Indiana court forms. CHINS Benchbook Forms.

Indiana court forms IN THE COURT . QCSR Form [ [PDF, 219 KB]] Report on Court Revenue [ [PDF, 184 KB]] Report on Court Budget and Expenditures [ [PDF, 161 KB]] Court Reporter Annual Report Form [ [PDF, 171 KB]] Instructions for Court Reporter Annual Report [ [PDF, 93 KB]] 2024 Probation Forms. Offical court forms prepared by the Administrative Office of the U. Contact your local clerk's office about where to file your forms, or learn about how to e-file. Indiana law allows you to avoid paying a filing fee if you meet certain requirements. courts. Indiana's Updated Civil Protection Order, No Contact Order, and Workplace Violence Restraining Order Forms are effective July 1, 2020. Indiana Child Support Rules and Guidelines Review the guidelines and rules for child support in Indiana. Indianapolis, IN 46204 . gov Updated 1/1/2025 1 Special Processes & Procedures . Official court forms approved for use in the Southern District of Indiana: Search Commercial Court Documents Commercial Court Treatise (2022) Commercial Court Rules (effective June 1, 2019) Indiana Commercial Courts Handbook and sample forms Court Appointed Neutrals Directory Pilot Project Final Report & Recommendations (November 2018) YOU MAY ALSO EFILE YOUR COURT CASE HERE 24 HOURS A DAY 7 DAYS A WEEK (you will have to create an account and may have fees depending on which efiling provider you choose) Need Other Court Forms? Visit the website links below. 101 E 4th St Marion, IN 46952 Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm, Monday-Friday Closed: 12:00 - 1:00 pm Family Matters: Choosing to Represent Yourself In Court (Videos) Indiana courts and court clerks handle more than 1. ) APPEARANCE BY SELF-REPRESENTED PARTY This Appearance Form must be filed by every self-represented party in a civil case. 310 Courthouse Square. 7 (Civil Case Management) Indiana County Veterans Treatment Court Referral and Application; Indiana County Drug Treatment Court Application; Indiana County Veteran Court Policies and Procedures The official website of Delaware County, Indiana. The party on whose behalf this form is being filed is: Indiana Office of Court Services . Indiana Legal Help courts. Access various forms regarding HEA 1001, including probation officer's report forms, delinquency and 2024 QCSR & Statistical Reporting Forms. Courts for use in all District Courts: National Forms by Category; Local (INSD) Forms. Courts for use in all District Courts. Forms & Information. Many counties now use the guardianship registry. DATE:_____ _____ Signature . lost or misplaced vehicle titles. Please review each document carefully. 1st Deputy Circuit Court (812) 358-6118 1st Deputy Superior Court I (812) 522-9676 1st Deputy Superior Court II (812) 358-6807 Child Support Clerk (812) 358-6119 Traffic Ticket Clerk (812) 522-9676 Bookkeeper (812) 358-6116 Voter Registration (812) 358-6120 rpauley@jacksoncounty. This document is designed and written to provide best practice guidance to trial courts, clerks, and court staff regarding . " 5 days ago · Founded in 1821, Bartholomew County is located in the southeastern part of the state with Columbus serving as the county seat. Staff Directory; Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-4:30pm Closed daily from 12:00pm-1:00pm for lunch Shelby County Courthouse. Court staff cannot give legal advice. Clark County Local Rules; Small Claims Manual; Indiana Legal Help (Court Forms) Free Talk to a Lawyer - Call In; Free Talk to a Lawyer - In Person; Southern Indiana Pro Bono Referrals; Free Legal Answers Find probate rules forms, reports, and instructions. Using the forms and legal information on this site does not make you a client of the Indiana Bar Foundation (Foundation) nor does the Foundation accept responsibility or Contact Information. Search the Guardianship Registry. The Plaintiff fills out a simple form stating why Local Court Reporter Rules; Indiana County Local Rule 1301 et seq. Examples of the types of documents that may be included in this tool are affidavits for name change, applications for judicial vacancies, senior judge forms, grant applications, and There are no State Forms for most legal filings; the Judiciary branch of government creates and manages its own forms. If the VIN/HIN on the inspection does not match the VIN/HIN on the court order, a corrected court order will be required before the transaction can be processed. Hours: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm BMV license branch. in. Small Claims Forms. generic motion and order. All trailers and motor vehicles weighing over 16,000 pounds Jan 1, 2025 · From time to time, the public is invited to comment on proposed rule changes, and when the Supreme Court approves changes, it issues orders amending the rules of court. Senior Judge Indiana Courts . They also provide a link to the Coalition for Court Access site which is another valuable resource. Print off and fill out this form to file a formal complaint against an interpreter who appeared in Marion Superior Court. The Indiana Supreme Court, the Court of Montgomery County, and the Clerk of the Montgomery County Courts do not encourage anyone to file and prosecute or defend their own divorce, paternity, protective order, or other civil or criminal case. 2293 N. Get small claims forms for Superior Courts No. They do not explain the law and are not a substitute for legal representation The official website of Johnson County, Indiana. The following links will provide you with Pro-Se Court forms that you can complete on your own and file in the Clerk's office. Juvenile CHINS Benchbook Forms. , Room 203, Goshen, IN 46526, (574) 535-6719, [email protected], is designated to be responsible for electronic publications of Elkhart County Government under Indiana Code 5-3-5. 12(c) Indiana County Local Rule 212. The clerk will ask you to complete the Certified Mail card. Address; 407 S. The Self-Help Center contains information to help you help yourself. Get help finding legal assistance and court forms. Indiana Parenting Time These forms may be updated or changed without notice. Pickens, 117 N 2nd St. You can find forms for orders of protection and workplace violence restraining orders, including the forms needed to modify or extend an order, on the Indiana Judicial Branch website. I affirm under the penalties for perjury the above information is true. Small Claims Manual. See full list on in. The clerk will serve the court forms by Certified Mail. Practice Guidelines for Problem-Solving Courts and 501(c)3 Corporations; Practice Guidelines for Local Rules; Practice Guidelines and Sample Forms for Inter-County Transfers for the Purpose of Problem-Solving Court Participation; Problem Solving Court Statutes: Indiana Code 33-23-16 The Legal Resource Center is located on the 4th floor of the Marion County Courthouse in room C045 (left from the elevator lobby). Government; Departments; Community; Services; Accessibility Complaint Form - Interpreter. Indianalegalhelp. Attorneys and filing parties are strongly urged to adhere to the format and content of these forms as much as possible. Download forms in different formats, such as Word, PDF, or fillable PDF, and get instructions for using them. Find probate rules forms, reports, and instructions. The Claim Form must be filled out completely in order to process your claim. Search this site . motion for proceedings supplemental with order to appear Court and clerk's office staff—whether or not they are licensed to practice law—cannot give legal advice because they have to stay neutral in every case. The Indiana Supreme Court website contains a self-service legal section with helpful information and forms. You will find various court forms required by the courts and instructions on completing them. Self-representation should not be taken lightly. Court Approved Post Conviction Relief Forms (from the Indiana Supreme Court's webpage) Commercial Courts Handbook and Forms. Find forms and documents for Hamilton County Superior Court No. Indiana Supreme Court policies do not National Judiciary Forms. ),) PLAINTIFF, ) VS. Find a Public Case (Indiana) We strive to set a standard of excellence in judicial services, protecting the rights and freedoms of our community, and promoting a just society for present and future generations. Covering 409 square miles, it lies mostly in the level areas surrounding the East Fork of the White River and its tributaries. Mon-Fri 8am-4pm . Self-Help Legal Forms. Local County (264) Federal (161) Secretary Of State (133) Appellate (25) Statewide (601) National Judiciary Forms. Access various forms regarding HEA 1001, DCS reports, intake forms and more. CHINS Benchbook Forms. Indiana Legal Resources includes free legal form access, legal terminology, a list of Indiana Trial Courts and Clerks, free legal answers, and what you need to know before representing yourself in court. The Greene County Superior Court is happy to provide citizens with the following items here on our website: Small Claims Manual ; Local Rules; Order to Supplement the Bond Schedule Adopted by the Greene Circuit and Superior Courts (Addendum to Local Rules) Indiana Parenting Time Guidelines; Court Forms Contempt. When filing forms in this manner, you are saying that you know enough about the law to represent yourself in court. The Supreme Court of the State of Indiana has established the Coalition for Court Access providing legal assistance for people who do not have attorneys, click the link to go to their page: IndianaLegalHelp We suggest that even if you use the forms provided on this site that you still talk to an attorney before submitting the forms to a court to get the best result possible. claim on estate. These forms may be updated or changed without notice. With the submission of your claim, you must submit the proper filing fee and costs for service to the Court at: MARION COUNTY SMALL CLAIMS COURT 4455 McCoy Street, Suite 200 Indianapolis, Indiana 46226 (317) 545-2369 (317) 545-1662 – Fax National Judiciary Forms. c h ange of address form. At the end of a case, the court will write an official order with rules that are to be followed by everyone involved in the case. Code § 31-37-6-6, which requires that court orders include "language approved and recommended by the judicial conference of Indiana in relation to removal or detention. Guardianship . divorce seminar information for divorce with children. National Forms by Category; Local Forms Disclaimer: These forms are provided as a courtesy, and may be used for any lawful purpose. Please contact your county clerk to ask about the forms to fill out when filing a guardianship. 150 Courthouse Square Greensburg, IN 47240. 7. Adult Probation Quarterly Report [ [PDF, 189 KB]] Official website of the Indiana Judicial Branch. There are many instances in which hiring an attorney is a good idea. parker@courts. They hear cases involving everything from minor traffic violations to complex legal disputes. We suggest that even if you use the forms provided, you still talk with an attorney prior to Feb 21, 2025 · Nominating Commission names finalists for Lake County judicial position. I request the Court order the Respondent to appear before the Court and to show why the Respondent should not be found in contempt of the Court’s order for Protection and all other just relief. Find sample forms for various types of court cases and proceedings in Indiana. For the forms you will need to file for divorce, to modify a custody order, and more, you can go to the Indiana Legal Help website. We suggest that even if you use the forms provided on this site that you still talk to an attorney before submitting the forms to a court to get the best result possible. 4, 6, and 7, sorted by court number. Find and download forms for contempt, continuance, fee waiver, appearance, and virtual or telephonic hearing in Indiana courts. If you have questions about handling a legal matter, please contact a lawyer. org, the Indiana Bar Foundation, the Indiana Supreme Court, the Coalition for Court Access and any employees, agents, or independent contractors of these organizations assume no responsibilities and accept no liability for actions taken by users of these documents. Learn about the difference between legal advice and legal information. Johnson County, Indiana 86 W. Attorneys Undertaking and Obligation (LR29-PR00-716. At least one party must reside in Noble County or both live out of state to apply. In fact, we suggest that you talk with an attorney prior to submitting forms or petitions to a court. org An official website of the Indiana State Government. 1. Divorce Forms; Fee Waiver Representing yourself in court should not be taken lightly, and there are many reasons why hiring an attorney is a good idea. gov . Court St. Printed: Feb 21, 2025 · Nominating Commission names finalists for Lake County judicial position. You can also check with the clerk of court at the courthouse in your area to Below is a list of resources that you may find helpful when representing yourself in Court. The following forms comply with provisions of Ind. Notice to the Public . 00 for out of county residents. Julia Carson Government Center 300 E. Harrison St. Indiana State Library Marriages; Naturalization Search; Local Genealogical Researchers; Marriage License Database; Media. These forms were developed for use in Wayne Superior Court No. How to Vote; YouTube; Clerks Gallery; Community We suggest that even if you use the forms provided on this site that you still talk to an attorney before submitting the forms to a court to get the best result possible. ☐ Odometer Disclosure Statement – State Form 43230. 251 N. gov Representing yourself in court should not be taken lightly, and there are many reasons why hiring an attorney is a good idea. The Court may, where required, appoint a Guardian Ad Litem to represent NAME OF PROTECTED PERSON at the hearing. Forms for Attorneys (from the Indiana Supreme Court's webpage). 3. IMPORTANT: Even though these forms are fillable PDF forms, you must locally save them with a new name (File > Print > Adobe PDF or any other PDF program. Find Services for:. Official court forms approved for use in the Southern District of Indiana: The court forms listed below are for people who wish to represent themselves in court. Guardianship Forms. The Lake County Judicial Nominating Commission announced five finalists to fill a vacancy created by the appointment of Judge Stephen Scheele to the Indiana Court of Appeals. Drive Indianapolis, Indiana 46205. Disclaimer “Although you have the right to represent yourself in any court proceeding. Access the Guardianship Registry Fact Sheet. Search for national federal court forms by keyword, number, or filter by category. 317-633-3610 Court Approved Appeal Forms (from the Indiana Supreme Court's webpage). February 21, 2025 | Press Release. See Getting Legal Help for some resources. STATE OF INDIANA ) ) COUNTY OF ) Case Number: (To be supplied by Clerk when case is filed. Forms. hendricks co adr program faq sheet. Other courts may not accept these forms, and may have their own forms. Certified mail ensures that the court forms have been signed for and received. ) ,) DEFENDANT. IN. Lebanon, IN 46052 Allen County Courthouse 715 S. Visit IndianaLegalHelp. The Indiana Courts have created the Indiana Legal Help website (https://indian United States Bankruptcy Court Southern District of Indiana Honorable Jeffrey J. Indiana Parenting Time Calendar Tool to create a visual calendar based on Indiana Parenting Time Guidelines. Graham, Chief Judge Eric Kleis, Clerk of Court. Probate Rules Forms. 5 million cases per year, ranging from capital murder cases and multi-million dollar corporate lawsuits, to divorces, minor traffic infractions and rental disputes. Official court forms approved for use in the Southern District of Indiana: The official website of Decatur County, Indiana. Circuit courts in Indiana have broad jurisdiction, handling a wide range of civil and criminal matters. Phone: 260-449-7245 Sep 2, 2020 · Free Indiana Legal Forms - Court Forms & Government Forms Browse by Category. Calhoun Street – Room 200A Fort Wayne, IN 46802. Monroe County, Indiana Welcoming people from all walks of life. Trial Court Administration Manual for Judges and Clerks. Main Street, Crown Point, IN 46307 (219) 755-3000 RESOURCES. Schedule and Format for Local Rules. instruction - motion and order for writ of assistance - evictions. gov. Browse by statewide, multiple counties, or individual county resources. All forms below contain dates of approval and revision in the bottom right corner of each page, which you can check against the dates listed in the Choosing to Represent Yourself in Indiana Court. Official court forms prepared by the Administrative Office of the U. 00 for Indiana residents and $65. Delaware County, Indiana Discover Delaware County - an east central Indiana community of opportunity Elkhart County Auditor Patricia A. gov website are provided for your convenience. A filing fee waiver asks the court to waive (not charge) a filing fee because you cannot afford to pay it. Phone: 260-449-7245 Small Estate Affidavit form; Indiana Code Title 29-1-8-1; Cass County Government Building 200 Court Park Logansport, IN 46947 Contact Information. Skip over navigation The Coalition for Court Access was created by Supreme Court order on May 17, 2016 to provide a focused and comprehensive organizational structure for Indiana’s civil legal aid programs. Language Translation Current: Forms & Online Services; Main Content. Fall Creek Parkway N. Accessibility Settings. May be completed by the court appointed owner. Juvenile Delinquency Benchbook Forms. Although you have the right to represent yourself in any court proceeding. gov It is also an important tool for courts, tracking the number and types of guardianships filed in each jurisdiction. Can I have more than one user account for the court e-filing system? How is someone added to the court e-filing Public Service List? When e-filing to a court in Indiana, can I serve other parties and counsel electronically? How do I verify who will be served when I e-file to an Indiana court? Explore statewide e-filing County-City Building 227 West Jefferson Blvd, Suite 722 South Bend, IN 46601. The twenty-one-member Coalition will coordinate all Supreme Court related programs designed to provide civil legal aid to those with limited financial resources. Find Guardianship forms, reports, and instructions. If someone involved does not follow these rules, the other involved person in the case can file a form letting the court know the order is not being followed by the violating person. United States District Court Northern District of Indiana Honorable Holly A. , Shelbyville, IN 46176; We are Open; Monday – Friday 8AM – 4PM The forms on the courts. ) National Forms. courts. For additional materials related to rules of court and state law, see forms, local rules, Indiana Code, or Indiana Administrative Code. Search form. The standard Civil, Small Claims, and Probate forms on this page are approved for filing in the Allen Superior Court. Jul 1, 2021 · Starting July 1, 2021, the fee is $25. Contact: Nick Parker; email: nick. 2 Updated 12/31/2024 . In fact, we suggest that even if you use the forms provided on this site, you still talk with an attorney prior to submitting them to a court. Jun 30, 2024 · The Madison County Clerk’s Office is responsible for the filing of public records, vital records, and court records, as well as processing child support payments, issuing marriage licenses, and providing copies of documents. Brady, Chief Judge | Chanda J. Find links to court forms and instructions for various types of cases and counties in Indiana. The Court may on its own motion or on request of any interested person, postpone the hearing to another date Under Indiana law, you do not have to pay a filing fee if you meet certain requirements. 5 0(a)) - Form PR00-15 (PDF) First Class U. Circuit Court Our Office Hours. First Class U. Do you need to pay a judgment? The official website of Monroe County, Indiana. You may hire an attorney if you want; however, in most instances you will not be able to get the other party to pay your legal fees even if you win unless there is some written agreement making the other party liable for your attorney's fees. Public Access to Court Documents lookup. Trial Court Fee Manual. Decatur County Courthouse. The official website of Kosciusko County, Indiana. Court Forms. Both parties must appear together to complete application in our office. S. A filing fee is what the court charges to file forms with the court. Boone County Courthouse. See “How to File Forms with the Court in Person” to find the filing fee waiver instructions and form. Sign in to the portal to: Update roll of attorneys information; Manage mediator registry information; Set your notification preferences; Pay fees online securely; Assign an aide to manage your account Indiana Child Support Calculator Estimate weekly child support payments and make forms to use in court. Learn about the Coalition for Court Access committee » Allen County Courthouse 715 S. Using the forms and legal information on this site does not make you a client of the Indiana Bar Foundation (Foundation) nor does the Foundation accept responsibility or The Small Claims Court allows every citizen to bring a lawsuit in an informal manner and does not require that a party hire an attorney. guardianships. The official website of Whitley County, Indiana. The Indiana Supreme Court does not encourage anyone to file and prosecute or defend their own divorce, paternity, protective order, or other civil or criminal case. When you sign and file a form, you provide information to the Court that may help or hurt your case. Records and Documents Excluded from Public Access. (Arbitrations) Indiana County Local Rule 1910. Phone: 260-449-7245 Petition, and is not represented by an Attorney, the Court may appoint an Attorney to represent NAME OF PROTECTED PERSON. Court Cost and Fees; Electronic Payments; Local Rules-Orders; Genealogy. Contact Us Indiana Courts Portal. The Clerk's staff can not advise you on how to complete these forms. gov public. Use the Federal Court Finder to find a federal court and their local court forms. Government; Departments; Community; Services; Accessibility Find miscellaneous forms, affidavits, and request forms. The following forms are updated and valid for use in court. Berta, Clerk of Court It should be noted that self-representation should not be taken lightly, and there are many instances in which hiring an attorney is a good idea. Access more than a dozen forms for use in Indiana commercial courts. Illinois Street . Court House 101 S Main Street New Castle, IN 47362 Justice Center 1215 Race Street New Castle, IN 47362 Henry County Office Building 1201 Race Street Allen County Courthouse 715 S. The Center offers legal information, access to court approved forms, and a connection to resources for those who have decided to represent themselves in court. indiana parenting time helpline. Online tools for attorneys, mediators, judges and others who regularly interact with the Supreme Court and its agencies. There are many ways a lawyer can help you with your civil case. , Franklin, IN 46131 (317) 346-4350 Two small counties, Pike and Dubois, have been combined to form the 8th Judicial Circuit, resulting in a total of 90 circuit courts in the state. Forms are grouped into the following categories: Attorney, Bankruptcy, Civil, Court Reporter, Criminal, Criminal Justice Act (CJA), Human Resources, Jury, and Other. How Do I? Check The Indiana Courts Portal now includes a tool for attorneys, mediators and judges to upload documents of specific types to the Supreme Court and its agencies. Learn how to use these forms and get more information and legal help. Need legal help? There are many ways a lawyer can help you with your civil case. mail- You can serve the court forms by paying to have them sent by certified mail. Bulk Data Request Forms. Text 2293 N. mklkpp qxiau fzrd xzmwcrr kavgq iuioiu nwzgnr jxkfr vrcd elayn wbckec lmip nkiyd rui utjhqa