking up for school was the worst part of the day, almost as bad as, well, being at school. And like Tony, he too was thrown a few feet away. Consequences By: Sweet Little Darling. Hell, Tony was fairly certain that he wouldn't be able to sleep for twenty-four hours unless medicated. Sep 29, 2019 · Peter stumbled along the rooftops of Queens as Spiderman. Peter is upset but won't tell Tony why. The one being hated by world due to Tony’s self-proclaimed foe. Drunken Injuries By: TheWebbedKeyboard. , Thor, Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Words: 1,292 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 14 - Follows The doctors at Avengers HQ had determined that the sonic wave that had hit Peter had overwhelmed his senses, causing his brain to overload and shut down, rendering him unconscious. Blinded by his desire to make the Avengers, and especially Mr. Before Thanos, before Morgan, and when Aunt May was still alive. The rain is still beating down, whipping against his body, slapping him from all sides. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Chapters Peter Parker Needs a Hug. " Peter is kidnapped and given a strange virus, leaving Tony, Steve and Bruce to find a cure before time Movies Avengers. He shrugged. Black holes, memory data and time travel ensues. Nevertheless, he’s Tony’s (found) son without a doubt. Will He Remember? By: AudraMarcus. "Pete," Tony said exasperatedly, "Come on, bud, it's Tony. A Home for Broken Heroes By: cshen. julienne. Now the doors to enter the compound wouldn't open. A warm, calloused hand pressed against his forehead. Scott Lang who was presumed dead mysteriously escapes the quantum realm, igniting a plan to Tony said with a smirk. While still in his grip, Not Tony tossed him to the side. But there's no one there. stark" he said with a cough. Of course, they devolve into a full blown argument. Part 4 of your dad is calling. Addiction By: Lanyakea. Stark didn't need to know. He then continued his actions until he reached the shirt collar. At MJ's nod, he smirked. The events of Endgame leave the world in pieces, but no one is more broken than Peter Parker. " Clint laughs even harder. Tony panted roughly and struggled to get onto his hands and knees. Peter no longer idolizes Tony and the Avengers, and he genuinely doesn’t give a shit about what they think about his actions and habits. " Ned bit his lip, not convinced. Again. Steve was in his house in the outskirts of NY with Peggy, Clint was in his house, Scott, Natasha, Wanda and Rhody were at the compound, Bruce was in India, Thor was in Asgard, Tony was at the hospital, the Wakanda crew AN: This is slightly AU from Marvel Timeline. However, his luck changes when he adopted by husbands Tony, Stever and Bucky. Rememberance By: oncerSM. Cho is back at the compound waiting for us", well get you fixed up" tony said. Peter shook. Tony after hearing that looked at him and he smirked. The final battle By: Korin no Hana. This story is NOT going to be consistent with the plot. Though he’s not forced to stay there and spend time with the Avengers (as in this fic he’s Peter and Tony's relationship has only grown closer since the Ferry Fiasco. He could feel Peter's breath slow, starting to match his own, but he kept talking anyway, knowing that the attacks could resume, even once you thought they Getting crushed by a building was not something one just gets over. Clint couldn't help it he jumped slightly. he trailed off when Peter looked up at him and he realized his ears were probably still recovering. *THIS IS STARKER* CoAuthor: Kat. He hadn't known what happened until he looked to see Tony's arm sticking out towards him, and he paled as he realized. "Uh just – just chicken. "You can be the boss, daddy". Slamming the alarm off, Peter slowly got up. The squeal of a 6 year old brought him back to the real world. This is his life growing up with the Avengers as his family, and what happens when he falls in love with a certain Wade Wilson Let me see" tony asked. "Peter if you have any of those spiders crawling around, I'm going to kill them…. "Easy, Under-Roos," Tony said soothingly. At times Peter still feels like he is under that building in his onesie: unable to move, breathe, feel. Peter managed to meet his gaze. "That's alright," He says to himself. Chapter 1 "Peter!" Dec 24, 2019 · Six months. The first time anyone talked to Spider-man for real, face to face, it was their Chief. It is by pure miracle that Peter does not have aquaphobia. AU. A/N: This is Shuri suddenly got serious. He's healthy, and in good condition, stats already recorded. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Hurt/Comfort - Iron Man/Tony S. " She gently suggested, but Peter shook his head vehemently. Peter looked up at him, and he loosened even more at the remorse in Tony's eyes. Apr 27, 2019 · Movies Avengers. The one Tony risked his life for. Tony looks embarrassed for a moment before finally answering, "Netflix. And now he couldn't get his window opened. Peter Parker. Eventually, Peter calmed down and buried his face in Tony's chest, tears still leaking from his eyes. Also on AO3. Jun 16, 2018 · The mind melt By: wolfypuppypiles. Oct 1, 2017 · Movies Avengers. In another universe, Peter Parker is made the sole successor of Stark Industries, but only after losing everything and everyone that mattered. And even if she didn't like the stigma and society norms attached to marriage, MJ loved being married. It took two shots of Glucagon to get you stable enough to move. Peter gets in trouble at school and Tony comes to rescue. A girl who has spent her whole life in labs and getting experimented on gets rescued from Hammer Industries' basement by the one and only Tony Stark and is hand delivered to SHIELD's director Nick Fury. "Well, it's not a complete disaster for his first mission, Peter figures. He felt tears in his eyes again as he watched Tony. , Iron Man/Tony S. Then Peter said something that made Tony's mouth go dry and Peter go red. Rogers followed it, and spotted them. He grinned at his son as he ran to him. Steve Rogers steps in to be that friend, and maybe quite a bit more. Wrong Number By: EZM2016. Tony walked towards the couch and saw the kid on the couch barely conscious. Peter is intrigued by his mentor's alcohol stash. God, his head hurt. Rated: Fiction K - English - Sci-Fi/Tragedy - Captain America/Steve R. "Watch your back, it's on," was all he said before leaving the area. Peter was burning up, his temperature far higher than any normal person could survive and so, May does the only thing she can. "Hey, kid. 1 and May doesn't know if his super senses alerted his body that it was coming hours before it appeared or if he just managed to make himself sick today. " Wanda said beginning to walk away. The rest of the Avengers join him, shaking Hap, get the kid ten with – " He looked expectantly over at Peter. Three times he went into shock, almost dying each time. Peter opened his eyes more "Mr. "Guess I'll have to carry him," Tony sighed. There's no music blasting, no tools hammering, no sparks flying, and certainly no talking. Part 2 of Peter Stark's Story. Peter walked over to him and kicked his stomach forcing Tony onto his back. He might be injured but it was his duty to protect non-superheroes. " Peter sighed again and ran a hand through his hair. Virus By: wolfypuppypiles. Tony and Peter. When Carol realised what Thanos was about to do, she flew in front of him and held his fingers outwards, preventing him from clicking his fingers. "its deep, come on Pete, Dr. I'll wake you up later. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Words: 1,980 - Reviews: 14 - Favs: 80 - Follows: 28 - Published: Dec 17, 2018 - Status: Complete - id: 13150145. Sep 9, 2017 · Until Bruce started pressing on Peter's chest and stomach, frowning deeply, before peeling back the kids suit. Bruce stepped into the Avengers elevator, and as he pressed the button for his floor he made eye contact with the kid's exasperated and slightly desperate expression. "Peter I am alerting Tony to the situation. He's ready for testing. They'd said there would be no lasting effects once he recovered from the massive headache he'd awakened with, but Tony wasn't so sure. Peter jumped at the sound of it slamming. You scared the shit out of us, but you're fine now. Obviously, the very moment he met Spider-man, he recognized his honorary nephew's voice behind the mask. The interior of Avengers Tower is inarguably amazing. Even more so once everyone had to forget who he was. He rolled to the side when Not Tony tried to stomp on him. Genius, Tony's Kid (although neither will admit to it), Spiderman, oh and did he mention he also has a one year old daughter only known by few. Peter experiences how to live life as a human, whilst Tony tries to take back his father's company while also making sure Peter doesn't get himself into any danger, which is poving to be an impossible task. The last thing he remembered, was walking home from school. He opened his eyes and Tony noticed the tears in them. A. Steve raised an eyebrow, "What happened?" Bucky silently started cleaning up the mess, Bruce helped him. In another universe, Tony Stark is hiding behind a mask of an iron-hearted man, secretly trying to pick up what is left of a disembowelled He let out a soft whimper and tears rolled down his cheeks. The claustrophobia, the hopelessness, the fear, the acceptance that no one is coming to help you. Tony's ever the worrier, but he's a good daddy, at least in Peter's The rest of the Avengers just sigh, used to Tony's extravagance. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Chapters: 5 - Words: 5,432 Apr 17, 2019 · Peter moaned and writhed when Tony began leaving hickeys and love bites on his neck. Tony and Peter sit at their respective workbenches in silence. Stark was the one that brought you to the hospital. The man's head slamming against the concrete made Peter wince. His chest is feeling painfully tight. Peter is scared of flying and he doesn't want the avengers to know abour his fear. The one who MJ wanted to spend every moment with forever. Rated: Fiction K - English - Family - Iron Man/Tony S. (Slow build-up, MCU. By 3 pm, he has a fever of 102. Peter didn't know what to do so he put a hand in Tony's hair and started to stroke it, muttering soothing words. But he never made it home. Ex-hunter Tony and Angel Peter have moved to New York to start a new life. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Words: 1,591 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 127 - Follows: 38 fast paced. However, this might change when one day Peter decides to go watch Tony work on his new robot. Tony bursts into the room not a minute later. If anything, nearly drowning, tangled in a parachute and having Iron Man save you should make sure Peter stayed out of bodies of water, but no, the boy was psychologically unharmed. In the possession and under jurisdiction of one Howard Anthony Walter Stark, Junior. Semi AU. AKA: Peter gets drunk and Tony has to save his ass. don't give up (it's a little complicated) By: WordAddict618. - A series of oneshots that delve into the relationship between Tony Stark and Peter Parker as their lives begin to merge. Peter barely heard JARVIS as he caught his breath. Tony kept on talking, telling Peter know about the time he'd had a panic attack in the middle of fighting a group of terrorists trying to set a bomb in the middle of an important building. "Karen!" Peter prompted A sleep-deprived Peter Parker accidentally texts our favorite genius, billionaire, playboy and philanthropist, who keeps trying to convince him that no, he is not Ned! And that he doesn't know who that is. " said Tony. The young spider was in the emergency room for thirty-two hours, being operated on in hopes of saving his life before they lost him completely. A sort of shudder goes through Peter, and he blinks before gritting his teeth and shoving himself to his feet. "Stop moving around, you little pest," Not Tony growled. Peter went to stand but Not Tony slammed his foot into his side, knocking him down again. Tony’s stupid yet genius, kind, humble, self-sacrificial son. -or-. While at Gringotts with Hagrid, Harry Potter gets an unexpected note from the goblins which will change his life. Cry Your Heart Out By: KevyGrayce. The Iron Man suit's facemask retracted, revealing the sweat and dirt smudged face of an exhausted Tony Stark. "Hey baby boy. " With shaking hands, Peter tried to cover them, his face already pale and his eyes wide. "Shit, fuck, something just touched my hand. Aug 22, 2019 · Movies Avengers. He waited a few more moments, then just said, "I'm sorry. Tony chuckled. " Peter's breathing speeds up. " Bruce grinned, bending down and scooping his son up in a giant hug. Chapter 8, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction. The mechanic nodded, knowing Bruce was right. No avengers. '. There was no Civil War between the Avengers, as I didn't like them all fighting each other. Tony doesn't understand what's happening to himself, but Steve does. Rated: Fiction T - English - Family/Hurt/Comfort - Iron Man/Tony S. Peter Parker, Omega Male, 17. "This is my fault. Tony's ready to punish him, until he hears his favorite kiddo struggling to breathe in the arms of Captain America upon arrival to the compound. He's stuck under a pile of rubble that used to be a building, and there's a piece of rebar sticking uncomfortably into his shoulder as well as a decently heavy chunk of concrete on his chest Chapter 1: Help Me If You Can, I'm Feeling Down, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction. Slowly, peter turned to face Wanda and Shuri with an unreadable expression. Wake up," he whispered. " Peter sits down unceremoniously on the couch, holding his head between his hands and mutters resignedly, "Aunt May is so going to kill me. His mind wasn't wired so it could shut off from time to time. Lots of smut, eventually. "But we found him in his lab at three in the morning, and there were eight empty coffee mugs on the table next to him. "Ned, I need to get out of here before Mr. "'Kay. Sunday. Peter was here and Tony was scaring him. May 2, 2019 · Rememberance Chapter 1: Death is hard to forget, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Chapters: 7 - Words Tony chuckled quietly and leaned down to rub Peter's shoulder gently. When Bruce reached the upper labs he quickly found Tony and let him know what was happening. That didn't help. On his next step, the suit was left behind, an empty shell without a mind or will of its own. There’s blood flowing from a gash on the kid’s temple, and he looks still, awfully still. Suddenly Peter banged his locker with his fist in frustration, resting his head on it in defeat with a small thud. Two-chapter drabble: On the day of Tony Stark's funeral, Peter Parker is struggling to accept his death and looking for a friend. Peter actually took a deep one. An irondad/winter ficlet. The workshop is dead silent. The blaring alarm went off, waking Peter up. Before he took out his phone to distract himself. "You get some shut eye. Movies Avengers. He's so tired of the nightmares, he just wants something that'll take the edge off and give him a good nights sleep (and also to tell Ned what it all tastes like). The day that Peter Parker fought his most important battle and lost. " Sam suddenly said as he too jumped. " Tony apologizes, avoiding Peter's eyes, but not pulling back. She calls Tony. A trip to the past By: Snowspidergirl. The idea of this story is that Tony survived the battle with Thanos, was made to forget Peter, but It takes two minutes of Peter hyperventilating in the post sobbing to run to the bathroom and throw up the half of a serving of breakfast he managed to choke down. Peter gets injured, Tony gets injured, and neither of them is quite over Titan yet. He’s not afraid to talk back and be an asshole. Peter Parker enjoys singing when he gets ready in the morning, when he thinks he's alone, but what happens in front of a crowd? Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Friendship/Family - Iron Man/Tony S. 2 An Angel in New York. Tony is playing an active role in Peter's life as the teen grows as a person and hero. He's actually the only one who knows how to help, and Tony depends on the Capsicle to guide him through these moments of pain. After Spider-man HomeComing, Thano's fight doesn't happen and the Avengers are back together. "Ok" was all peter said. Jan 21, 2021 · Both Pepper and May were informed of the ‘Tony is now actually Peter’s Dad’ situation beforehand, and both of them had called each other to laugh at the irony of it all. Too bad he has to travel with them in six hour long flight. Fix-it fluff post No Way Home - FULL SPOILERS. Tony stared at the kid, alarmed, before leaping into action. His fingers were too cold, they wouldn't work properly to get the window unlatched. "We got this, okay. Where Peter finds Tony's alcohol cupboard By: Sylviehawthorn. Peter survives the snap and journeys with Tony to Vormir instead of Clint and Natasha collecting the stone from that location. Control By: wolfypuppypiles. Returning from the dead was not the strangest experience Tony had ever had, but it came close. [Story written for kittkattomnomnom on tumblr] Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child. "I'm so sorry. He reached out and pulled the kid closer, whispering soothing words absentmindedly to the boy. Tony thinks that Peter can recover without problems, however, something isn't right. + -. You're Okay Underoos By: Icylightning. He would love to go. A Soul for A Soul By: sydneyr171. The Rogues think Peter has two moms now. "Peter's talked about you. "Peter, you're hyperventilating," Natasha pointed out in a steady voice, but inside she was freaking the hell out. (SPOILERS FOR ENDGAME) Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort - Iron Man/Tony S. Of course he's going to go help this horse, he's freaking Spider-Man—. At the moment, Tony wished he couldn't feel emotion or physical pain, as both were assaulting his not-as-young It was one of those days where Tony just wanted to crawl back up to his top floor, pent house suite and sleep for a month. If Peter's class can take a field trip that exposes him to a radioactive spider, and another that brought him to the scene of an alien kidnapping, the trip to Mr Stark's workplace should really have been no big deal. "God, I'm sorry kid. It shocked him silly that he couldn't Once tony stepped off the elevator in the common room, he glanced around the room didn't see peter. "No. "Shit, Peter, are you ok?!" An ambulance quickly arrived on the scene and Peter was quickly wheeled away on a stretcher. Jan 27, 2022 · Peter is downed in his clothes, he’s tiny compared to the one Tony met in 2016, with dorky, thick-framed glasses on his face. Tony had hit him. Jan 10, 2020 · Movies Avengers. "You should ask Stark. "Hey kid," he called, closing the book and tucking it away. " Peter Parker was unable to get out of the rubble and an exasperated and worried Tony Stark Peter whispered; it seems like he's right next to Clint's ear. He had just started his patrol and Karen was already bugging him about it. Peter Parker (Stark)lives a happy life with Tony, Pepper, and is little sister Morgan, but what happens one night when he time travels back into the past. A kid from Queens was all it took to melt the ice around Tony Stark's frozen heart. "Hope you don't mind the change in plans, Happy has the day off and Tony got dragged into a He didn't hesitate and went directly to Peter. It's driving Peter nuts, but Tony might get an odd reaction from his new habits. Tony has been having trouble forming a bond with Peter, a toddler he and Pepper adopted a few months ago. Peter knew he was dangerously close to becoming hypothermic. My fic Kid on Wattpad and AO3 kind of fits this description. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Words: 4,893 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 136 - Follows: 76 - Published: Dec 24 Tony had experienced sensory overload a few times before, and each episode had left him exhausted. It wasn't even like it hurt that bad. "Breathe, kid, come on," With Penny hyperventilating, Tony feels at a loss. Help! By: buckysmission. Stark finds out, otherwise he will literally kill me for going behind his back. Peter, in all his dark hair and blue eyed adorableness, won Tony over with his intellect, and even now, Tony is coming up with new things to teach him and keep him safe. " The kid burrowed his face into Tony's stomach and was out within minutes. Stars flew across Peter's vision, and the teenager blinked, suddenly finding himself on the ground. FRIDAY had alerted the Avengers that Peter was having a panic attack in class. He'd been excited to go on patrols, eager to brush away the stress of his classes. " It was MJ's turn to blink, though she followed it up with a glance in Peter and Ned's direction. Peter Parker in the first avengers movie for timeline purposes. Thanos gripped the gauntlet tightly and slipped it onto his hand. Procrastinating having to get up and get dressed, Peter grabbed his phone off the bed side table, taking notice of the time and date. Of course he would never be able to sleep for that long. The corner of his head was Jul 22, 2019 · When Monday rolled around the Avengers came down to find a mini war had taken place in the kitchen, Tony was just in the middle of his rant when Peter crawled onto the ceiling, stood up and sprinted to the door. Tony pressed his hands down on Peter's, trying to catch his gaze. Peter really shouldn't have been tinkering with his phone without the right tools because when he went to message Ned someone entirely different responded. Tony, you need to breath" he can barely make out Rhodey's voice, which is strange because the man is sitting right next to him, "Tones, look at me okay. His eyes went wide behind his glasses and he stepped away from the bed, hitting a call button on the wall. In the result of the Testator’s untimely death, to be mated with one Anthony Edward Stark within sixty days. Tony Stark is trying his best. Peter could not believe his luck tonight. Breathe With Me By: brttny98. Try and focus on me, try and match my breathing". Reviving a Spiderling By: WasianGal. ) A Familiar Face. He leaned against the wall as he felt the elevator rise. Clint is OC big brother figure. Peter moaned in his sleep, only curling up tighter before he went still again. Sep 28, 2017 · Tony watched Peter giggle at the Avengers antics, Natasha and Bucky pinning Clint to the ground and tipping the bowl of popcorn over his head as Steve scolded them for making a mess, Sam complaining that they were wasting food. Leaving Peter trying to fight Thanos for the stones. pb af dt bi cx sy vy nj vl xl