Pilot2atc weather not available
Pilot2atc weather not available. I'm not sure what happened to cause it. Jan 6, 2019 · Location:Calgary, Alberta. It doesn't match 100% but it's very close. get_StackTrace() Jan 11, 2022 · Saanen does not publish a METAR, the nearest weather station is Sion Airport, which is 19 mi away. Oct 22, 2017 · The NOAA weather should work. com web site download page. The Grammar Helper seems to work OH providing all of the phrases, but Not the Speach Assistant at the bottom right of the main window. Active Sky, OPUS, FSGRW and REX Weather – These options let you pull your weather from one of these popular weather engines. I have a two monitor system so I have Pilot2ATC always up on the 2nd monitor so I can see the MAP. I have default speech set to US. Validated the FP no problem. 3, bringing an array of fixes and improvements. March 16, 2024. Work the same nice way as with X-Plane 11, I can communicate with ATC, get clearance etc Dec 16, 2018 · Member; 416 Location: Queen Creek AZ Interests: Private Pilot (Cherokee, Archer, C172, C152, DA 20) Jetline Systems Gravity GT2 NVidia GeForce RTX2080Ti Cir i7 7700K (4. It just keeps saying "Not Available. Jun 9, 2022 · Pilot2ATC does not import altitude from the following flightplan. fix seems to be solved, and xp 12 is final, any news about having metar back on avitab @Folko ? thanks. This video may also be useful to you for "normalizing" the voices or making them sound more "radio" realistic. Oct 12, 2023 · For the last several hours I have not been able to get any weather info from Pilot2ATC using the NOAA weather option. The Wx button is no longer showing the weather. Dynamic Runway/SID/STAR selection based on winds. Posted October 7, 2022. Feb 17, 2022 · In the config menu on one of the pages right at the top, the weather page I think, the weather needs to be Noaa as in Msfs fsuipc does not read the weather. all controls are empty. A couple things that irked me. Be sure you have a good connection to the internet. I'm not sure how long ago I figured this out, but Dave (the developer) gave me the suggestion and it has always worked since. Yeah well that is the MSFS weather engines fault not NOAA's or Pilot2ATC. com. Text interface allows communications without May 8, 2021 · 68 posts. I had such a networked setup running fine with Xplane on my main machine and Pilot2ATC on a Laptop 2 years ago. Watch this step-by-step video. Hi Bill, The Flight Plan has a place to calculate or enter TOD and if you do this, ATC will give you incremental clearances down to the approach altitude. 0, install the full version, then download and install the upgrade! Pilot2ATC is a new companion program for Windows based Flight Simulators that will make your flying experience more enjoyable with: 2 Way ATC Voice Communication. Feb 18, 2021 · Dave-Pilot2ATC. Pireps, Direct-Tos, Altitude Changes and more. Rex has told one of our users that they plan to make the MSFS version product the METAR file P2A needsbut no timeframe was given. 4. Jun 22, 2019 · Dave-Pilot2ATC. Pilot2atc does look complicated but after using for a couple of hours it significantly shrinks in complexity, but you do have to put a bit of work in to it to reap the benefits. 7 GHz Overclock) Quad Core 16 GB Kingston DDR4 SDRAM 2666 MHz Samsung EVO 850 1TB SSD (x 2) Sep 12, 2022 · ようやくWindows環境を手に入れたので以前から試してみたかったPilot2ATCを使ったフライトに挑戦します。 Pilot2ATCはWindowsの音声認識機能を利用したATCを行うソフトウェアで、X-Planeから独立して動作します。事前に入力したIFRフライトプランに基づいてナビゲーションや指示を行ってくれます Aug 19, 2017 · Dave-Pilot2ATC. It's possible that you need to run P2A as administrator (right-click the exe file and select Run as Administrator from the menu). Sep 3, 2020 · I find it won’t let me change weather if I’m in a multiplayer free flight. We are aware of an issue where Live Weather is not currently working correctly. Ryzen 5800X3D, Nvidia 3080 - 32 Gig DDR4 RAM, 1TB & 2 TB NVME drives - Windows 11 64 bit MSFS 2020 Premium Deluxe Edition Resolution 2560 x 1440 (32 inch curved monitor) Jul 9, 2019 · That is a bug in the current version that will be fixed in the upcoming update. Available for download here Public Beta (p2atc. Try that. Connected to MSFS no problem. Location:KERI Erie Pennsylvania. This is mostly noticeable with ATIS and the long narration of the weather. Highly Realistic FAA and ICAO phraseology. For the departure it gave me the wrong runway direction for Weather Force is the Dynamic Realtime Weather Engine for Microsoft Flight Simulator powered by METAR Data. To install the atc background files, you can place them in any folder accessible to Pilot2ATC. P2ATC connects to the simulator and says Simulator connected, Recognition engine installed and Grammars loaded. Windows has many options to download English voice packs with different accents (to my Nov 26, 2016 · It also clears you through the hold points. Pilot2ATC™ Documentation. In a post from Dave last year he stated this: Posted January 22, 2023. Does a decent job of not making you level off before they give you the next clearance to a higher altitude. Mar 22, 2023 · I have P2ATC set to use sim weather in the config tab. Mar 16, 2024 · Pilot2ATC – Pilot2ATC v2. old before copying the latest real weather metarlst as METAR. Flight Planning and Tracking. have this exception in the log: Pilot2ATC_2018. If you already have it set to SIM and you use X-Plane, be sure you have the right X-Plane Root folder set in the SIM Weather box below Pilot2ATC® is a companion program for Windows PC based Flight Simulators that will make your flying experience more realistic and enjoyable than you ever thought possible! Here are just some of the features of the program: 2 Way Voice Communication with ATC. Nov 4, 2023 · On 11/3/2023 at 5:52 PM, knich said: Each time I connect now the weather is not available. But pushing it twice gives a "Simulator Disconnected" message in the lower right on the P2A screen. I used a FlyWithLua script and a bat file I put in the root of XP12 to get a METAR. Jul 6, 2023 · Hi Dave, Created a FP via SimBrief as per normal and imported it into P2A without issue as per usual. Jan 24, 2021 · What weather source are you using? If NOAA, sometimes the NOAA server goes down. Jan 23, 2021 · Posted January 23, 2021. Donor. 000 in the CruisingAlt tag is treated by the program as invalid data. However, when you first connect to the SIM, P2A makes its first call to NOAA for weather and it could take a couple of minutes for it to get the weather and turn it into a verbal report. Im using P2ATC (while patiently waiting for Beyond ATC). Pilot2ATC_Helper_4_XP12. If so, P2A will find and use the weather. All SIM products, including P2ATC are having to redo the NOAA weather logic to accommodate this change. I cant see anything in the troubleshooting document Mar 14, 2024 · Thanks for any info and feedback as this is a new direction I was thinking of enhancing my simming experience. 875. It works well when I pick up VFR flight following while on the ground. 00. The best bet is to do what you're doing. 2 / I have the voices installed and tested (video 0'13), yet when I want to communicate, I have the sentences written but no sound (video 2'40). I have attached my screen shot along with a copy of the log file before closing XPlane. Apr 4, 2018 · Version 2. The registry changes make the Mobile voices appear to be Desktop voices and so they work after the edits. xml. Jun 6, 2022 · If you dont have a STAR or one is not available they will step you down. Nov 8, 2023 · Go to Communication tab and select Do Nothing. I am also pointing LittleNavMap weather to the same folder for Pilot2ATC® is a companion program for Windows PC based Flight Simulators that will make your flying experience more realistic and enjoyable than you ever thought possible! Here are just some of the features of the program: 2 Way Voice Communication with ATC. Sep 1, 2023 · Pilot2atc with Amazon Polly voices (free) and FSLTL… It’s ugly, it’s hard to setup, has a clunky user interface but it’s by far the best solution. Oct 28, 2017 · I am pleased to announce that Stick And Rudder Studios has just released a new product named X-ATC-Chatter. Just for your information. I have done a couple of IFR flights now and whereas everything seems to be working fine P2A cannot seem to see the sim weather eg for departure EGHI and arrival EGTC it was reporting weather not available. Location:Cheshire, UK. This ensures that if a program is currently reading this data it will succeed. Feb 5, 2024 · The Public Betas are Updates. Import X-Plane or FSX/P3D or Web Flight Plans. 4 Public Beta 2f version. There is a caveat though. • 2 yr. Posted June 1, 2017. You need to be sure you have the right folder entered for REX Weather on the Wx tab of Config, and that REX Weather is actually creating the metar_report. Copilot can handle most communications. I just went to KDRO and it does set freq to 132. But again, all the traffic programs are also problematic in terms of CTDs (WT3 in particular). Jul 26, 2017 · Posted August 2, 2017. Clicked again, nothing happens. C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\P2A_200\Settings\AppConfig. pdf (131. Apr 5, 2018 · Hi. Pilot2ATC 2. Being in my aircraft at an airport. 30. If you can get past the digitized voices (some sound much better than others, these are voice packs added through Windows not Pilot2ATC). Nor is altimeter. To do this, the setting of Pilot2ATC look like this: Aug 27, 2017 · I have not been able to get the pickup VFR flight following in the air to work. On Advanced tab, Default Format, select the "CD Quality" or "DVD Quality" option. exe Information 0 SAPI does not implement phonetic alphabet selection. The default SIM Weather folder suggested by Pilot2ATC will only be filled with Metar data if "Download Real Weather" has been selected in the Xplane weather settings. Thanks to the Government, NOAA weather is no longer available from it's old location or even in the same format. PTT BUTTON: Use the PTT button on the main screen to eliminate the possibility of it being the Joystick button setup as the issue. txt after extracting! Note: To update navigation data, you can use the Navigraph installer from this post (pilot2atc_XXXX. Check that the Airline checkbox is checked in the Call Sign setting and save the new setting. " NOAA site has been down a lot recently . Environment. Try swapping the active and standby frequencies a couple of times. I didn't edit the station database but it seems, for airports that have no real weather station, even if they are in the AS database, no METAR is generated into the weather file. To try the new version 2. Eliminates need for SimConnect and fixes Flight Plan loading when running on networked PC. Then press the folder icon to the right of the entry and be sure it points to the location you installed Pilot2ATC. Additionally, we have received reports that starting a flight with Live Weather enabled may result in performance decreases and crashes. You can use P2ATC's COM channels for all communication, it will automatically change them in aircraft as well. Note that when using FSGRW, you will need to be sure the “Export Data” option is checked so it will export the weather data to a file that can then be pointed to in the appropriate Nov 16, 2023 · 5. PS: at first I had the sound, I had to configure by mistake. The strange thing, I have VOXATC and the speech engine works fine. If it seems to partially connect but the Connect button does not turn Green, set the Weather option to a different source such as NOAA Real Time Weather and try again. txt (example). 1. I actually hold a PPL (albeit a rusty one) and know this is NOT normal. txt to metar-2022-11-20-19. Toggling X-Plane ATIS on and off is easy, I have some quick Lua script for that. Thank you in advance for your help. Posted September 17, 2020. Am I missing a setting somewhere perhaps?? SEA is actually pretty busy a lot of the time. Peter kelberg. 3. When I make the call as stated, I get no response. I've tried both NOAA and SIM weather, but neither work. Dec 23, 2021 · UPDATE: The overall Volume control will be in the 2. In this case, it should have set the radio to 120. X-Plane 12 has been released and I have checked Pilot2ATC with it. I use Pilot2atc and ATIS reports are "no weather available". If English is not the only language, also check the options and be sure May 27, 2016 · Dave-Pilot2ATC. The pilot told me IRL they will sometimes get really tight instructions such as be at 210Kts and at FL140 by X waypoint to which the pilot will often reply “I can slow down, or go down, but I can’t do both” A STAR is designed to avoid this giving you plenty of time Aug 18, 2021 · Only clicking on the freq in the P2ATC somehow triggers P2ATC to "digest" the frequency change - the freq remians the same in P2ATC but the proper name of the frequency appears and the right controller (tower in this case) starts responding. While P2A currently handles VFR Flight Following, it does not yet have straight VFR position reporting which in the US would be done via the FSS (Flight Service Stations) and I guess you are saying it is done in Europe via Centers and Approach controllers. For now, you can delete the entry in the AppConfig. Oct 21, 2021 · Posted October 21, 2021. Jan 9, 2023 · Posted January 17, 2023. bat METAR. where <Username> is you PC User Name. Aug 19, 2020 · On 9/6/2020 at 11:27 AM, Dave-Pilot2ATC said: Pete will have to answer this one. Aug 24, 2014 · Dave-Pilot2ATC. Anyone with similar experience? 1. Then, start Pilot2ATC and open the Configuration Window (button with the wrench icon). Pilot2ATC has released a new public beta 8B which completes XP12/11 compatibility including the latest issue Global Airports folder accessibility. Loaded it into FS2020 - it showed up on the map ok, had to set the departure ramp though. Assigned 230 shortly after checking in. The weather itself does look accurate and agrees with my Navigraph weather updates and Altimeter settings. The 11 voices showing up in Windows are going to be mostly Mobile voices, not Desktop voices which P2A needs. Nov 20, 2022 · LR changed the filename of weather metar files from METAR-2022-11-20-19. I also had to put ATIS back through x-Plane, otherwise I got the “no weather available” message when using the P2A option. Simply right click on the program or icon and select "run as administrator". You will notice that the Volume change is not immediate, but take effect after a controller finishes their current statement. Many things happen during connecting that require the internet. exe. A simple thing to try is run the program (P2ATC) as administrator. SIM Weather is not directly available from MSFS. Jul 7, 2022 · What is odd is that the ATIS is local for roughly my area at an airport 90 miles away and the frequencies do NOT show that ATIS to be tuned in anywhere. I have to turn off multiplayer when setting up a free flight and I can control weather again. It should default to NOAA weather otherwise. Center and Approach: Center control continues giving you more altitudes until they give you your final. When I connect to MSFS, and check the weather in P2ATC (e. (but have everything on one machine now) As far as i remember I had problems with it initially with one of the newer versions of XPUIPC. 7 64 bit with a beta version of Pilot2ATC during the alpha. It is, he includes info on how to put your WideFS license in the key file for FSUIPC. As a temporary work-around, we suggest using pre-set weather. Quote. Pilot2ATC uses the default X-Plane weather and I had a bit of trouble finding out how to make it use Active Sky XP. It just says Not Available. P2ATC. Jul 22, 2022 · Pilot2ATC is fully supported by Navigraph. Go to the Playback tab and select your headset. 7. It must be a reliable connection. Yes, Pilot2ATC see’s AI traffic, and will instruct you accordingly while taxiing, as well as give traffic reports if you’re near another one while flying. On the Levels tab, move Microphone Boost up to the max. Jan 7, 2023 · I got the trial period up and running on Pilot2ATC, it connects ok with my FS2020 sim 🙂 Trouble is, I need a lot more help with a workflow please… I tried creating a flightplan in P2A, that worked ok, saved it, exported it - all good. Changed freq to clrdel no problem. If not NOAA, then check that the specified file is available in the specified location and has data for the airports in question. ASN Wx should work. At first I thought it was a temporary thing like a down server, but it hasnt resolved. Dec 13, 2019 · Posted January 13, 2020. 6. Tried loading it into my plane (Cessna CJ4/WT) and it only showed Jan 20, 2021 · REX Game Studios' debut addon for Microsoft Flight Simulator - Weather Force - has been updated to version 1. Aug 8, 2017 · Technically you do not need to do anything in the sim. This is important as the flight planning takes into account the winds and active runways, so getting the two out of sync is no fun. 0. Adding Free Voices to Pilot2ATC. rwx that Pilot2ATC could use. Some 3rd part plugins like LittleNavmap or Pilot2ATC cannot read the weather datas. Waiting until the AI Traffic starts moving is the best solution. Adds option to enforce Airway altitudes during Flight Planning. Sep 4, 2014 · Posted September 6, 2014. I am sure Dave will update his program but until then this has worked for me for many months. I needed to use manual weather for X-Plane 11 today and the Pilot2ATC weather was not matching the ATIS weather. Currently, MSFS does not provide the data needed either. Documentation. The documentation download contains 6 manuals that should help you enjoy Pilot2ATC™ more. Oct 3, 2022 · On 12/1/2022 at 11:40 AM, Folko said: The weather problem is tracked as issue XPD-13331 in LR's issue tracker, so you'll notice in X-Plane's release notes when it is fixed. Usually it's back up in a couple of days or less. (The title for the FSUIPC window reads: Simulator is available: Connected) Pushing the Connect button in P2A does not produce a "green" connect verification. Apr 4, 2020 · Check in Windows 10 Settings, Time & Language->Speech tab that English-US is selected as the Speech Language. Versions 2. twitterInfo_bot. Tom, If a weather engine creates a METAR file and puts it into the base SIM directory, replacing the SIM METAR file, then using SIM Weather should work. Clicked file light Jan 17, 2024 · Hi all, I've been searching the forum and reading the docs searching for an answer to my weather question but haven't come across a good one. Further, ATC does not respond to any further calls, so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. at System. Feb 4, 2021 · As I understand it, Dave had built the P2A ATIS for flightsims which do not offer a build-in ATIS, so it was probably never meant for X-Plane. Note: See README. Thanks! Sep 3, 2020 · 93. xml file in that folder. GetStackTrace(Exception e, Boolean needFileInfo) at System. Try to get version 2. zip). Document Type=AceXML version=1,0 DescrAceXML Document/Descr FlightPlan. I also have not seen any X-Plane performance degradation running this at the same time as X-Plane. Sep 26, 2020 · If this option is not checked, but you have a SID specified in the flight plan, ATC will assign you a SID aligned to the active runway. In the FMS Data Mgr, go to the Add-On Mappings tab, press Add button and choose Pilot2ATC. Requested clearance and told to file a flight plan. Pilot2ATC™ is a very feature/function rich program. 2. Janet Virtual Airline. Try checking your settings on the WX tab of config. Edited January 24, 2021 by Dave-Pilot2ATC. P2A does sequence you behind other traffic for takeoff and on landing, it tells you if you are #2 etc. Nov 8, 2020 · Dave-Pilot2ATC. (RIght click on the speaker icon in the task bar and select Volume Mixer). Feb 2, 2019 · I'm using V2. They also have a separate program that keeps MSFS up to date. 3, today's update, was first previewed back in Sep 8, 2022 · I used XUIPC Version 2. xml file located at. I7-800k,Corsair h1101 cooler ,Asus Strix Gaming Intel Z370 S11 motherboard, Corsair 32gb ramDD4, 2 ssd 500gb 970 drive, gtx 1080ti Card, RM850 power supply. P2ATC only seems to consume about 1% - 2% of the cpu. Press the Save button and go to the Addon List and do the update. Commercial Member. For example metar-2023-01-14-16. Press Properties button at the bottom. P2ATC is reporting the weather as Clear, Winds light and variable QNH 0000 which I assume means that it thinks something is available but not reading it correctly. 0 of XPUIPC +wideclient and try that. ATC Assigns STARs - This option will have Pilot2ATC determine what arrival procedure (STAR) is best based on the active runway and assign it to you while you are en-route. I think you can have AI traffic and live ATC though I haven’t fully tested it all. Dec 16, 2018 · Thanks Dave! I was coming back here to post that I was having mixed results using the x-plane file when I saw your ur post. 6. It worked fine before yesterday. The Traffic Engine should be sure it doesn't run an AI aircraft into you. Posted May 8, 2021. rwx METAR. 6,260 posts. Feb 20, 2021 · Pilot2ATC is not capable to read the MSFS weather. Info. After downloading the demo, I click on config then voices and I do not have any voices displayed in the drop down menu. 2,760 posts. Metar_Utc. Feb 26, 2018 · Also, not getting any Say It entries. 121 Comments. Be sure you are connected to the internet. To enhance the experience you have the ability to set a different voice pack for co-pilot, tower, ground, ATIS, etc. Edited December 24, 2021 by Dave-Pilot2ATC Jul 4, 2021 · Here are the key items to check if not fully connecting: 1. As such, there are many things to learn about using it to optimize your experience. Weather at KTEX: Not available. Text interface allows communications without Dec 21, 2021 · You should set MSFS to Real World weather and set P2A to NOAA weather. rwx to METAR. Up until recently I had no trouble receiving ATIS and Weather, but recently all I get is "Current weather (at your location) is not available)". Enhance your weather experience by implementing automated dynamic weather transitions using real-world METAR reporting stations. Yesterday I did about 5 flights over 7 hours across England, Scotland and Ireland and the conditions were off by 2 or 3 degrees Celsius and 3 or 4 HPa at every airport I flew into. 00-ZULU. Achieve this through seamless inter-process communication and precise control over granular weather changes. rwx. 4. 0 encoding=UTF-8? SimBase. If you look at the approach and departure plates you will see restrictions (turbo prop / fan only) or altitude restrictions which normal GA wouldn't be Jul 27, 2021 · Posted July 27, 2021. Assuming the AI Traffic is being reported properly to FSUIPC, P2A will set the runway to the one being used by them. Nov 20, 2022 · I also rename METAR. Use NOAA real weather instead. You can also run through the Microphone setup on that page. Not all weather engines work the same way, so you would have to experiment to see if this is true for your engine. Apr 25, 2017 · Pilot2ATC is a bit of a memory hog, but great fun to try for 10 days or so on the free trial. Sep 29, 2023 · When I open Pilot2Atc I see the correct version in the window title bar and can connect to X-plane but the Speech Assistant Window dropdowns are empty. Otherwise, it uses whatever weather info it has and aligns to the winds, if they are not calm. This happens randomly, not clear pattern when. P2ATC informs me that weather is not available at my location. Speeds waypoint entry into flight plans. 625 initially. Jun 7, 2022 · Posted September 8, 2022. Be sure English-US is set as Windows Primary Language. com) to existing users. Oct 9, 2022 · Complete Pilot2ATC rookie here and wondering if you can give me some pointers. Mar 7, 2017 · If P2A does not have access to the Weather Info, it will not give the altimeter setting. zip 1006 B · 303 downloads. Jun 1, 2017 · Pilot2ATC. On the Language page, check that English (United States) is at the top of the Preferred Languages list. The FSUIPC7 beta for MSFS2020 does not include a WideFS, so I don't know if the separately available WideFS 7 is compatible. Website: www. Is there any way to make this work better? Dec 18, 2020 · Dave-Pilot2ATC. Pilot2ATC is a great product. You need to set the weather source to NOAA or one of the supported weather engines. tmp metarlst All match and if the last one created is bad or empty such as tmp version then no weather is read. 1 Like. Jul 13, 2021 · Having weather set to an option that is not working can stop the connection. Rusty Gunz - been simming since the Apple II+ and Sublogic. Improving the Sound in Pilot2ATC. Went to click the file button nothing happens. selecting my departure airport waypoint and the 'Wx' button enabled), it only displays. In P2ATC's config, check to see if you have the options "Ignore Avionics" and "Ignore Electric" on or off. User Manuals. Nov 22, 2020 · Open the Radio Panel and check that the frequency selected has a valid controller assigned. No real idea why anybody would persist with it when there are free alternatives (aside from the sunk cost fallacy). It works! I have simply copied XPUIPC and P2A_XPLink folders from <X-Plane 11>\Resources\plugins to <X-Plane 12>\Resources\plugins and started everything normally. Nov 24, 2020 · Dave-Pilot2ATC. Sep 8, 2022 · X-Plane user since :v11. 5. If that option doesn't show in the dropdown, you may need to go to the old Windows Control Panel->Speech and click on the English-US language, select options and then press the Speech button to install the English-US Speech engine. They are stored in a file in the AppData area of your PC. xml file is in the folder you specified for REX Weather with that airport in the file, and the REX Weather button is selected for Weather Source. After installing the update, you may need to change any shortcuts you have to the program in windows. 1 when I first connected, not sure what's going on there but when there's no controllers, it does get confused sometimes and does not set the correct initial frequencies. Set P2A to NOAA and set MSFS or your weather engine to real weather. For each controller, select the background file you want to play by pressing the. Ironically Korea is where I'd say there is consistently not a lot of ATC. Voice, Button or Co-Pilot Communication with ATC. . Dec 22, 2021 · Go to Settings->Time&Language->Speech and set the Speech language to English (United States). I will try your suggestion described above and see if that solves it. I think the plugin devs need to fix the issue. 0 and higher have a new name for the executable: Pilot2ATC_2021. On the weather, be sure you are connected to the SIM and the metar_report. Go to the Recording tab and select your headset. Full flightplan I used: ?xml version=1. 0 KB) While Pilot2ATC is expensive for what it is, the SID/STAR visualization, autorouting, taxi managment and integration with the OS voice recognition and speech output is a lot of fun. Canada. txt. May 10, 2022 · When flying IFR in GA (in North America) you don't really fly SID's and Stars. Welcome to Pilot2ATC ® Pilot2ATC ® is a companion program for Windows PC based Flight Simulators that will make your flying experience more realistic and enjoyable than you ever thought possible! Here are just some of the features of the program: 2 Way Voice Communication with ATC; Copilot can handle most communications May 25, 2014 · About This File. May 31, 2017 · Pressing PTT and saying "say altimeter" returns no reaction. The addon is a first-of-its-kind for Microsoft Flight Simulator and is sold as a more accurate injector of real-world weather. Oct 24, 2023 · Weather update is stuck at just now. P2A reads the last file in the real weather folder that starts with "metar". Select the ATC Radios tab. It seems that . Set it to SIM or NOAA Weather and you will likely start getting it. Fixes Airway entry and display. Hmmm. MSFS 2020 Utility, Pilot2ATC. Here are some other things to try to get fully connected. Pilot2ATC Users Forum. They must be installed over an existing, working version or they will not run. 2 Release. Hello, I'm sorry to have new problems: 1 / I can not put myself on the COM1. The place to get information, announcements and official support for Pilot2ATC and share experiences with other users. Dave. Pilot2atc can auto assign sid/star/runways dependent on real weather, it can do vectoring and go arounds, give instruction for obeying height restrictions and shouting if speed restrictions Oct 17, 2023 · Posted October 17, 2023. I did it and added 25 additional voices. FlightPlan 250+ Premium and Basic Voices with accents from around the globe. Nov 24, 2020 · I configured P2ATC for Rex, and set the correct folder that contains the metar_report. Also, the airport you are trying to get weather for needs to be in the file, or else you will get Weather is Unavailable message. 7_x64 and pointing the Active Sky folder in the config to C:\userame\AppData\HiFi\AS_XP\Weather. That should give you a realistic weather environment. Oct 24, 2018 · Posted October 24, 2018. Apr 23, 2019 · Pilot2ATC to see Active Sky Custom Weather. 5. Version 1. Marco, Thanks for your comments. 4 has been posted to the Pilot2ATC. I double-checked that the xml contains a valid Metar (well as far as I can Departure: Not too many qualms here. Run the program as administrator: Right-click the program icon or file name and select Run as Administrator from the drop-down menu. Mar 3, 2018 · On 3/3/2018 at 9:38 AM, Dave-Pilot2ATC said: Bryan, Reinstalling the program won't affect the Config Settings disappearing. Navigraph has a thing you can download to keep it and other software up to date. VOLUME SETTINGS: Check the Windows Volume Mixer and be sure Pilot2ATC volume is turned up. Verified that FSUIPC is connected to the sim. To set/calculate TOD, you need to enter a Cruise altitude, Plan Groundspeed and desired Descent rate and your TOD Distance will be calculated for you. g. Once a good METAR report is downloaded for your airport, then P2A should start giving the weather. From the makers of the popular X-Camera, this new offering provides a very nice selection of coordinated short ATC clips to be used with Pilot2ATC's ATC Chatter using the Controllers option. ago. Or just get a dataref editor plugin and toggle the dataref manually on-the-fly. Feb 2, 2024 · I don't think Pilot2ATC is compatible with VisualXP. Apr 13, 2021 · Yes, you can use Navigraph with Pilot2ATC. Be sure you have a Mic set as the default Windows audio input device. After opening the file, search for 'RootATCChatter'. ILS Approaches, Visual Approaches based on weather, Vectors and more. If I use the "say it" option, everything works fine, the controller responds as estimated. voice-cmds. 2. ci qv fn uc zr px kg ep be ze