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Buffy and spike pregnant fanfic Buffy gets pregnant but that doesn't stop evil from trying to fight her. (Rated R/NC-17) This is the first fic I ever wrote. First Fanfic I wrote. "Well, well," Spike said after his swallow, "What are you doing back in Sunnyhell, Peaches?" Angel didn't answer his question. takes place in highschool Angel's a jock. But once Spike is gone, things begin to change. "I have to go," Buffy said, backing away further. Upon hearing Angel roar Whistler disappeared suddenly. Buffy: The Vampire Slayer - Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 10 - Words: 13,103 - Reviews: 116 - Favs: 32 - Follows: 9 - Updated: 6/25/2005 - Published: 7/28/2003 - Buffy S Buffy goes to Mystic Falls and encounters a whole new ordeal of family, vampires, witches, werewolves, and doppelgangers. A Pregnant Brassed Off Slayer. I might just have to add in a section explaining Buffy and Spike's relationship, probably later, but thanks for the idea! cheerios: Aww, I'm glad you like these fics. Angel woke up fairly early the next morning, the sun streaming through the windows and creeping along the floor sent a warning bell through his mind. " Xander said. Other Couples: Xander/Cordelia, Willow/Oz, Spike/Drusilla. Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6. "God, you can't believe how long I've been waiting for you to say that" Spike replied. 3) Buffy being turned she can keep her soul or turn evil whichever 4) Angel being violently Jealous of the fact that Buffy is happy about having a secret admirer 5) Buffy if you decide to turn her she has to claim Spike 6) Spike teaching is new childe his new mate aka Buffy to hunt 7) Spike giving up the hunt for Buffy deciding he well only Spike watched helpless, he knew what his grandsire was doing. Buffy stood rooted to the spot by the now-closed door while she watched her mother offer Spike a drink, pour something Buffy wasn't allowed to touch into a glass for him, and then seat herself on the couch. Just because I was jealous of Spike – I shouldn't have acted the way I did. I mean, you walking in there like that" The front door opened bringing Buffy to stand between Tara and Spike as she stared at her lover's sire. Spike remembered how she missed Prague once, despite the idiot mob that nearly killed her. Buffy and Spike are coworkers at a bar. Regret. I made my decision to leave and you were entitled to do whatever you wanted to. Buffy has a lot on her plate being pregnant, helping Spike, first time parent worries, friendships fall apart, new friendships Set after Becoming 2, Buffy and Spike meet up and bond. Willow, Xander and Giles came rushing in. As the crumbling stopped, the bus came to a slow halt. There will be tradgedies and angst. Buffy smiled. " Angel started to get suspicious of FanFiction | unleash Reviews: 198 - Favs: 58 - Follows: 44 - Updated: 10/30/2008 - Published: 6/21/2004 - Buffy S. "Umm, maybe we should go in first, just kinda break it to them gently. Rating: PG. " Buffy stood up and started to pace, "Oh great, the one normal thing that is happening to me. I was too obsessed with Buffy to notice, I guess. As the group dispersed, they were all hoping they'd manage to fall asleep. Buffy (crying out in pain as she is being carried by Spike): Ouch! Spike (helps Buffy into bed): I apologize for causing you pain We'll see what's gonna happen. Spike put a casual arm around Buffy's shoulders and they walked down the stairs side by side. Spike tugged her closer, relishing her vibrancy. Coyote Ugly by Spuffy reviews. He was feeling a lot better than he had been and about seven days after he had been poisoned he felt completely fine. However, Angel turns up to let Buffy know that he has been granted Shanshu, the two reconnect. "But – Spike is behaving quite submissively to Buffy. But I'll need your PREGNANT SLAYERS By Spuffy Chapter 2 It was the next day and everyone was hanging out at the Summers house. Can their love survive a year filled with loss Spike (BtVS) Rupert Giles; Xander Harris; Anya Jenkins; Willow Rosenberg; Tara Maclay; Riley Finn; Temporary Riley/Buffy; Baby Fic; Swearing; Sexual Content; BAMF Spike; season 5 rewrite; Blood Drinking; Season 5 AU; Pregency; Pregnant Buffy; Angst; Hurt and comfort; Tags to be added as I go; Summary. " "Yeah, I know, it's just that -- I want to be supporto-gal, but Buffy, are you sure? Things with Spike -- before -- I think there are a lot of issues there, and everything's so hellmouthy right now. Where she meets Spike and they fall in love. They haven't found anything yet. Then the last and worst of all, numbness. , Spike, Angelus - Complete. "We're on the Hellmouth!" Drusilla sang, pulling Spike away from Buffy. " Spike pulled her and made her sit down A certain Slayer is pregnant at the end of season 2. org/elysian/index. " Giles frowned. Title: Midnight Sun Author: MSKBSwedish Rating: Mature Summery: Set after season 6 episode "Smashed" - After Buffy and Spike have sex in the abandoned building. This starts at Dead Things in the Buffy time line and about the same approximant time in the Angel except Darla hasn't shown up pregnant yet. "I love you, Buffy," Spike said as he licked the blood off of her neck. He decided to speak. She tried to pull out of his grasp, but he wouldn't let go. "Spike it's a good thing that you asked me, because I am sure I would have gotten myself into a lot of trouble following you. " "Hey, guys. , Spike - Chapters: 10 - Words: 13,103 - Reviews: 116 - Favs: 32 - Follows: 9 - Updated: 6/25/2005 - Published: 7/28/2003 - id: 1449843 Buffy turned from the refrigerator, aware that Willow had followed her into the kitchen. She's already protecting it. "Let go of me!" Buffy said angrily. "Buffy's not supposed to be going through portals while she's pregnant. Dreaming. - Hi. AU fic Pike is alive. - Good! It is the place the bastard should be! \\\\\ Buffy was sleeping in her bed. Buffy thinks the reason she slept with Spike was because of something mystical. 7 years as the Slayer and she'd hardly ever caught a bug. AU Spike and Buffy have been best friends since they were kids and their moms shared a hospital room. Everything was going as they had planned, no one had a clue. I, uh. He was outside her window, while Buffy sat in her bed dressed only in a white gown, her swollen belly evident And so the story of Buffy and Angel starts up again. Dawn just looked at me angrily. "I can't believe it!" Spike said. I guess her luck has run out. "Everything will be fine. Is Spike saw how flustered Buffy was getting trying to calm Connor. What if Buffy was turned by Spike in the late 1890s, with her sister Dawn. But one thing neither of them had planned was that had fallen in love. "Got it in one!" Buffy sighed, focusing on a girl heading towards a cemetery. php. "You do?" Spike questioned. Within seconds of Spike gently rocking the youngster he stopped crying. Written for the 2024 Spring Round of Seasonal Spuffy. "Buffy, I know I've been a fool – you know, about you and Spike. Angelus knew that killing Spike would not give him the satisfaction that siring the slayer in front of Spike would. Can he forgive her? Buffy and Spike are held captive, tied together by a demon. FanFiction | unleash Pregnancy. Then she hugged her in a comforting way. Theme: “Thanks For The Memories. The color suited him as much as the black look. " "Why are you even helping Spike?" asks Giles. It wasn't how Buffy had pictured telling her friends about being in Heaven, and she definitely never expected the night to end with kissing Spike. Genre: Romance. I found Spike and was, uh, trying to figure out what kind of dangerous contraband he had. When she gets home she finds out that she's pregnant. Buffy came out, all the colour gone from her face, and walked over to them, letting the test fall onto Spike's lap before plopping down onto her seat. Interlude to A Child I have stayed with them for a few more weeks and now I am two months pregnant. Since we were trying to stay under the radar with the retrieval, someone who would be recognizable in Sunnydale in this timeline wasn't going to be a good choice anyway. Buffy got Spike leaves after the attempted rape and gets his soul. Love. " Spike blurted out the words. Things change when Spike's hearts desire is granted. "Wha" – He wheezes again; his voice slurs. "No," Buffy told the little plastic stick in her hand, "No! No! No!" "This can't be happening," she said, but the 99. , Spike. , Faith L. This child that was growing inside of her was Spike's child. Set in a time when Buffy and Spike have parted ways, Buffy is trying desperately to stop her feelings from surfacing. "I shoulda known you'd be tagging along. Spike felt a quiet fear gripping him, making his insides grow cold. A Spike/Buffy fanfiction and art archive based on the show Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Self loathing. It was Angel dressed in white. It shows none of the requisite signs. "He's not here to hurt anyone. She looks down, and his good eye is half-open. He was the one to tell her Buffy was pregnant. Buffy and Spike jumped off the roof of the bus. Who is this m Spike/Buffy Summers; Xander Harris/Anya Jenkins; Tara Maclay/Willow Rosenberg; Spike (BtVS) Buffy Summers; Time Travel Fix-It; kick the Spike; Souled Spike (BtVS) Summary. HighSchool 007 by JayJay88 reviews. Spike and Buffy started to buffyangelspike is an avid fanfiction reader and an active particpant in the world of fandom. Main Couple: Buffy/Angelus. Caught up in the moment, Spike bit Buffy's neck without vamping out, sinking his blunt teeth into her skin. Timeline: After Bewildered, Bewitched And Confusedand Passion, but before I Only Have Eyes For You, what means Jenny is dead, but Kendra is not. Dawn in an attempt to help Buffy, get over what Willow . We need your help, Angel. Spike turned to Buffy, ready to go. Dawn looked at her sister in surprise. Unplanned Pregnancy; help from our friends; Episode: s05e05 No Place Like Home; Summary Spike/Buffy Summers (337) Daniel "Oz" Osbourne/Willow Rosenberg (125) Tara Maclay/Willow Rosenberg (105) Xander Harris/Anya Jenkins (100) Angel/Spike (BtVS) (99) "Buffy. A special welcome to our newest member, Feathertipz. Rating: NC-17 20 Months. Defenitely angst of the Buffy and Angel realationship but believe me they will turn out happy. just let me go," Buffy pleaded, trying to Where she meets Spike and they fall in love. "I thought he left town. "Um, bye. Spike and Buffy glared at each other as Xander and Willow walked up to them. Buffy thought she'd already won and initiated sex with Spike before he'd submitted to her. With shaking fingers that he tried hard to hide from the others, he took the pregnancy test and looked at it. Buffy: The Vampire Slayer - Rated: T - English - Drama - Chapters: 5 - Words: 17,027 - Reviews: 73 - Favs: 51 - Follows: 7 - Updated: 8/28/2002 - Published: 8/21/2002 - Buffy S. Rated T for future chapters. As they came up on Buffy's house, Tara turned to Darla. Angel knew about Spike and Buffy, but Xander and Willow didn't. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Adventure - Buffy S. Someone will die sadly but not Doyle FanFiction | unleash Buffy and Spike have been married for several years and have two children when he takes on the wrong vamps. Rating may change. BTVS and TVS (Willow in HP). Buffy starts to pull the latter towards her, shift him into her arms again so she can carry him to the house, and he lets out a strange gasping noise. "What?" "You better sit down. Buffy's gone, there is nothing left here. Takes place approximately two weeks after the events in the "Restless" episode of BtVS. Mid-Season 4, Buffy and Spike are compelled by forces beyond their control to do 'the wild thing' for hours in Riley's bed. Buffy smiled triumphantly. , Spike - Chapters: 10 - Words: 13,103 - Reviews: 116 - Favs: 32 - Follows: 9 - Updated: 6/25/2005 - Published: 7/28/2003 - id: 1449843 "I knew she was lying. " Dawn regarded her with a look so reminiscent of Spike's that Buffy swore she was mini-Spike for a moment. They Concept: Graham returns to Sunnydale and gives Xander startling news: he's pregnant! And the father is Spike! A humble attempt at writing the first non-slash, non-AU, non-gender-reversal, non-curse, non-spell, Spike-gets-Xander-pregnant fic. Giles looked thoughtfully at Angel and then at Spike, "I have an idea how to keep her safe during the pregnancy. Angel turned and glared at him. From Nothing (6 pages) It is the year 2007. " Spike mumbled off-handedly, "We could use a few new demons around here" AU. Happy birthday to DeepBlueJoy! Living in a musical was one of the strangest things Buffy had ever been through. Buffy would never want Spike. Buffy is still my re-" He stopped mid sentence he felt it through the bloodline. As if freshman year isn't crazy enough, she falls in love with her TA, William. "Well Slayer, shall we go rid the world of a few more bits of evil?" Buffy looked at Spike, annoyed. There are currently 18 members and 26 guests lurking standing about. If you haven't watched through the entirety of both "Buffy" and "Angel," there will most likely be a lot of spoilers. "Yes!" Dawn shouted as she wiped her tears away. Spike scoffed and took the baby from her arms "Be careful! Watch his head!" Buffy panicked. The door slams, and Buffy, Xander, and Spike are left in the car. Season 4 Spike/Buffy. " Spike said in surprise. "Buffy, why is Spike with you?" Seeing his grandsire causes Spike to retreat on himself, and he buries his face into my shoulder. 9% accurate TrueBlueE-Z® Early Detection Kit tacitly begged to differ. Buffy was sick. Spike jumped up and grabbed Buffy by the shoulders. "Yes, and its Spike," Buffy replied. ) "How could this happen!" Buffy wept copiously, tears running like lines of crystal from her huge green orbs. , Spike - Complete. Spike, we're going to be parents!" Spike's eyes filled with joy at the news and he hugged Buffy tightly, love flowing him like the smell of grease flowed from Buffy's pores. Disclaimer: The And any guy would be lucky to have her" Spike said. It’s been five thousand years and Spike is a Read Vampire pregnancy from the story Buffy + Spike by Jasdyer (Jasmine Dyer) with 436 reads. What if the slayer is right? There is a prophecy that she is destined to fulfill - with the help of the blond vampire. I mean teenage girls have babies all the time but no. Instead of Spike learning that Buffy had been in Heaven, it is Dawn who learns. "Hey Mom" the girl greeted her mother, "I hope you don't mind that I brought Spike along" she gestured in his general direction and the vampire held out a hand to Joyce. Author's Notes: Spuffy time travel, a post Chosen Buffy goes back to s5 (only Riley will be leaving a little later than in canon) All feedback welcome good, bad, constructive everyone is entitled to an opinion. " Spike sidled past a still-glaring Buffy to take a chair in the living room. Spike, on the other hand, has other ideas. Read at your own risk! For as long as there have been vampires, there has been the Slayer. Seeing a pregnant Darla was one of the strangest things Angel had been through. Spike laughed "Buffy that's mean and you would never say something like that about Angel. Totally Spuffy! Rated: Fiction T - English Buffy and Spike were secretly meeting almost everyday. Faith had decided not to say anything to Buffy and Spike about what she had seen the night before in the grave yard. Buffy's pregnancy appears perfectly normal, according to the doctor. A sequel to An Unexpected Twist of Fate. PG-13 Version. "I can," Buffy said. "Can we go and hunt?" Drusilla whined, twirling the hairs on the nape of Spike's neck with her finger. Reruns! I was born in ‘99, so I didn't see any of the show while it was airing. I'd taken care of her while Buffy was dead during the summer, but when Buffy came back I sort of neglected her. definitely BA! with a little Spike mixed in. Burgandy by Ben is Glory reviews. I think a part of me is rubbing off on you. The image warmed her from the inside. It is work in progress as all of the stories have to be re-added, but slowly and surely, all stories previously available on Title: TRUE COLORS. Later on, we'll have Xander/Willow, Cordelia/Wesley. Rated: Fiction T - English - Drama/Romance - Buffy S. "NO! NO! Fuck Spike I'm going to kill you. "We don't even know for certain that I'm pregnant. And tell Buffy what you told me. Buffy Summers is a freshman at NYU. Humour, romance, drama, action, a little of everything reallyand loads of Spuffy love! Buffy's arm dropped to her side, and she sobbed out, "I think I'm pregnant!" Willow gaped, and rushed over to her best friend, holding her laptop protectively as she attempted to comfort the small blond. After he leaves, Buffy finds out shes two and a half months pregnant. "Say it again" Spike said. This is a Buffy pregnant after I Will Remember you story. Vampire Slayer by DragonKatGal reviews "Bloody hell, Slayer!" Spike muttered, shaking his head in an attempt to dispel the ringing in his ears. Faith, oz and Spike are here. "I love you too" Spike said. " "You don't know that," Buffy snapped. ) Buffy: The Vampire Slayer - Rated: T - English - Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 46,359 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 57 - Follows: 14 - Published: 5/28/2013 - Buffy S. by machine. "Well, we don't. Riley comes back and finds Buffy at her new job. The sound made Dawn afraid she had a hole in her lung. "Oh, Spike! A Spike/Buffy fanfic: Spike is in love with Buffy, but not too sure why, Buffy won't let herself fall in love. , Angel - Chapters: 41 - Words: 70,532 - Reviews: 88 - Favs: 94 - Follows: 38 - Updated: 4/29/2008 - Published: 3/20/2008 This is a semi Buffy Angel crossover story that is posted in the Angel section because the focus is on the LA gang rather than the Scobbies. The nine months Buffy is pregnant is a whirlwind and the closer to her due date the more everything falls apart. Buffy is pregnant with Angel's child and he doesn't know it FanFiction | unleash Buffy and Spike are back in Sunnydale, and now the SG have to deal with their little surprise. or there is Spike couldn't believe his ears he was standing in the Summer's kitchen and had heard a lot of things about Buffy being pregnant, "What's all this talk about you being pregnant, luv?" "I am Summary: Buffy is pregnant with Angel's kids. She shook it like a thermometer, sat on the closed toilet seat, shut her eyes, counted to ten and peered at it again, even compared it to the picture on the back of the box; anything to give it "Hey, Niblet," I said, trying to smile a little. Buffy is pregnant. Welcome, fellow Buffy fans! This community is dedicated to Buffy the Vampire Slayer. One of the most active (yes, still!) Is Elysian Fields - https://dark-solace. and Faith was the new slayer in sunnydale. If he can convince her he truly cares, maybe he can win her back. Compelled by the ritual to do whatever it takes to protect it, Buffy has to deal with an angry Riley and an equally angry Spike while trying to keep her baby safe. light, life, secrets. Her father sends her away and now Spike is trying to find her. There are 469,189 comments on our 7,669 stories, which consist of 159,459,564 words. He let out a heavy sigh "Give him here" he said "What? No! You've not got the first clue about babies" said Buffy. Situation: Buffy (seven months pregnant) has been experiencing false labor pains after witnessing Spike cheat at a local bar. The slayers pregnancy has to be a prophecy. " He roared. "Buffy, what's going on here?" Angel asked, staring at Spike and Buffy locked in an embrace. "You're back. Pregnant, the bitch is pregnant, Buffy was incredulous. "Why don't I just rid the world of you and call it a night?" she muttered, but started Scene: Buffy and Spike's bedroom. "I love you Spike" Buffy said. Challenge Response, Buffy is pregnant and Spike is there to help her through some of the FanFiction | unleash 33,419 - Reviews: 136 - Favs: 172 - Follows: 72 - Updated: 12/4/2008 - Published: 4/17/2008 - Buffy S. I told Shippy, that I didn't realize there were that many people who liked reading pregnant Buffy fics. Angel walked to the wall punching it. Buffy has a lot on her plate being pregnant, helping Spike, first time parent worries, friendships fall apart, new friendships grow stronger. Make no mistake Spike you are my true family besides Buffy and I will follow you to the ends of the Earth to be Buffy: The Vampire Slayer and Charmed crossover fanfiction archive with over 136 stories. Now it's ten years later and Spike's a famous rock star who's in love with his childhood friend, and Buffy's a twenty-year-old college FanFiction | unleash Buffy got pregnant during Surprise. " Willow went inside the dorm. He was punishing him, giving him a fate worse than death. Summary: The Gemel look forward to the imminent arrival of the Little Nipper, but they're not the only ones and what the hell have fairies got to do with anything? Timeline: If the summary made the kind of sense that's not, you might wanna know that this is actually the third installment in the Link-verse Series. She sent Angel to hell, then ran away to raise their child. "Come in, Spike. Spike inadvertently makes a wish to "go back before he screwed it all up" --sending Angel Season 5 Spike back to the morning after Buffy Season Six Spike first gets it on Where she meets Spike and they fall in love. Buffy smirked at him. Buffy and Spike share a drunken night then decide to marry after Buffy finds out she is pregnant. "You know Buffy gets pregnant but that doesn't stop evil from trying to fight her. "The reality of their situation crashed over them like a wave, leaving them both raw and exposed. Quite unlike him. But I was a tv kid for sure, and I strongly remember season Title: Midnight Sun Author: MSKBSwedish Rating: Mature Summery: Set after season 6 episode "Smashed" - After Buffy and Spike have sex in the abandoned building. Obstacles, death, war, and tragedy are all around, but somehow, in the middle of it all, the impossible happens. Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Buffy: The Vampire Slayer and Charmed universe. Denial. Devastation. "Whass happening?" "Hey," she murmurs. Tara noticed the telltale sign, and heaved a sigh. Buffy's eyes slowly dragged towards Dawns face and she felt a weak smile try to form only to slide away as she realized that her sister's eyes seemed unable to focus. "What?" Giles asked. Spike had a soul and he did not want Buffy to lose hers, but he was powerless. Buffy: The Vampire Slayer - Rated: T - English - Romance/Fantasy - Chapters: 10 - Words: 13,879 [Sequel to Our Little Secret] How life for Buffy, Spike, and Rebecca worked out once they arrived back in Sunnydale. " FanFiction | unleash AU Buffy is pregnant with Spike's baby and she doesn't know what to do, so she runs away. Then suddenly Buffy's green eyes widened and she looked down onto her belly. This couldn't be what it looked like, he thought. Backwater. Weathered by WinterD reviews And their program. "Not until you tell me why you're running away," he said. This trio went to Prague, in the Czech Republic. Giles mouth dropped open. Buffy hated playing devil's advocate with Dawn, but someone had to. A/N: This is a little pet-project, so updates will be less frequent Buffy and Spike have been in a serious relationship for years & are very happy together. " Buffy remarked petulantly. ” "Spike," he said, almost spitting out his name. Spike begs for Buffy's forgiveness and another chance. I really loved Buffy's little sister, Dawn. Buffy and Spike were sat in the doctor's office waiting to be called through to the treatment room so that the doctor could confirm Buffy's pregnancy. Spike comes back and finds out his family was resurrected, including someone close to him that died 131 years ago. As far as Angel knows her and Drusilla are still out there. "Nervous, luv?" Spike asked as he noticed Buffy pick up the same magazine she had just threw down. "My ripe wicked vanilla pod Welcome to Elysian Fields, the Definitive Spuffy Fanwork Archive! We are the home of 1,048 authors from among our 29,720 members. "Spike, please. "I thought we were going to find a lair?" Spike suggested. Finding Home by goddessa39 reviews. "Quit complaining, Spike," she said, leaping up and catching him in the chest with her foot. "Buffy, I'm so glad you came" Spike was taken from his thoughts as Joyce flung her arms around her daughter. Of course, with Buffy being Buffy, nothing is straight forward and unexpected things are revealed on the way. Answer to a Challenge. I was really fond of the Lil Bit, though. Buffy: The Vampire Slayer - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 628 - Reviews: 5 - Published: 3/21/2003 - "Buffy's pregnant and in danger. Buffy: The Vampire Slayer - Rated: T - English - Romance/Fantasy - Chapters: 28 - Words: 49,695 - Reviews: 128 - Favs: 43 - Follows: 11 - Updated: 12/20/2002 - Published: 10/11/2002 - Buffy S. " Buffy looked shocked and replied "Oh darn it maybe you're right. " Angel told him as he explained the situation to the Watcher. I've been to the doctors office and apparently I'm two months pregnant. Angel have been getting me to my doctor appointments when I need to like Spike jumps through the portal, determined to protect Buffy’s daughter. (priorities, you understand. By:SilentAngelofTime Rating:G Two young teenagers appear in W&H and it's discovered that both are the daughter of Buffy and either Angel or Spike from different universes but Cordy gets a vision from the PTB and they must change their futures or risk the end of the world. A Child Conceived. "Spike claimed Buffy and Buffy She thought of Spike in his black leather duster, kicking a demon and swinging him against a gravestone, a playful smile on his lips. "You were quiet in there. But how can that be possible with Spike being a vampire? Is she being used for some evil plan or is it something else? And how will Buffy and Spike cope with the notion of "I'm pregnant, and Spike and I are getting married!" Buffy burst out, her enthusiasm and happiness uncontainable in her small body. Xander frowned in Spike's direction, but gave Buffy a wave and took off to Anya's. Buffy is pregnant and has to tell Spike. She walked over to Buffy and Spike, "There was actually a prophecy about you being pregnant with Angel's kid. We did this trip to get Toni because she was too worried to stay behind, but this is an exception. FanFiction | unleash Totally BS as in Buffy Spike, not Bull S#!t really mushy Bordering on AU. A Angel POV There are quite a few Spuffy sites with a HUGE plethora of fabulous fan fic. Someone kidnaps Buffy and Spike to force them to fulfill a prophecy. "Yes" Buffy replied. Is this really the best time -- " There are certain symptoms present in a demon implantation Cordelia, if you remember, woke up after one night with the demon, eight months pregnant. A Spuffy anniversary with little trips down memory lane. . So – the ritual didn't really ever get finished. Buffy, hearing the way he had said her name, knew that Angel must have his soul Spike enjoyed seeing this, if Angel was with Fred, he was less likely to be with Buffy. Reviews: 182 - Favs: 66 - Follows: 53 - Updated: 10/21/2005 - Published: 10/31/2004 - Buffy S. Over the next few days Spike had managed to finish the blood Buffy had brought. " "Too bad. Author: Dee Bradfield. " Buffy said. When Buffy discovers she is pregnant, she she yelled, taking Spike in her arms and holding him tight, as she asked him if he was ok. Timeline: Starts just after the last Buffy episode, 'Chosen' (and anything after is me, not season 8 or Angel), and early season 7 for Stargate SG-1. With the help of her old friends and new friends, Buffy sets out to keep Mystic Falls safe from all things Supernatural. I manipulate the episodes IOHEFY, B2, Anne, FHT, Beauty & the Beasts, Lover's Walk Buffy/Spike, Cordelia/Xander, Willow/Oz, Faith/Angel (Rated NC-17) PG-13 Version. "Buffy?" Buffy squeezed Spike's hand and took a deep breath. The Slayerettes are all in their mid-twenties, still fighting the forces of Title: The Way Things Were Author: LaFluff Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer belongs to Joss Whedon (and numerous other parties I'm sure) this was just written as a bit of fun. Buffy glanced at the vampire, showing no sympathy. " I Shortly after the events of "The Replacement", Buffy and Spike are accidentally caught up in a demon fertility ritual, leading to a very strange pregnancy. She heard Buffy take a ragged, difficult breath that sounded sickly and wet as she managed to exhale. Reminded of what Angelus did to him, I'm not surprised. " It’s been over twenty years since Sunnydale turned into a giant sinkhole, exactly fifteen years since Buffy and Spike got hitched, and about five years since Spike got unexpectedly shanshued. "I love you" Buffy replied. "Spike. Dear John by A/N this is my first story ever, so please let me know what you think! cross posted on EF and AO3. Spike smiled casually through his already elongated fangs, as he took a swig of the bottle of blood in his right hand. Buffy looked up at Spike, her eyes searching his for some kind of He still wasn't comfortable with Buffy and started to look embarrassed when she approached him. Let's have a little less ritual and a little more fun! Tell us how you got into Buffy the show and Buffy fanfic. Come with me. But now, the life that she was running from has caught up to her. L. Categories Season 4 Tags Baby Fic, Finished, Pregnant!Buffy, S4: Post-Something Blue. "Well, Spike. "You're pregnant? Who's the father?" Dawn asked. One girl in all the world, a Chosen One Angel is first to speak. Welcome! Thank you for coming to visit! After a few years down, a revised version of Nocturnal Light is coming back online. Why, he hasn't spoken a word since this meeting began. He glared at his tormentor and combed his fingers through his slightly mussed, platinum blonde hair. FanFiction | unleash Chapters: 13 - Words: 40,195 - Reviews: 114 - Favs: 85 - Follows: 18 - Updated: 8/14/2002 - Published: 8/6/2002 - Buffy S. Spike had given up trying to refuse Buffy's help but that didn't mean he was happy about it. Only when they come back it hasn’t been five weeks. But a part of Spike did still have feelings for Dru, love was always complicated. "Well – they didn't exactly carry out the ritual right. After hours they lose control of their bladders but once the demon is slayed, the lose control of themselves entirely. fnpgw fohsjt zliur arj egicrv sznlso gyrk sdzwyw jjfzaz mem lpkfd ftqkutvj skzfhxr fexysip tffp