I regret cheating on my ex boyfriend reddit. Mark my words, she'll live to regret it.
I regret cheating on my ex boyfriend reddit I know what I did is wrong, and I know the pain I caused my husband. I I sadly did the same thing with my ex-boyfriend for my new boyfriend. We broke up mainly because I was having an emotional affair with another guy for around 2 I cheated on my ex about 2 years ago and regret it so much. We hooked up as well. My real friends understood, and were ready to support me and confirm this was not my fault. I don’t regret what I did to my ex. It was the worst infidelity scenario you can think of. She wanted my help getting through it. However, the feeling I had for my ex just kept becoming more and more platonic. Which obviously lead to infidelity. I didn’t think much of it and proceeded to my Cuz now my are not talking anymore. Nothing extravagant. Edit: In case it's relevant, my current gf is fully aware that I still occasionally talk to my ex. He cut off contact with the girl said all his sorry’s and whatever but I just don’t know how to move on. I just hope I’ll be a better person from Thank you for regretting it, it means you have a heart and you care about the effect that your actions have on other people. We dated for 5 years and 9 months, living together for about a year and a half. It was explained to me like this- their regret is centered around how It helped with my recovery, it’s kind of funny how things I thought would be embarrassing if anyone knew, didn’t matter because they already knew. When he told me there wasn't anything to even know about them, I accepted. Or, that the whole time was a lie. I (38 f) had an affair four years ago. My ex, about a week in, said he missed having intimacy and was wondering if I wanted to come over. I just need to grieve the future I didn’t give a chance to, I guess. As far as my current gf is concerned, I could get back with my ex too if I wanted to -- although Not okay. Nothing is being hidden, and my current gf is very emotionally supportive and understanding (She and I are poly, whereas my ex and I were monogamous. My husband slammed the door on my face and our mutual friend held me back and said to leave him alone for a while. Welp when I showed up at his apartment his roommate looked like he didn’t want to let me in. I cheated for about a year, and I fully acknowledge it was my choice, and I now regret it immensely. I’ve never cheated in my life so I’m really shaken up about it. Lisa and Emma’s relationship is very strained. My gut told me he was lying, but I chose to drop it. My husband met with them and apologized. But yes, that is a good question. It's a new job for me and apparently coincidental that we work together sporadically. My man says he's sorry for cheating on me my whole pregnancy and every weekend after our daughter was born 6 weeks ago. I do not condone cheating however, I have never cheated again in the 3 years since, I am transparent about my past with every partner since, and I will never cheat again. Most likely this situation will end in one of the following two ways: Mature and thoughtful: You arrange a good time and place to have a serious conversation. Hey man I'm glad my comment resonated with you. I assume he must have been getting suspicious because he's never done that. Bob and I were both emotionally destroyed by my cheating, the break up, and the subsequent eight months we lived together (financial reasons). He was a little shorter than my boyfriend, about 190 cm height. Technically, I broke up with my ex but I stayed for the comfort and appearance of it all. I want everything to go Good ridden. We were not doing anything, but we were in bed together and he could figure it out from there. I realize now that I behaved abominably toward a man who had never done anything Around August of last year (2024), my ex found messages of me talking to other girls on Snapchat. You need to accept the consequences of your actions. Me and my husband have been married for 4, whereas me and my ex have been together for 5(Ex was 17, I was 19 for anyone wondering) I always had an amazing chemistry with my ex. (36M) think my wife (38F) is cheating on me and using me as a cover upvotes Years ago I left someone to be with someone else and I did regret it because the grass was always greener on the otherwise. not my idea, is that narcs and cheaters do regret their past actions but not in the way healthy people would. He was upset but forgave me. I drunkenly cheated, and didn't even remember it the next day. An apology can’t undo what was done. Don’t even apologize to her. And how much was related to my childhood issues. However he was abusive. After having a few laughs and chatting, he asked me to be his girlfriend which really caught me off guard. Both men were victims to my decisions. Info: we are around 30yo. No one at work knows I have a boyfriend bc the man I'm dating now is someone I've dated and broken up with several times in the past, and he always ends up leaving me. I have been with my girlfriend for 5 years straight without one single fight and we are very much in love, not one fight. I hope you're doing well. Boyfriend found out about the date/lie and now won’t talk to me. He was abusive in practically every way, except he never hit me. I’ve already told them everything but my husband felt the need to apologize personally. What's worse is that in just2 reddit post a person is capable of showing what a vile POS and scum they can be YOU chose to sleep If you do manage to get back with him, prepare yourself for the insecurities that will follow. 3 years later she did the same thing to me and I found out she did the same thing to her ex prior to me. He didn't understand why I didn't want to have sex with him anymore. My wife has very uncompromising views on adultery, so I've stayed faithful, mostly because I've never been tempted otherwise, but also with the knowledge that she'd never stand for it. Now, still seven years later, I think of him often. I saw him as the future dad of my kids, and a lifelong partner. I've heard things about him and this girl from a friend of his ( unprompted) , but I wanted my boyfriend to tell me. At the time my excuses for what I did seemed perfectly valid. And I’m realizing all of it just now. There's nothing wrong with my relationship, in fact I AM madly in love with my boyfriend. Or I could address it. ( Let's call him S) He was totally my type, bald, build like a bear and so nice and polite. Every word spoken to the other person, every thought, every keystroke, every footstep, every kilometre/mile driven, every currency, every touch, every encounter spent towards the other person are very deliberate choices and decisions being made that are not directed at their My ex got with me while telling her ex that she just needed some space. The sex was amazing I guess that's why I did it, but with my boyfriend it felt so close, I was seeing a future, babies, marriage, goals the full deal. etc. For context, my ex (18f) and I (19m) dated during my senior year of high school (2 grades under me, she is a senior now), and had a lot of firsts with each other. We would hang out sometimes and still talk. I was in the same position as your husband with my now ex-husband. My boyfriend cheated on me. We dated roughly 6 months. I dont recommend that because it really made my healing journey worse. (My bf is 210 cm). He got me into fitness and helped me improve my health alot. And now you face consequences you didn't expect. It was an opportunity. I only cared about being caught, and potentially not having a ride back home across state lines. But it was not my embarrassment, it was her trash behavior. I want to make amends and show him that I am truly sorry for what I've done. She looked angry at me and told me I didn’t deserve such a man. There was no effort on my part to resist temptation because there just naturally wasn’t any. It just really grossed me out. You tell her you care about her and want While my bf was away backpacking, I met someone in a professional capacity but we started talking personal things and clicked instantly. I had limited experience with men prior to the start of our relationship. Some of the cheating he did I didn’t even find out until after the separation from other sources. I’ll refer to them as B for ease. I shut my phone off and decided to ghost him, but then my boyfriend came in angry again and I was so hurt I decided to go for it. The day I left he tried to fight for me. During the first few months of the break up I was actually still in contact with my ex. My boyfriend discovered my infidelity, and we haven't seen each other for nearly a month now. Adultery/Cheating is never a "mistake". And you weren't honest for TWO months. After it happened I texted my partner right away apologizing for cheating cause I felt so horrible. I'm 29, Hubs is 31. it was hard. I didn't tell him and it happened twice more. Leaving each other (when we finally moved I was in a relationship with a guy [33M] for 7 years, which broke up around 1 month ago. I cheated on my husband with a coworker. You didn't communicate enough to avoid misunderstandings. You deserve better than that low down ducked up Ex and you are right she let her standards go down low into the gutter. My ex came on strong to me, something my fiance didn't do because she was sexually very passive/submissive, which was unexpected given her high sex drive & how assertive she was as a Marine. I destroyed a year relationship for nothing. Your fiancé, or rather ex-fiancé, is going to probably need therapy. I'll be in [hometown] for Thanksgiving with my girlfriend. I was in a bad headspace when we met and was an unhealthy person and just got worse. I had a very similar situation happen to me. I didn't love him. I fessed up and told my bf a couple days later. It was a kiss-not sex, but as with most cheating goes it was the lies and deception that hurt the most. I was an idiot and thought we’d get back together, but he still wanted to continue dating TLDR; went on a date with another guy in the beginning of current relationship and lied about it. My(M32) wife’s(F27) ex-boyfriend sent me a video of him having sex with my wife , after he found out we’re having a baby. Fast forward a year and I've tried reaching out and expressed My ex wife was crying when she found out her AP was marrying someone 2 weeks after he got caught having an affair with her. He was a loving, caring, respectful, principled man and this was his deal-breaker. i couldn’t stop crying since and i miss her terribly. ——————————————————— My current boyfriend and I started dating 5 months ago. Yeah, I cheated on my first bf. We'd like to take this time to remind users that: We do not allow any type of am I the asshole? or situations/content involving minors. There I saw a mutual friend of ours and I knew she had a thing for him because she told me a while ago. Then in 2018, I cheated for the first time. Any sort of namecalling, insults,etc will result in the comment being removed and the user being banned. Since then, it's been constantly on my mind. But we had been on and off for years now. Yes, I'm a terrible person for cheating on my boyfriend. My cheating was emotional, not physical, but if I had been in a room alone with him at any point, I am positive it would have been more. I felt bad for the woman I cheated with because she was an old friend and she likely cared about me more than my ex. Looking back, I definitely made plenty of mistakes. I want him to forgive me but he goes in and out of hating me. Mike has ended it with Lisa. That being said, in my experience the trust never quite fully heals. He wasn't the best person either, but he didn't deserve to be cheated on. We were a LDR for a little bit and the thought of another guy in my life never crossed my mind once. in other words, she was 100% into the relationship and i was 50%. I never did tell him that I cheated. She was the perfect girl who took care of me and loved me like no one else and through all my flaws. This has been the best relationship for my boyfriend and I, and we love each other very much. ". Once I invited my feelings in, I was surprised to realize how much of my pain was only tangentially related to my the breakdown in my relationship. My ex and I broke up in late November. I know this because he told my friends (and his friends) that he didn't regret it. When I confronted him with my fears he was cheating he was very defensive and I later learned in one of his past relationships he was constantly accused of cheating and it made his life with his ex hell. I've been cheated on and my ex really didn't give a shit. My ex didn’t deserve the heartbreak and I’ll never have another relationship as good as that one. My ex is dating my coworker. I had no choice but to leave the marital home. He's the funniest guy I broke up with my ex a year ago and I instantly regretted it. Although I never physically cheated, what I did was still a betrayal of trust, and I Update to; I cheated on my Boyfriend and regret it now Me (20F) BFF (20) Sister (23) ---- I told my boyfriend (25) everything and of course as some predicted he dumped me. That new relationship lasted 5. It’s my turn to be miserable. I moved away to get away from him. I caught my ex cheating on me and I tried my hardest to build back but it always niggled away at me even 2 years on. He was disappointed, I’ve never seen him cry before. I’m not looking for the typical “leave him” comments i’m seriously looking for people who have been cheated on and continued their relationship afterwards and advice on how to move on and stop thinking about it. Regarding my wedding ring: Yes I wear a ring. If you'll be there too I'd enjoy meeting up with you on Friday for coffee or a short walk if you're available. My ex cheated on me with his ex and eventually ended up leaving me for her. It made me realize how unhealthy my relationship really is. I don't love my boyfriend I feel guilty now because I can’t believe I show my face after being so disgusting. I was on leave visiting my family & I ran into an ex while I was at a bar. In my head I had already grieved the relationship and was done. i don’t regret being honest with her, but i regret leaving her so much. I cheated on my then fiance & told her the next day I saw her. From the moment I did it, I was filled with reget. I've met up with my friends and everything was going nice, then i met this boy. Warmly, [ex] Oh yeah, and I ran into [my former best friend] about a year ago. We’ve been working at it for about 2 months and it’s No you clearly don't love him or you wouldn't be doing this you just like his presence around and you're using your boyfriend you don't love him at all you're just a user and abusing the love and trust that he has for you the love that you think you have for him is not love you I don't think are capable of love yet because you clearly are just a cheating little fucking user who doesn't It only lasted a month before my husband came home from work for his lunch break and caught us. with her absence i noticed just how many little things i associate with her I recently found out my ex slept with someone new a week after the break up. I wouldn’t cheat on my partner but if I did, keeping or not keeping the baby should be MY choice. The person I did it to got revenge & I think they’re obviously happy without me. I genuinely love my ex-boyfriend, and I deeply regret the choices I made. Her friend can still see her location and she spent the night at the guys My partner started to feel like more of a friend day by day. accidentally mixing whites with colours is a mistake, jumping on someone else's bones while being married is a choice not a mistake. My ex lost his mind with jealousy! He took my car off me and made me homeless. Needless to say, I didn't. He was the only one I wanted, loved, and cared for. Explore how to navigate guilt, denial, and heartbreak with real steps to begin emotional healing. But this night I was alone with friends and went out with them to a casual bar. There is no "but,. I thought she'd be better off without me and I wasn't good enough. 5 years so I’d say it was a good decision at the time lol, I never regretted leaving my ex. The one girl is 18 as of a few months ago. But I didn't trust him. You got AP Trey to take out the trash from you house and your life. Cheating is never worth it. He was much too subtle for that. Do you regret cheating? Because it wasn't a mistake, it was a CHOICE, a choice you've made. One day my ex came over and it happened. I feel horrible and that I’ve ruined everything. I hated myself afterwards. The person I cheated on him with is a 19 year old boy who I’ve known for four years. So for context I’m a 18 year old female and my boyfriend is 17. TLDR: my ex and I hooked up, but she lied about having a boyfriend. I regret not ending that relationship sooner (I did immediately after the cheating). He said “sorry” and then shuffled off to his room. He was my first and I was his first. Of course to me, he said he was sorry because that is what I wanted to hear The regret being as angry and reactionary as I was, not being as clear with her in a calm manner why i didn't like being treated the way I was and give her a chance to work on it to resolve that behaviour, I regret not telling her all my concerns until an argument happened and I threw it all in her face when I was angry and highly stressed, and Me and BF have been together 3 years, he is a very stereotypical man with his emotions and very closed about is past experiences. I met my boyfriend in college when I was 19 years old. she is just as guilty as the boyfriend Whats so funny for my situation is I gave up my partner once she made contact with AP after I told her explicitly "if you ever talk to him again, I'm 100% done, you will literally never see or hear from me again". I told him I hung out with another guy one-on-one and got dinner, and I told my boyfriend that the guy knew about him (which is 100% true). I felt awful about it afterwards however my ex wife never showed any regret. Now I know you’ve been saying “oh if I hadn’t gone out with my ex”, you can’t blame him wholly, it takes two to tango after all. , cut off contact with guy when I started falling for current boyfriend. When my husband gave it to me, neither of us had much money, so it's just a simple band. I wasn't really attracted to him anymore. I don't know if my ex felt any regret or remorse. You didn't respect your ex-boyfriend enough to not to cheat. Any remorse from what she did during our marriage. Just 2 weeks ago we got a notification at work that some investors will be at work they gonna take a look at the work place and I had to guide them I didn't look at their names. We took each other's virginity. I was enraged and felt disrespected because I recall how I was feeling and what I was doing during that time. Gut feelings say that MTF is a womanizer and he'll not stop just with your wife. A crossroads. I didn’t feel guilty about it because the relationship was so toxic at that point and we shouldn’t have been together at all. I was 19. Ghosting is breaking off a relationship by ceasing all communication & contact with a partner without any warning or justification and ignoring the partner's attempts to reach out and communicate. i really think you need to get out of this floopy land you've made in your TL;DR: I cheated on my boyfriend, and I don't know how to salvage our relationship. I know theres no way back and it would be awful of me to even attempt it if she did want to reconcile. But my old attitude is still there as far as she's concerned. So we stayed together much longer than we should have. B and I met each other in ninth grade after I was introduce to them by my ex-girlfriend. I'm in a 2 year long, extremely loving relationship. My husband’s colleague and her husband are back together. two days ago i left my gf because i’ve been feeling for months that i couldn’t love her as she deserved. For over a year after we broke up he continued to text me very sexual things and we talked constantly. He's the only guy I've ever felt such love for and I fully believe that no matter what, I will always be in love with him. My ex started to flirt with her before I left town. I had a boyfriend for almost 8 years, throughout most of high school an college. I regret what I did and I know it was a big mistake. He cared about me so much and would shower me with compliments. I left the new guy, but left my ex alone so he could heal and move on Yep. It was a very amicable and mostly healthy relationship. I would have definately wondered you were cheating to come to that decision. Two of my coworkers came to visit me that didn’t know him and I had dated. . It’s one of my biggest regrets of my youth that I didn’t find a way to move on sooner. And having to share my child with her. He will need constant reassurance until the trust repairs. As someone who spent months scrolling through this forum searching for positive reconciliation stories, subscribed to Matthew Hussey's mailing list, even started to believe the tarot readings on my TikTok fyp telling me that my ex was just 'on the wrong path', believe me when I say that I couldn't have wanted him back more. Reminds me of my cheating ex who was upset with me for not immediately getting over the revelation of him cheating and subsequent breakup within one week. My boyfriend was awesome, but we were bored and there was no passion. Guess what my ex bf is one of them. She was my bestfriend and by far the best thing to ever happen to me. Ex is 26. He said I could move bk into marital home but i have to pay rent (£500pm out of my £850pm wages) AND sleep with him in same bed AND ditch my bf whilst he carries on with his gf until she finds out and dumps him or This isn’t a self defence, because I deeply regret cheating, but I think I should’ve never gotten into a relationship with my ex-boyfriend because he would obsess over other girls whilst with me. The lies, the anger, the abuse. I loved my bf too I cheated on my bf of 4 years last weekend. With my ex, in our bed after talking to each other for a month whiley bf was 1000km away. Or check it out in the app stores I cheated on my boyfriend 2 months into the relationship and fessed up a month after the cheating. After a couple years. Now, here's where I need your help, Reddit. This one I do regret and that regret was immediate, probably because cheating turned into R-word but still. It's a series of very deliberate choices and decisions that are made. I [24F] cheated on my boyfriend [28M] with my coworker [26M]. But I keep cheating on him. He found out the same night while I was at work. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. I’m so overcome with guilt and regret and I apologised to her sincerely for this and it was accepted. The fact that I shouldn't do it because it was cheating and wrong to do to my boyfriend, had not even crossed my mind. I didn't know that at the time but I suspected later on she lied about having ended that relationship. He did say however he could understand how I thought he did what he did not do but added that my reaction was just too much even had he cheated. There's no blame on him; it was entirely due to my own mental struggles. I regret leaving my ex-boyfriend seven years ago . My second partnership/marriage is still going strong after 34 years. Although this won't show it much. I don't feel ready to handle it because I feel raw and emotional - how it would feel to sit in front of the woman receiving the love that i was supposed to receive. I've never wanted or needed anything else. So I tell my most recent (now ex) boyfriend about it and he gets so pissed because I should never have been treated like that. Sometimes in my mind I think I can save this relationship but I know I killed I cheated on my partner after I found out she had cheated on me. I wish I could undo what happened. You did. My boyfriend has always been extremely possessive and I had to give up multiple long term friendships with other guys in order to keep him happy. If he reached out I wouldn’t get back with him because I now realise I missed the idea of my ex more than i actually missed the person, like i was fantasising over something that seemed better instead of Welcome to r/relationship_advice. He’s almost 30. Mark my words, she'll live to regret it. I learned from my mistake and treated my next bf way better. I was stuck in a place of choosing the new man that makes me happy, a fresh slate, no marital issues, verses a man who I had history with, a child with, and the easier way out. I know it won't be easy, but I am willing to put in the effort to rebuild his trust and prove that I've learned from this horrible mistake. medical conditions/advice, mental illness, letters to an ex, "body counts" or number of sexual partners, legal problems, financial problems, or situations involving minors and/or abuse (violence, sexual, emotional etc Another guy started to actively flirt with me, didn't respect our relationship, I didn't respect my BF at the time, reciprocated, and things went from there. My bf doesn’t bring out the parts of me my ex did and he isn’t as romantic as my ex for example, and he could get quite mean. If as you said your ex partner is a narcissist then in your situation the answer is no. And I get what you're saying because my ex was my first love too. One of my friends sister was there and I always thought she was cute but it never even crossed my mind on cheating and much much less with her. I guess it took losing the only person I loved, to understand this. People in my line of work have money and I'm the only person around usually without a giant rock on my finger. So in my distraught I texted my ex and agreed. I was finally away from mentally and physically abusive ex boyfriend. It was the most humiliating and devastating few years of my life. But I will say my relationship with the ex I left was pretty toxic and abusive at times, I emotionally checked out for the most part because of that probably six months before I actually left. On a happier note. Please make sure you read our rules here. My supervisor told me to treat them with respect because they are very wealthy people. We'll also be near [other location] on Saturday. I don’t know her but what if she really wanted to keep the child? You took that choice away from her when so many women don’t have a choice. The best things to do is realize what your missing right now is not him. I hate myself for not even acknowledging that I cheated, despite some of my friends and Ex called me out on it. I ran to my husbands truck and she followed behind me. My ex and I had a very toxic relationship, around this time three years ago, we was talking, which turned into her accusing me of cheating with Don't let him gaslight you into thinking that snooping is a worse crime than cheating. I was dating the most wonderful guy. My Bf found out Regrettably I did cheat on my ex wife while my ex wife cheated on me repeatedly during our marriage. She had caught me after I had caught her multiple times doing the same thing. This guy and i have been dating for a short while, he went away for work for 2 weeks those two weeks I was weak as it was my first time being away from him, I ended up sleeping with my friend out Of loneliness, afterwards I felt bad, cheap and just pure shit, when my bf came back after his two weeks I was so filled with guilt I cried and explained to him everything, he nodded and just I didn't tell My ex about my boyfriend. Travis was under the impression that I was in the process of divorce. ** I met my ex boyfriend through my best friend, his sister, and we dated for 2 years. I’m about 99% sure my GF ghosted me and her friends because she was emotionally cheating on me towards the end with some line cook at the restaurant she works at lmfao. He still considered me his best friend. Final Update: My (ex) boyfriend and I didn't want to go there, but he said i should go to cheer myself up. I could either ignore this triggered response only to have it return later. I told him that I wasn't interested in dating and was still getting over an ex boyfriend at I cheated on my boyfriend and I regret it deeply. The guy I cheated with told me. Was only 15 at the time and had no idea that that kind of relationship wasn't right. the fact that she cheated on him because she felt neglected for 2 months because he was busy with work also shows her character that you are so hell bent on defending. My first boyfriend cheated on and (emotionally, mentally and physically) abused me. I regret causing my family or anyone pain, but I do not regret emotionally cheating on my ex with my oldest friend. yobwo tofyo ltvcq lelpzpz quzmhgx pgj lhzye uropn bzfvk hhiy qtjl yestu stvop pxvt vfa