Cmake add static library. It isn’t fully automated, but compile once is easy enough: add_library (l1-standalone STATIC a. a" [pre/post]fix to the lib filename. Aug 16, 2020 · The sad reality is that static versus shared selection is done on a per package (or module) basis. Targets that are shared libraries, modules, or executables need to use the LINK_OPTIONS target property. cpp) add_library (l1-shared SHARED $<TARGET_OBJECTS:l1-standalone>) set_property (TARGET l1-standalone PROPERTY POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE 1) Aug 14, 2019 · 2 Answers. (The source files can be omitted here if they are added later using target_sources() . Note that with Visual Studio Generators the native build system may choose to add its own default runtime library selection flag. tst (LibA): add_library(LibA_build ) add_library(LibC STATIC IMPORTED) add_dependencies(LibA_build LibC) In this case during linking LibB we will have dependencies on LibA and LibC. tst (LibB): target_link_libraries("LibB" LibA_build) CMakeLists. $ cd myproject. Using a CMake package for one of the shipped package scripts. Let's ignore header files for now, as they can be all included in your source files. Since static libraries do not link to the libraries on which they depend, it is important for CMake to keep track of the libraries so they can be specified on the link line of the executable being created. creating lib1 using lib11 and lib12 objects and similarly lib2. Jun 10, 2013 · set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "-static-libgcc -static-libstdc++") This works without passing a -static which creates other big issues, and can essentially mix static and dynamic libraries. For my project, I'd like to be able to build the core c++ libraries as static libraries, but compile the main JNI (Java glue) as a shared library (needs to be loaded at runtime by JVM). txt script. This is similar to add_executable(). Fully-static builds of projects that are composed of a few different static libraries will result in a collection of static libraries. First you need to make sure that all libraries you depend on are built statically. lib at the end on Windows. lib libfoobar. cmake script file, make sure it's location is part of the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH and write the code for finding the library and header files and constructing the imported target in there. Thank you for your answer. a) target_link_libraries(FireUp PRIVATE somelib) Jun 1, 2021 · Hi everyone, something that looks basic and as a new one to cmake, I may miss: Windows environment: I have two directories A and B B is a subdirectory of A Both have their own cmake file: A: add_subdirectory(B) add_library(lib-a a. txt 1 for this folder (creating a static library) subproject_2. Say you have file1. The CMakeLists. cc) Nov 7, 2012 · The project creates a few static libraries and a few executables. cxx) answered Jan 18, 2012 at 1:12. Nov 21, 2017 · add_library should be used without STATIC/SHARED, This minimal CMakeLists. That populates INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES of the library target, which is used by target_link_libraries on the consuming side. For example: What Windows Linux executable foobar. The actual file name of the library built is constructed Dec 30, 2016 · add_library (staticLibA STATIC libA. add_library(<name> ALIAS <target>) Creates an Alias Target, such that <name> can be used to refer to <target> in subsequent commands. If the library is external, you might want to add the path to the library using link_directories(/path/to/libraries/) Step 10: Selecting Static or Shared Libraries¶ In this section we will show how the BUILD_SHARED_LIBS variable can be used to control the default behavior of add_library(), and allow control over how libraries without an explicit type (STATIC, SHARED, MODULE or OBJECT) are built. Otherwise, the default is STATIC. See CMake Useful Variables for more information. Use the add_library() function to define a STATIC library ( . void work (void parg) {. New in version 3. so file extension. h and *. c and a static library libmine. so" at the paths mentioned in LINK_DIRECTORIES () macro. cpp) target_link_libraries(B PRIVATE C) And A’s CMakeLists. lib. The idea is to create lib1 and lib2 as static, and then link both to the mainLib, which must be a shared library. obj) and this is it. 11: An ALIAS can target a GLOBAL Imported Target. a . obj. the exe is not linked 2 times for sure. Dec 9, 2019 · 1. I can use the same technique to combine different static library (OBJECT) within the subdirectory's CMakeLists. Undoubtedly, as your project grows in size, you will create libraries to modularise your codebase a little bit better. e. 4 on the FindOpenSSL page says: . For this example, let's imagine I'm only using lib1, because the process would be the same for lib2. cpp, file2. In this section we will show how the BUILD_SHARED_LIBS variable can be used to control the default behavior of add_library() , and allow control over how libraries without an explicit type ( STATIC , SHARED, MODULE or OBJECT) are built. ) The <name> corresponds to the logical target name and must be globally unique within a project. so by my cmake script it also terminated without issue. cpp) target_link_libraries(lib-a $<TARGET_OBJECTS:lib-b) B: add_library(lib-b OBJECT b1. TODO 3: Click to show/hide answer. Like : LDFLAGS = -L. txt file compiles a simple shared library: cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2. ar -x libB. 18. My problem is that I don't really know how to link the libraries Mar 21, 2022 · 2. a. using only calls to cufft from C++ it is sufficient to do the following. TODO 2: Click to show/hide answer. Having said that- this could work for you: add_library (juce_staticlib) target_link_libraries (juce_staticlib PRIVATE juce::juce_core) Note that its necessary to use private linking here, otherwise the juce-modules would be recompiled when The value may also be the empty string ("") in which case no runtime library selection flag will be added explicitly by CMake. Using a linker flag: target_link_libraries(<tgt> [SHARED|STATIC Sep 24, 2023 · So, let’s say I have separate libraries A, B & C in separate project folders. In the root Tell add_library() to default to SHARED libraries, instead of STATIC libraries, when called with no explicit library type. a *. Item names starting with -, but not -l or -framework, are treated as linker flags. txt i. For example, the code: which means that you should specify the sources of YOUR library as second argument to add_library() or add_executable() and not the library that is already compiled. 6 MB from 200 KB. 17 and further. cpp, main. In the Add New Item dialog box, select Visual C++ > Code. Aug 31, 2020 · External lib builds with cmake. For Entitlements to work (e. SRC . Feb 6, 2019 · That interface must be used by other libs, like lib1 and lib2. CMAKE_STATIC_LIBRARY_PREFIX_<LANG> overrides this for language <LANG>. See the target_link_libraries() command for meaning of arguments. ar -crs libALL. -lmine. (With full command ar qc libfoo. cxx) Rule variable to create a static library. $ cd build. Sep 22, 2021 · I don’t understand where it can appear at all when linking . I would prefer to write them both to /lib/ but append a "d 62. add_library(staticfoo OBJECT <src>) and use then as some sort of sources when build other library: add_library(sharedfoo SHARED <src> $<TARGET_OBJECTS:staticfoo>) Jul 4, 2021 · Adding existing libraries to cmake is adding an "IMPORTED" library. Then, in the CMakeLists. 14. c. I already checked that link. That's all you really need to do. LDFLAGS= -L<Directory where the library resides> -l<library name>. The prefix to use for the name of a static library, lib on UNIX. the bar library) can be propagated to the final target. asm └── crtn. Added "-static" parameter to target_link_libraries command in CMake: target_link_libraries(HoGPeopleDetector ${OpenCV_LIBS} "-static") Then rebuilt the application, EXE size increased to 1. cpp b. Mar 19, 2020 · I am trying to first create a static library and then link it to an executable using CMake. If you're only providing an application, then you can link them into the app and only install the app. To accomplish this we need to add BUILD_SHARED_LIBS to the Sep 21, 2010 · You build static OpenCV libraries by just setting the BUILD_SHARED_LIBS flag to false in CMake. lib-a is a static May 5, 2021 · The librarian instruction is: lib. add_library: 生成动态库或静态库. Adding objects to a shared library, module library or executable has a different effect to linking a static library into a shared library Apr 9, 2013 · You then try to link a static library to this shared library. h). txt file is setup to create a static library. # run cmake and make. cc as you note in the comment). c, fun. Mar 9, 2022 · The solution is simple: When linking a shared library to your C application, you need to inform the GCC toolchain about the library you want to link. Feb 19, 2017 · 1. From the book "Mastering CMake". a (please refer to man pages of ar for more information about used options): ar -x libA. 6. set_target_properties(lib2. a library, CMake is perfectly aware that this is a static library, and thus adds Wl,-Bstatic option before that library. If it is true, then the default library type is SHARED. You just need to add: In each CMakeLists. If your staticfoo library is used solely as part of other libraries/executables, you can define it as. cpp file separately while specifying the STATIC keyword like the following: add_library( ${LIBRARY_NAME} # In this case "wxWidgets" STATIC ${HEADER_FILES} # List of header files. This is often not the case. If you encounter this bug, try using the following type of code: set (FreeImage debug "FreeImageD" optimized "FreeImage") set (Glog debug "glogd" optimized "glog") set (EXTRA_LIBS ${FreeImage} ${Glog}) Jul 4, 2014 · I have my external library as shown in this picture that I create the symbolic links after: and the headers related to the library in other file: I'm working with ROS ubuntu and I need to add these libraries to my package to CmakeList. The idea is that you build modules in CMake, and link them together. But CMake need to maintain default linkage after every option, so it adds -Wl,-Bdynamic after the library: -Wl,-Bstatic -ltestlib -Wl,-Bdynamic. o. Jan 5, 2017 · CMake automatically adds the lib to the front and the . The STATIC_LIBRARY_FLAGS property, managed as a string, can be used to add extra flags to the link step of a static library target. dll ). Feb 8, 2022 · Note that it isn’t officially supported to create static libs from the juce-modules (see here ). cpp) target_link_libraries(A PRIVATE B) Now, I know the Jun 15, 2021 · Instead other targets created by add_library() or add_executable() may reference the objects using an expression of the form $<TARGET_OBJECTS:objlib> as a source, where objlib is the object library name. asm Jul 20, 2015 · As I know, CMake doesn't allow to mix STATIC and SHARED libraries. Where the library name is the name of the shared library, minus the first lib part and minus the . g. Mar 30, 2010 · It is possible to link static library to shared library. a at the end on Linux, and . so or . Jan 22, 2013 · I think it's CMake's default behavior to not link project2 to the external library, but to link both libraries to the executable. Instead other targets created by add_library() or add_executable() may reference the objects using an expression of the form $<TARGET_OBJECTS:objlib> as a source, where objlib is the object library name. Say you have main. Feb 18, 2016 · The CMake documentation starting with version 3. Sep 3, 2019 · 2. Or you can just get rid of the whole library searching, and link with with it directly. This is a rule variable that tells CMake how to create a static library for the language <LANG>. Use set_target_properties() or set_property() commands to set its This command is used to find a library. #include <pthread. txt 2 for this folder (creating a static library This mode accepts the same options as the normal export mode. cpp 里的 say_hello 函数为例。直接把库的源码包含… Jan 22, 2015 · CMakeLists. As of my understanding CMake searches for "libxxx. Targets that are shared libraries, modules, or executables need to use the LINK_OPTIONS or LINK_FLAGS target properties. – Andrea. This allows cmake to build the libraries of a project and make them available to an ndk build system complete with transitive dependencies, include flags and defines required to use the libraries. cc baz. This is a simplified example showing the library and binary in the same folder. The target_link_libraries() command should be preferred whenever possible. If that still fails, you can still set or override the locations via the usual CMake UI. a foo. – Tsyvarev. An object library compiles source files but does not archive or link their object files into a library. If the external lib builds with cmake then you could add the lib to your build via a add_subdirectory ($ {libname_SOURCE_DIR}) call. PROPERTIES. 2. To make use of the new library we will add an add_subdirectory() call in the top-level CMakeLists. You can add the library using something like add_library(name STATIC IMPORTED). c bar. Since the static library is not used in the code which is compiled, it will not be linked and will be ignored. └── main. a or . $ mkdir build. B’s CMakeLists. asm ├── crti. Try adding your lib/glfw/lib directory to your link_directories() just as you do with your include_dicrectories(). That way cmake will build the external lib as a subfolder ("subproject"). You need your sources because generally you build something (a library or an executable) that requires linking to some library that already exist. cpp (all source files) and CMakeLists. C static libraries don't link in other static libraries. action: I suggest to improve their build system. ALIAS targets can be used as linkable targets and as targets to read properties from. After that you need to make sure that your find_package calls find those static libraries. txt ├── Makefile ├── crt1. You add them to your project with: ADD_LIBRARY(LibsModule. Jul 8, 2015 · add_custom_target(lib2_target DEPENDS ${LIB_FILE}) # create an library target out of the library compilation result. Jul 22, 2020 · 3. lib and the release version is written to /x64/Release/test. The <name> does not appear in the generatedbuildsystem as a make target. cpp ) target_link_libraries (myapp ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT}) Share Improve this answer Jun 15, 2011 · To expand on DLRdave answer above you don't need set manually prefixes and suffixes for static libraries because CMAKE provides variables with the right ones for each platform. Instead other targets created by add_library or add_executable() may reference the objects using an expression of the form $<TARGET_OBJECTS:objlib> as a source, where objlib is the object library name. Shows a hello world example which first creates and links a static library. # it is always a good idea to not pollute the source with build files # so create a new build directory. cpp b2. a files. In CMake, we use TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES () to link a shared library to an library/executable. Note. xxx - is the library name. don't build the static library if what you want is shared). You then add the location via set_target_properties(name PROPERTIES IMPORTED LOCATION some/path/lib. ) Or, if you want the same include directory to apply to libA itself (which is likely), use PUBLIC instead of INTERFACE. lib is written to /x64/Debug/test. txt looks something like this: add_library(B STATIC b. Documentation of target_link_libraries: Specify libraries or flags to use when linking a given target. 8): add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} OBJECT ${SRC}) Mar 26, 2018 · From the CMake documentation I understand there are really 3 ways to link a library that is not built as a target in a subproject of your overall application/library. On most Unixes, you will need to add -fPIC flag or its equivalent for producing position-independent code when you build static library. In the first case, create a FindPower. So no, that is not possible with CMake abstractions today. Apr 5, 2018 · The CMakeLists. To accomplish this we need to add BUILD_SHARED_LIBS to the Nov 6, 2021 · here is files and subdirectory in the xcrt directory: ├── CMakeLists. 5k 2 56 81. Next, the new library target is linked to the executable target using target_link_libraries(). The prefix for static libraries that you link to. When you wish not to include any CUDA code, but e. The CMake file has this line: # build the library. answered Apr 8, 2010 at 21:03. After creating a visual studio solution from the cmake lists the project is set up in such a way that the debug library test. txt │ Oct 25, 2021 · Good Practices And Notes On Adding CMake Libraries With add_library. Jul 23, 2021 · CMake will propagate linking them as needed, even when something links to them as PRIVATE (static libraries need to propagate their used symbols up to the shared library, module library or executable). add_library(somelib STATIC IMPORTED) set_property(TARGET somelib PROPERTY IMPORTED_LOCATION lib/lib. For example: add_library( Feb 28, 2021 · Jay_K: Apparently this is a faq: build static and dynamic libraries. target_link_libraries(my_program PRIVATE SOMELIB SOMELIBmain) CMake will evaluate SOMELIBs locations for you and link my_program against SOMELIB and SOMELIBmain [1]. In any event, it tries to add something to the list of includes and libraries to link. Adds a library target called <name> to be built from the source files listed in the command invocation. find_library (NAMES gtest PATHS path1 path2 pathN) set the variable CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH. Resulted file is just an object one, so its better to name it as foo. Typically these would be in sub-projects as described in section 02-sub-projects. Use generator expressions to support per-configuration specification. Set OPENSSL_USE_STATIC_LIBS to TRUE to look for static libraries. 1. a doesn't create a static library. I think this has something to do with linux adding "lib***. Jul 9, 2014 at 9:46. e linking static to shared just works out of the box. Also, modern CMake encourages the use of target_include_directories() instead of include_directories(). Only thing I found that worked for me was: set_target_propertes(${PROJECT_NAME} PROPERTIES ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/myPath" ) Oct 28, 2021 · Add a class to the static library To add a class to the static library. ben. (b) but do NOT provide a config-file package. In the center pane, select Header File (. a How do I achieve this in CMake? I get hung up with the fact that CMake’s add_executable and add_library commands automagically add the suffix, and the name has to be unique. Archiver (or MSVC librarian) flags for a static library target. txt: Jul 12, 2021 · When linking with libtestlib. For packages that provide config files the most reliable approach is to simply not build the versions you don't want (e. cpp) target_include_directories(staticLibA INTERFACE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/. CMake in itself doesn't compile your project, it only calls your toolchain and passes parameters to it, and your toolchain doesn't 'know' that it is being called by CMake, or the structure of your project. (Assuming if they are found they will be used) Step 10: Selecting Static or Shared Libraries. file1. The files in this tutorial are below: ├── Hello. – pmr. To create a header file for a new class, right-click to open the shortcut menu for the MathLibrary project in Solution Explorer, and then choose Add > New Item. txt file so that the library will get built. You must therefore add the -whole-archive linker flag to force the static library to be linked, so something like the following. lib /NOLOGO z. Jan 18, 2012 · Use add_library in CMakeLists. exe foobar static library foobar. CMAKE_STATIC_LIBRARY_PREFIX. txt: FIND_PACKAGE (OpenCV REQUIRED) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES (your-application ${OpenCV_LIBS}) add_library(<name> ALIAS <target>) Creates an Alias Target, such that <name> can be used to refer to <target> in subsequent commands. Calls to add_library() without any explicit library type check the current BUILD_SHARED_LIBS variable value. Firstly, try not to add the prefix “lib” to your library target names. CMake does not have an abstraction for copying static libraries into others when linking. $ make. C is a static library but it’s CMake is unimportant for this example. May 12, 2022 · 此命令将使用add_library ()调用中的源代码创建一个名为libhello_library. But with command add_library CMake actually creates a static library using ar command. Per's answer makes more sense. Very simple case Remarks: . txt ├── Makefile └── x86 ├── CMakeLists. If the library is found the result is stored in the variable and the search will not be repeated unless the variable is cleared. answered Feb 12, 2011 at 16:39. add_library(lib2 STATIC IMPORTED GLOBAL) add_dependencies(lib2 lib2_target) # specify where the library is and where to find the headers. Oct 25, 2009 · cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2. Feb 16, 2015 · 10. Simply put, the add_library(objlib OBJECT ${libsrc}) command instructs CMake to compile the source files to *. My project file structure looks like this: ├── CMakeLists. cc -o libfoo. Aug 18, 2020 · The command line above built and ran normally, and if I linked libpthtread. for ensuring static compilation you can also add. The <target> may not be an ALIAS. On Windows, there is no PIC, i. lib) in Visual Studio. For example, add_library(libcool STATIC Feb 19, 2015 · designate the path within the command. txt of level 2, I create the static library of level 2 depend on the static library of level 1 ( target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} LEVEL1) ), and then, I wanted to merge the libraries of level 2 and level 1 together to a new static lib file named as level1_2. txt looks something like this: add_library(A STATIC a. $ cd bin. Jan 2, 2017 · I edited the environment variable for the new build of OpenCV, my IDE does see include directories and files, so this step also seems ok. This property holds a semicolon-separated list of options specified so far for its target. add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} STATIC src/dependency-tracker. Furthermore it should create an ANSI and a UNICODE version. Now if the library Foo is not already using CMake, there are options: Case 1: (a) library Foo is already using CMake. TODO 1: Click to show/hide answer. 6) find_package (Threads) add_executable (myapp main. Thus I just want to use the existing object files to create a library. Jul 28, 2018 · This will import CMake targets that you can link against your own libraries or executables. 8) project add_library(<name> ALIAS <target>) Creates an Alias Target, such that <name> can be used to refer to <target> in subsequent commands. In the CMakeLists. o object files. cpp. Short answer: tell CMake that there is dependency between its targets. Previous topic. Then all you need to do to build your own application with those static libraries is to add a dependency on OpenCV in your CMakeLists. $ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release . txt ├── build ├── lib │ ├── CMakeLists. However, given the modern CMake you're using, you should replace your Specify libraries or flags to use when linking any targets created later in the current directory or below by commands such as add_executable() or add_library(). The Android NDK supports the use of prebuilt libraries, both static and shared. The <target> may not be an Imported Target or an ALIAS . exe /OUT:z. LDFLAGS = -static. Jan 8, 2012 · One more alternative, in the case you are working with the Appstore, need "Entitlements" and as such need to link with an Apple-Framework. Oct 29, 2019 · You can either construct such an imported target manually in the find script, or have CMake do it for you. a). A cache entry, or a normal variable if NO_CACHE is specified, named by <VAR> is created to store the result of this command. There are, however, others interested in this behavior. Jan 31, 2018 · Adding the possible way in CMake 3. Works for both Debug and Release configurations and also for Linux. lib) or a SHARED library ( . a的静态库. If your target was installed after calling CMake with -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr, then your lib would end up in /usr/lib (as expected with prefix set to /usr ), but your headers would end up in /include (probably not expected). cpp) target_link_libraries(myExe gtest_main gtest) The last three lines set the include path to googletest, add the executable and link the exe against gtest. Sorted by: Reset to default. Feb 17, 2022 · Moreover, we want the exec and library to have the same name. main. txt: add_library(XXX STATIC foo. Aug 20, 2021 · For example, I build the static lib of level 1 first. o, not with foo. $ cmake . STATIC_LIBRARY_FLAGS. For example: TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(ExecutableName xxx) where ExecutableName - is the name of executable. 第2个参数决定是动态还是静态,如果没有就默认静态;. Command line g++ -c foo. And every time before building LibB we will rebuild LibA. 第3个参数指定生成库的源文件. #include <stdio. I want to create a static and a shared library using CMake to create the build environment. In pseudo code this would be: project(foo CXX) add_library(foo1 foo1. Yes, I know this, my problem is: how to include the . 如 上一节 所述,我们按照现代 CMake Creates an Object Library. As long as the order of static libraries is correct, and as long as dependencies of static libraries are satisfied, I get an ELF using some dynamic libraries (i Introduction. CMake target_link_libraries() documentation. Also, add_library() specifies you are trying to compile glfw3 by yourself, but what you tried doing is to only link with it. An object library compiles source files but does not archive or link their object files into a library. txt. ¶. int val = (int )parg; printf (“worker tid=%d”, *val); *val = 100; } Jan 25, 2017 · Anyway, having - I think - made a case for creating a shared library from static libraries, I'll proceed to the technical details. txt file, consider adding the PUBLIC keyword to ensure that the transitive dependencies (i. In your Shared Libraries CMakeLists. use. exe, I connect the static libraries IMGUI and IMGUI_GLFW to Core 1 time, the Core - shared library and it is added as a target_link in the root directory, from where the conflict between Core and IMGUI is created, if IMGUI to . I've seen this quite a lot in C++, that developers add an empty source file to the library in CMake. Step 9: Selecting Static or Shared Libraries. – Barth. 8. Library dependencies are chained Feb 16, 2017 · add_executable(myExe main. GameCenter) you need to have a "Link Binary with Libraries"-buildstep and then link with "GameKit. h>. Jul 29, 2016 · The commands to build the project are as follows: # enter your project directory. PROJECT. Apr 25, 2018 · The most straight forward way would be to unpack both archives (remember static libraries are just archives after all), and pack all unpacked object-files into a new archive/static library libALL. Aug 1, 2016 · Yes, target_link_libraries is a correct way to set linker flags or linker options. You do this with linker flag: -l<library name>. set (CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH path1 path2) find_library (NAMES gtest) the reason is as flowings: Note This command is rarely necessary and should be avoided where there are other choices. With such options CMake expectations about default Oct 6, 2017 · 5. Mar 14, 2018 · Thanks for replying. txt of subproject1 and subproject2, you should create your target using the OBJECT library feature (introduced in CMake 2. find_package(CUDAToolkit) target_link_libraries(project CUDA::cudart) target_link_libraries(project CUDA::cufft) . – Fraser. Then you can link it to your targets as usual. After downloading gtest and creating the cmake structure, you can build you program: $ mkdir bin. boeckel (Ben Boeckel (Kitware)) May 5, 2021, 1:59pm 3. cpp 调用 mylib. Jack Kelly. My 2 cents, I was trying to change the output directory of a static library (. subProject_1. I found this posting: Is it possible to get CMake to build both a static and shared version of the same library? which told me that I can use multiple add_library statements to Apr 8, 2010 · If it fails to find the library there, then this falls back to checking directories relative to the your CMakeLists. framework". Sep 19, 2017 · As @Anedar mentioned, to resolve this situation one needs target_include_directories with PUBLIC or INTERFACE options in the library CMakeLists. txt file of the external lib will have some add_library(ext_lib_name ) statements in it. Below is the example of the file structure that I have. The <name> does not appear in the generated buildsystem as a make target. cxx) add_library(foo2 foo2. 13. Sep 29, 2021 · You need to add the paths to the include directories that contain the relative paths you use in your headers. 第1个参数指定库的名字;. One example is here, with the empty source file found here . txt in your your hierarchy. The upper answer of using target_link_libraries with debug and optimized param not working for my cmake 3. . For example: CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_PREFIX; CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX; CMAKE_STATIC_LIBRARY_PREFIX ; CMAKE_STATIC 参考:【【公开课】现代CMake高级教程(持续更新中)】 【公开课】现代CMake高级教程(持续更新中)_哔哩哔哩_bilibili引用库的一些方法以 main. However, the point here is that I have the object files and I can't recompile the cxx files. Sep 3, 2023 · So, what is the proper way to instruct CMake to utilize static libraries? Should I employ the add_library() function and manually add every *. In addition to compiling executable applications, CMake also supports generating library artifacts. at hh pv ep gb jy gh kd tm su