Veeam cannot find available gateway server for repository. Now in V12 it just list the name Gateway.

Veeam cannot find available gateway server for repository 13K subscribers in the Veeam community. I use Windows Admin Center to manage my servers in a corporate environment. Feb 2, 2024 · Is the Proxy server also a Repository server? If that is the case, then you cannot remove it from Veeam and the easiest way to fix this would be to add another server as Proxy and disable the VBR from being a Proxy Server which is best practice. For more information on caching data, see the Veeam Backup & Replication User Guide Jan 4, 2023 · We have purchased a StoreOnce with 10Gb connectivity (SFP+). As I previously said my data domain server not connect directly to veeam data domain connected to san switch and also veeam server that is virtual machine and connected to that san switch . If your SMB Storage is in the same location as the hyperv servers, it will give you the best performance. My question to you, where is drive E connected to? Your backup server? In that case, you need to configure your backup job to use a Veeam backup repository, not a local drive. You can choose the gateway server in this step: Oct 17, 2022 · Veeam does open ports in the firewall itself on demand, which is nice, but the rules Veeam is setting could be much tighter. Open NFS repository and go thru the wizard clicking Next Next to make sure that the NFS changes (i. One more idea is to collect and examine network traffic dump from both nodes. Backup repository server can also run data mover process (and that is optimal setup), however some types of backup repositories cannot run it (CIFS repository, for example) and require gateway server to be located close to them (to avoid remote synthetic activity and uncompressed traffic over slow links May 31, 2018 · yes you unterstand Right habe 3 Enterprise edtion which habe the same remote repository, But when i think now. Veeam is now offloading backups properly again with that setting change. is there any other way to do backup with veeam and dell data domain without deploying a gateway server in my backup infrastructure ? Jun 23, 2022 · Ensure that the Veeam Backup Server and any configured Gateway server can resolve and reach the object storage endpoints. Open the properties of the Hyper-V host and Next, Next, Finish through the properties wizard to force Veeam Backup & Replication to check if Hyper-V Integration components are installed. Error: Cannot find compatible gateway server for repository Microserver Processing finished with errors at Date, Time. Select the Backup Repositories node in the inventory pane. We were able to resolve the outage relatively quickly, however, on rescan of the provider the gates all still showed unavailable (which, unfortunately, I did not see until after the weekend cloud jobs all failed). " On the Repository "Microserver" the gateway server was chosen automatically. Each proxy and repository is set to limit the number of tasks that can occur concurrently to prevent resource contention from impacting backup performance. Group to discuss and get technical support for backing up your virtual, physical, and cloud estate. The main concern here are the 60 or so client computers with the Veeam Agent for Windows. Could not get it to work again, only after setting NFS in the Synology to 4. Mar 28, 2016 · This server is a Veeam B&R server that just has replication and surebackup jobs running and this server is a proxy. Jul 26, 2023 · By default, the role of a gateway server is assigned to the backup server. We are just upgraded to version 9 but it has done this on the previous version and current version. As expected, Veeam issues a warning that it "Cannot find backup files in performance tier" and indicates that it will be "Restoring from capacity tier". It is very easy to reproduce this problem. I'm trying to setup a Scale out repository to Azure, and it is set to offload as soon as the backup is created, it is supposed to offload to Azure. Is there anything more we can do to fix this issue or somewhere specific to look? Feb 13, 2014 · Rescan the Hyper-V hosts to check connectivity from Veeam Backup & Replication to the host. Reconfigured NFS shares in veeam, backups working normally again. ). By default, in case all cloud gateways in the cloud gateway pool are unavailable for some reason, the tenant Veeam backup server cannot communicate with the Veeam Cloud Connect infrastructure components on the SP side. Feb 13, 2017 · Correct, It chooses an extend on 1 server writting "Cannot find a proxy meeting the proxy affinity rules", then chooses another proxy than the one who has access to the extend. Click the Veeam Agent icon on the Menu bar of the Mac computer. Dec 17, 2021 · When you try to review settings, all of them looks fine, but the backup jobs failed always. Okay, here’s where we are. The question is: how many gateway server are involved in this situation? How can I know the gatway servers used by a job ? If the primary cloud gateway is unavailable, Veeam Backup & Replication fails over to another cloud gateway in the same pool. Select the necessary backup repository in the working area and click Rescan Repository on the ribbon or right-click the necessary backup repository in working area and select Rescan repository. vbm' on repository 'XXX-XXX-BK02 - VMs' is not synchronized with the DB Mar 18, 2022 · I have a customer who wants a Linux gateway server configured to transport data from a Linux Hardened Repository to S3 storage. The physical server has plenty of resources. A connection to the Hardened repository is not required. Feb 25, 2022 · If i had a linux based repository (or multiple tied together as sobr), in a local network with 10/25gbe "front-to-back", what would be the best scenario: Have the repo-server play the gateway server and use a dedicated machine for mount server actions, or, have a dedicated machine play gateway and mount server? I guess the first one? Within the gateway server in site A in the resource monitor I see the data being read from data domain on site A, but forwarding traffic to the VBR server to site A. After firing off multiple concurrent restore tasks, we start seeing Veeam indicate "Resource not ready: Backup repository". used Proxies:Nutanix AHV vProxy - Max Tasks 10 Vmware Backup Proxy - Max tasks 4 Backup Proxy - Agent - Max tasks 4Gateway ServerI need to add Jul 29, 2010 · If so, the situation is expected - backup server automatically selects gateway server from the list of available ones (sometimes it might be backup server itself). I opened a case with Wasabi and their response was to send me the following link: Nov 26, 2021 · Hi,Veeam Backup and Replication used to backup Nutanix AHV infrastructure VMs and have configured Backup job and Backup Copy Jobs at DR site NAS Repository. Jun 12, 2023 · I mentioned at the beginning of the article that in my scenario Veeam Backup services are running on Hyper-V Server Core 2019. We are able to SSH into the NAS backup repository and I am able to sign into the NAS and see all of the permissions and correct network paths. Jul 21, 2016 · Long story short. Oct 5, 2023 · Failed to find valid gateway server for non-scheduled repository <repo_name>: Unable to verify certificate: certificate host name validation failed Unable to change encryption settings because the object storage repository is unavailable. Jun 17, 2023 · if i want to make data domain as backup repository, I need to deploy a gateway server in backup infrastructure to make communication between backup proxy with dell data domain. I got an email this morning that a backup completed successfully. The offload starts and then after all the data is uploaded to azure it fails saying "Failed to offload backup Error: Cannot find repository" It provides the repository ID. Jan 11, 2015 · on a backup job, the communication is proxy -> repository. xml] in the specified restore point" A network connection drop in the service provider's infrastructure between the Veeam Cloud Connect server and the Cloud Gateway may cause a tenant's job targeting a cloud repository to fail. com. Ensure that all Cloud Gateways can resolve the DNS for the SP Veeam Backup Server. Jun 21, 2016 · I'm looking for a way to toggle the Gateway server settings on a repository using PowerShell. But with SOBR of May 6, 2024 · Backup Infrastructure --> Backup Repositories --> Right Click Repository --> Go to "Dell Data Domain" or whatever else your repo is --> Under Gateway Server hit Choose from here remove the backup server and only leave the backup proxies. Consider the following: Do not configure multiple backup repositories pointing to the same location or using the same path. . The backup proxy does backup using Hotadd. Repo will do the upload with a backup copy job. Then I set it to localhost and to "R720HYPERVISOR," which is the Server's hostname, but I have the same Problem regardless of my choice. Oct 16, 2024 · so solution like object storage - repository with backup gateways, we would like to have another solution like hardened repository with backup gateways - because currently we are using nfs repository and we cannot use immutability and fast cloning customer will be able to reach backup gateway, but not directly hardened repository. Do your repositories use nfs shares? You can right click on the job log to add a hidden Timestamp column for precise job timing information (the duration column is kinda unreliable). Greets, Bastian Dec 10, 2018 · I'm fairly confident that building a VM and assigning it as the gateway should see the bulk of the SOBR Offload workload move as well. I am wondering if I could direct connect the StoreOnce to the Veeam server and have the Veeam server also act as the gateway server. User Guide: How to specify shared folder repository settings; If you have other storage available: Mar 2, 2022 · The gateway server for an Object Storage Repository is assigned on the Account tab of the Object Storage Repository creation wizard [1]. If you want backup traffic to go trough particular server, disable automatic selection and choose this server as a gateway server. However, this does not seem to be the case. In version 11 we use to be able to view the list of repositories in the console and it would list the individual proxy servers. e. and i think the two Jobs where i have sometimes Problems with Access denied or that proces cannot merge Jobs, cannot rename Folder because the same File allready existis are on the same Gateway Jun 7, 2012 · I assumed this meant that the backup job would use the proxy server on site A or B as a gateway server. Your second example should have the Gateway selection as Automatic, so Veeam was able to find another server that was able to access it. Apr 27, 2015 · The assignment of the gateway server role will not take into consideration the limitation described in this KB. The source and target proxy for the jobs are setup as automatic and no I haven't contacted support yet. Thanks! Apr 22, 2021 · 1. Jul 26, 2017 · The Cloud Gateway(s) cannot resolve the SP Veeam Backup Server using DNS, or the Cloud Gateway(s) are unable to communicate internally or through the DMZ to the SP Veeam Backup Server. Nov 25, 2010 · Looks like AHV proxy can't get the list of available repositories from VBR server. Dec 20, 2015 · Where - other than the detailed logs - can I see the usage of gateway server for copy or offload tasks? We have 6 server that act as proxy and CIFS gateways. There is simply no option to choose none. Both hosts are on the same LAN, including DNS server. If you use Exagrid/Quantum integration, the storage itself will start the datamover. If the Object Storage Repoistory you are adding will be used as an Archive Tier for Scale-Out Backup Repository, and want to ensure that the Archive Appliance communicates via a private IP address, add the following registry value on the Veeam Backup & Replication server: Jul 23, 2018 · When configuring an SMB type repository in Veeam, the following options are available: Automatic selection of the server as the SMB gateway proxy (i. In my case, I think Veeam Transport Service only needs access to Proxy and Gateway Servers and it does not need IPv6 at all (yet). Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home Oct 8, 2023 · We always assumed that the Veeam server at the main site does not need to connect to the NAS at the off-site location, since Veeam is supposed to communicate with the NAS via the Gateway Server. Feb 22, 2013 · If the SMB share is located on a Windows machine, try creating a Windows repository using that machine instead of a CIFS (SMB) repository. Sorry but that is all I can think of to help other than contacting Support to open a ticket. The gateway server is required if you deploy the following types of backup repositories in the backup infrastructure. My customer wants to add an additional disk to serve this purpose. Let’s remove all Veeam services on my host connected with Admin Center. If a Cloud Gateway's BIOS UUID was changed, do the following to update the Veeam Cloud Connect database: Reboot the Cloud Gateway server; Within the Veeam Cloud Connect Console, navigate to Backup infrastructure -> Managed Windows Servers Jul 26, 2023 · By default, the role of a gateway server is assigned to the backup server. Oct 6, 2016 · I was thinking that it could be an improvement to have the opportunity to create custom "Gateway Server Pool" to indentify which Proxies could act as a gateway server for a given repository. I understand I need to configure the gateway via the "Add Repository" wizard but I'm not sure how I need to complete this particular device setup (I'm not entirely sure what the gateway does with files etc. Apr 28, 2017 · In an attempt to solve a problem, I want to try using a gateway server between the backup server (Windows server) and repository (CIFS share). Backup to NFS repository via Veeam B&R as a gateway server 2. Jan 27, 2022 · Tested on different servers. Reboot both the SMB client machine (repository gateway) and the SMB server (NAS). Dec 3, 2022 · I am actually targeting the repository by DNS, and also authenticating the B&R host in NFS by DNS as well. Altogether, I really like the concept of hardened Linux Repositories. It’s converting now. Could not find any NFS changes in the Synology changelogs. I have run into these issues sometimes, it’s easy to solve, you just need to reboot the Veeam management server or restart the Veeam services of the Veeam management server. We observed that in many situations, vbr is used as gateway server for multiple job as we do not master the auto selection algorythm, we would like to disable the gateway server rôle on VBR since it is not designes to handle this rôle, it should keep on low 28-4-2023 10:40:58 :: Error: Failed to select a gateway server and acquire file sessions Tried to log a ticket with Veeam but apperantly having an active licence is not enough to reach support (tells me support ID has expired). 2. Oct 29, 2016 · The gateway was selected as the Veeam B&R Server There are far more resources in terms of CPU, RAM, disk on the Veeam Backup Proxy so I would like to use this as Gateway The Veeam Backup Proxy Server is added as a Windows Server in the console and I can then change the gateway manually on the repository to be the Veeam Backup Proxy Server. 4/2/2024 10:08:16 PM :: Error: Failed to find valid gateway server for non-scheduled repository myreponame: Failed to retrieve certificate from https://s3. Nov 20, 2024 · Hi,I have recently inherited a site using Veeam Backup &amp; Replication V12One of the components of a Backup Copy Job is failing with the following errorCannot proceed with the job: existing backup meta file 'XXX-XXX-DC01_764B4. upgrade) are recognized and synced with the components installed on the gateway server. In the "New Object Storage Repository", "Bucket", when click on the Browse Button is gives: "Failed to list S3 buckets: check if the specified account has required permissions. Mar 16, 2023 · My main suspect is Veeam's custom NFS for windows component. If other storage is available, try writing the backup to the other storage to verify the problem and as a temporary workaround. For any repository type that cannot host the Veeam transport agent, a repository gateway must be selected. Jan 24, 2023 · Your examples there work because you're not using the Ubuntu NFS host as a gateway for itself (I suppose you need to do some magic in bash to make it work), you used another gateway server. Gateway servers cache data when you copy backups and restore application items, which helps you decrease the amount of traffic being sent over the network and reduce data transfer costs. Oct 16, 2023 · Older builds of v12 had a known issue with the automatic gateway server selection. Is there any way to set up a hardened repository without the backup server being able to connect directly to the repository? Basically the same concept like SMB gateway server but I cannot seem to find a way to do it. 3. Firewall Review relevant firewalls in the environment to ensure that the Veeam Backup Server and any configured Gateway server are permitted to reach the endpoints via the required ports. wasabisys. Jul 24, 2013 · I suppose the gateway server processes the Merge operations on the Storeonce remotely. Use direct backup to a SMB share, set as a target in the agent policy without registering SMB as a repository Mar 25, 2021 · I did not uninstall veeam from the server or remove the host completely as it is used as a repository for other hosts and I wanted to avoid mucking about with that if possible. Veeam Backup & Replication uses one gateway server for the whole job if the Use per-machine backup files option is disabled for the repository to which the job is targeted at. Try to run those failed backup jobs again, you will notice they are backup successful. Jan 4, 2022 · The object storage gateway Server is a managed server (windows or linux), which is responsible to offload the files to the object storage. The full list of storage types is available in the Backup Repository section in the Veeam Backup & Replication User Guide. Aug 3, 2024 · Hi Brandon, Thanks for the details on the situation. Automatic gateway selection is not available since we do not know which servers have FC access to repository unless user tells us explicitly. Proxy will do the upload with a primary job. In a case of off-site repository where I would have 2 or more dedicated gateway server for it, like a SMB share, as an example. Now used new created clean 2022 Server + Veeam 11a latest patch P20211211. The issue arises when the Gateway Host is set to “Auto”. Nov 29, 2022 · Backup job targeting a cloud repository fails with "There is no FIB [summary. The gateway server receives data from the proxies, optionally decompresses data, builds the backup files and writes them to storage. The issue is if you have your Gateway server set to automatic the NAS backup fails because it tried to use the file share as a gateway server to get to the Oct 16, 2023 · I tried to review the settings, and all of them look fine, but the backup jobs failed always. Feb 19, 2021 · For one of our cloud tenants, we had a temporary network outage which caused all gateways to be unreachable. Veeam Gateway Server Apr 1, 2016 · Veeam Community discussions and solutions for: VEB cannot connect to repository of Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows Nov 21, 2013 · thanks. I'll let you know! As it happens, I'm moving the a Hardened Linux Repository setup with block based storage, so your original comments regarding the repository server should still be valid. Feb 6, 2025 · If the number of tasks is greater than the number of available gateway servers, Veeam Backup & Replication uses one gateway server for multiple tasks. If a gateway server is not explicitly assigned, Veeam Backup & Replication will assign the role of gateway server to one of the Performance Tier repository servers. Now in V12 it just list the name Gateway. So currently you have to create multiple repositories if you want to make use of several gateway servers. You can use different types of storage as the backup repository. As such, reconfigure the repository and specify a gateway server that is not a server running on the Hyper-V host. i habe for this 3 Job 2 Gateway Servers. I'm not as confident that switching to direct will matter -- the details are outlined a bit more here, but a gateway server is simply acting as the final exit point from your backup infrastructure for the data, so while potentially you might see some improvements depending on the environment, I'm not confident you will see a significant Aug 21, 2014 · Veeam Community discussions and solutions for: Specifications required for S3 gateway server of VMware vSphere Sep 20, 2021 · You don't need another gateway server with this setup. Open the Backup Infrastructure view. Apr 19, 2020 · Gateway Server is indeed required for NAS repository as NAS share cannot host Data Mover Service, which is responsible for backup data transfer. To configure a gateway server, you must first add a machine that you plan to use as a gateway server to the backup infrastructure using the New Windows Server or New Linux Server wizard. We have experiencing network overload on the machine that has proxy/gateway role on it so the idea is to split the load, the problem, I think, is the gateway server that is receiving too many connections. Maybe it would make sense to decrease the number of concurrent tasks in repository settings. Disable any unused gateways. us-east-1. When you add a file shareYou have to add it as a managed serverThe issue is that this makes the file share server available as a gateway server for your repository. Jul 22, 2024 · If you want to select servers that can be used as gateway servers explicitly, click Choose next to the Gateway server field. Backups on a Mac OSX computer can only be manually started from the Veeam agent and deployed on the Mac computer. Mar 16, 2018 · I can see the wasabi repository in the "object storage repositories" tab and the repository on my NAS (lun) in "backup repositories", is it what you call a "regular" repository? I would say no, and my reason in one word would be: SureBackup. Mar 10, 2015 · During our tests, we disable all Performance Tier extents within a SOB. Manager. That way you can leverage compression, etc across your WAN link. Select an specific server (among the managed Oct 25, 2022 · For Data Domain repository, follow the BP found here: Data Domain - Veeam Backup & Replication Best Practice Guide especially the recommendation to put the proxy and gateway roles on the same server(s). From my initial investigation I've found that the property 'HostId' when running Get-VBRBackupRepository seems to correspond with this GUI setting with '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Feb 13, 2024 · We are planning on moving the Veeam Backup Server to a new dedicated VM hosted on the soon to come vSphere DR cluster and, at the same time, repurpose the primary backup repository hardware into a Veeam Hardened Repository. General Internet Connection Issue Aug 13, 2024 · These messages are informational and part of the task concurrency control system within Veeam Backup & Replication. May 10, 2023 · After an in-place upgrade to Veeam v12, all of my Copy Backups to NAS failed with the error “Cannot find available gateway server for repository”. I'm just wondering because two newly added servers do not have much load. Apr 17, 2024 · The configuration process for backup repositories in the Veeam Cloud Connect infrastructure does not differ from the same process in the regular Veeam backup infrastructure. For more information on caching data, see the Veeam Backup & Replication User Guide Jan 10, 2023 · Prepare the Veeam Backup & Replication Environment. In the Gateway Server window, click Use the following gateway servers only and select servers. By default, the role of a gateway server is assigned to the backup server. EndPoint. The AgentProcesses are not running on gateway on site B receiving gateway A traffic as I expected. How are you connecting to the NAS's? SMB shares? Ate you connecting to the NAS at site B from thentepository server at Site A? If so, I'd build a repository server at Site B (or better yet, move the backup server to site B and build a new repository server/proxy server at site A). I have many hot add proxies. What we can show for linux components is the information in the Summary tab. Oct 9, 2013 · With Veeam B&R version 12, we can now add multiple Gateway (Proxy) servers as Gateway server in the repositories. Veeam documentation reads that you need 2GB for every 1TB of processed data on the gateway server. For Backup Copy job, the communication is repository -> repository. A Cloud Gateway Server is used when the above listed servers don´t have access to the internet. but my issue is , can not see ddboost in device manager . To add content, your account must be vetted/verified. If you want to post and aren't approved yet, click on a post, click "Request to Comment" and then you'll receive a vetting form. Aug 16, 2023 · When troubleshooting, we receive a warning while rescanning the repository stating that it is missing. Mar 27, 2018 · The behavior is not normal, I think the issue occurs due to extra load on repository/gateway itself or on network channel between repository and gateway. Feb 26, 2024 · Edit: I think I figured it out. Jun 5, 2022 · If NFS was added as Veeam B&R repository backup agent will connect with assigned NFS gateway server on the first place. I’ve tried to add the root folder with the old backups as a new repository in order to import the backup from that repo. exe" /backup "" Run a Backup job for a Mac Computer. i can see my initiators (wwpn) in emc data domain but veeam cannot detect ddboost Jan 30, 2024 · Hi Max Local drive means, drive E must be connected to each laptop. 1. Backup to NFS repository via any other machine acting as a gateway server 3. This information about transferred data or processed disks is collected directly from the backup server. If i am guessing right, what would be the proper design to perform a copy job from a remote office with internal repository? When i read the Backup Copy Architecture document, it is specified to use a Source Gateway server and Target Gateway Server. Firewalls on or off no change. Sep 22, 2024 · If you set your S3 repos gateway server to direct mode, I would have expected the entity getting in touch with backup data to do the offload. Feb 16, 2023 · As a troubleshooting step, the support engineer directed me to switch the connection mode on the object storage repository from Direct to Gateway and check the boxes next to the repository server's DNS name and FQDN. For CIFS/NFS shares the selected Veeam Gateway Server will work as datamover. Jul 23, 2018 · Saludos amigos, me encontraba el otro día con una incidencia que no había visto anteriormente, voy a explicar más abajo los síntomas de la incidencia, pero antes vamos a recordar qué es el Veeam Gateway Server y para qué sirve en una topología simple de Veeam. Unless your deduplicating appliance has a “landing zone”, then reading data requires the deduplication appliance to rehydrate the data which has a massive impact to performance in any recovery operation, far more performance impact than reading directly from a traditional DAS with Veeam’s normal compression & deduplication Mar 10, 2015 · To rescan a backup repository: 1. So, in this case, it's the local repository that has to reach Cloud Connect over the internet. I've a pretty good overview about the backup proxy tasks but I can't find similar for gateways. Gateway server caches data when you copy backups and restore application items, which helps you decrease the amount of traffic being sent over the network and reduce data transfer costs. ". Jan 9, 2015 · Each proxy server runs Veeam data mover. BEcause you are using Cloud Connect, the repository is for you the address of Cloud Connect itself. As a workaround, you may try to disable automatic selection and assign dedicated gateway server for your SMB share repository: Veeam Backup & Replication selects a new available gateway server when the job starts next time. Ensure the repository is reachable from the backup server and try again. May 31, 2022 · For physical servers with duplicate UUID issues, please contact the hardware vendor. Oct 17, 2023 · Hi everyone, I am planning to add new SOBR for existing environment (x2 Hyper-V host actually) connecting to the tape library with simple deployment scenario. Just install Veeam, register a repository that uses a Gateway server such as CIFS/NFS/Object Storage, and run the backup. 1 x VB&R server 1 x VBEM server 1 x mount server 1 x proxy/gateway 1 x proxy 1 x NetApp storage All are ESXi vm's, the host is 6. Sure enough, the repository is marked as accessible in Veeam too. If you don't choose one yourself in the object storage settings in veeam, veeam uses automatically the server which holds the performance extends as the S3 gateway server. However, during the integration of the repository, a connection to the NAS share is required. Do not configure multiple backup repositories with "nested" paths (when one repository path is a sub-path of another repository), for example: Jan 13, 2020 · If you use a Windows or Linux Server, then this server is used to offload data. Sep 22, 2016 · Hi Foggy, Finally, almost two years later i'll answer your Question By default Gateway server on repository is set to auto selection. (both proxy servers are listed under managed Windows servers) In order to use 2 Gateway servers, please can you tell me if I need to need to also add 2 managaged Windows servers and then specifically configure the repository with the 2 Gateway Jan 1, 2006 · I have a repository on a DataDomain using DDbost over TCP/IP The repository is set to select the gateway server automatically. Running a job, all the proxys take cares of some VMDK. You can configure one of your hyperv server as the gateway server for the SMB Storage. Each option has pros and cons that are explained below Apr 18, 2023 · I have created several test Veeam servers and all of them have been pending for about 2 minutes with the message "Resource not ready : Gateway Server". While we plan to add a new HPE StoreOnce to the infrastructure, is it possible to install the gateway server on the host?Or should it be inst Nov 10, 2022 · For a Linux components like Proxy or Repository, we won’t have performance data inside Veeam One. In direct to object jobs it works just like that. The Veeam Data Movers are then hosted on the gateway server. To learn more, see the following sections in the Veeam Backup & Replication User Guide: Adding Microsoft Windows Repository; Adding Scale-Out Backup Repository Nov 19, 2024 · Note. Thanks! Nov 21, 2023 · The backup repository is a storage where Veeam Backup & Replication keeps backup files and, in case of replication, metadata for replicated VMs. I checked the Microsoft 365 backups have not worked starting 4/3/2024. I have run into these issues sometimes, it’s easy to solve it, you just need to reboot Veeam management server or restart Veeam services of Veeam management server. The servers must have a direct access to the SMB share and must be located as close to the SMB share as possible. K12sysadmin is open to view and closed to post. Apr 17, 2023 · You need to make sure you've updated the gateway component separately after upgrade to V12 as the installer doesn't update components such as Backup Proxy, Gateway, Managed Server, Agent / Repository, or it just doesn't do it right. I want to be able to set it to and from 'Automatic selection'. While I know I can connect the StoreOnce to our 10GB switches, our Veeam server has 2 unused 10Gb SFP ports. K12sysadmin is for K12 techs. I'd suggest to check repository permissions on VBR side and make sure that the user who registered VBR server is allowed to store backups on repository you're going to use for AHV backups. However, you can't get away with no Gateway (what a wordplay) configured in New Backup Repository Wizard when adding NAS share as a repo. the server that will host the transport component on the destination side and thus play the role of a data writer to the SMB shared resource itself). 5U3. A gateway server is required when a backup repository cannot host Veeam® Data Movers. Jul 15, 2024 · "C:\Program Files\Veeam\Endpoint Backup\Veeam. Could possibly be related to a hardware issue but all health checks on server look ok. Cheers, Rob. Works good so far. The gateway selection can be static or automatic. Apr 17, 2023 · Error: Cannot find compatible gateway server for repository Synology NFS Storage". usxg wwwg gmh bxhqb yqtjbko jrgs ssvuv fxvd swby ptzpez uncu fwt dqbgwpd nklxlb eqxys