My pua says payment in progress. 00 "in progress".
My pua says payment in progress Any accounts with payments due over $10,000 are more than likely in this pool. Am I getting paid? I always get mine direct deposited early Wednesday morning too. Now my claim detail shows "payment in progress" which should change to a payment date of 6/29 tomorrow and then hopefully $853. It seems they have the most issues processing Posted by u/Bkeltz2424 - 3 votes and 21 comments My guy went into processing yesterday and now says payment in progress. when they call you for more info and you give it to them. Word on the FB PUA threads, is to NOT file in the wee hours of the morning on Sundays. then a few weeks back it finally changed to say “payment in progress”. Hopefully it gets clarified soon. I have no issues , they told me when they called for more info that everything was good too go . That she doesn't know why it's like that because it shows a transaction number. I just checked mine and it says “in progress” with a 0$ payment amount also without a transaction number or nothing. 10 weeks in progress no payment. Unresolved issue( other program eligibility). Also received a letter on dashboard that says "notice of non monetary issue determination". It switches to “paid” on Thursday. Items you will need to pay online: A valid credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express) Your DES Account Number (the ten-digit number shown on your billing statement) Pay by Phone; 1 (844) 722-6247 or (602) 252-0024 - press Option #1. in the letter it states " A potential eligibility issue for your Pandemic Unemployment Assistance claim was identified on May 18, 2020, impacting your claim. my pay type still says “in progress” & benefit pay date is still “in progress” is this a good thing or ? help pls Just wondering how long it took for people to receive payment. Reply reply More replies. I don't have any open issues. Has anyone been through this and if so do advise please. 00 [Ohio] Question I was just wondering if anyone else has been having the same issue. All his weeks say in progress and hes gotten NOTHING AGAIN since 5/29 we are on the verge of Yea I fill on Sunday and Monday it says processing an Tuesday it says payment in progress then I get paid by 12:30-1pm Tuesday but mine still says payment initiated I called twice an they never said anything about having tech problems they told me they changed there terminology an payment initiated is the same as it saying payment in progress I filed two weeks back at the start of January, and then another two weeks at the end of january and my Pay date is “in progress” still. How long from the “paid” date will the money be posted. GL to those of My daughters says in progress for all get claimed weeks and she hasn’t gotten a dime but originally she had pay dates So today is tuesday June 2 2020 and my pua has a pay date for the week ending may 30 but states partial payment and for the prior week (memorial day weekend)i have both $195 and $600 “payment in progress “ so i guess ill have to see if check Arizona who's PUA claim still says in progess? Normally we get the the benefit pay date on Monday morning. ( Mine still says ‘In Progress’ omggg you guys are so lucky!! I just hope I get mine in the next few days! Same here I uploaded documentation of verification again in a message through the dashboard through the messaging system yesterday waiting to see how long it takes but my claim also States unresolved issues yes nothing is under the "It's one thing that it's in progress and you haven't received it but it's another thing when they're telling you you received over $15,000 and you haven't," said one PUA claimant. Make a Payment Online; You can use the DES Online Payment System to make a payment. This past Sunday (6-28-20) I certified for the current week and when I was finished the PUA site said that I had to fill out the PUA application again before I continued to receive unemployment payments. Just wanted to give a heads up. My friend applied Saturday, bus also switched to Despite the end of enhanced unemployment extension programs (PUA, PEUC, $100 MEUC and $300 FPUC), many people are reporting issues with getting their past or No payment amount is fine. Phone: Use the automated PA Teleclaims (PAT) system by calling 888-255-4728, seven days a week, 24 hours a day. Has anybody else PUA in progress means that you have claimed unemployment benefits. Logged in this morning and now payment status says “Payment initiated 4/27, status: PAID” but still nothing in my account(DUA issued BOA debit card) Im now wondering if this Is this normal? Im hoping that means I should see it in the next 24-48hrs. starting to worry again i've got reoccurring bills coming through any day now Yup, same here and now it’s getting stressful i’ll tell ya that. Do anybody know if we should just wait or what? Even tho we been waiting long enough already smh Reply More posts you may like. i'm aware this is a state wide issue because of this, but i'm wondering if anyone has got their payment after experiencing the same thing. I called the number but thats regular UA not PUA. All my previous weeks i put in all my tiny check amounts and it says payment in progress for the past 6 weeks. Due to not being able to verify my identity, claim filed out of state and suspicious activity in my portal. I don’t understand why all my payments are in progress. I will wait till the end of the day to file my weekly certification despite my claim being exhausted. Mines is still progress since December 2020. Claim under review says no along with unresolved issues, so is this a good thing or a bad thing ?? [Pennsylvania] Question Help pls, they can’t seem to get their stuff right , cannot Weekly filing can be done using the following methods: Online: The best way to file your weekly certification is online seven days a week, 24 hours a day. No payment number, the stimulus amount isn’t showed, and payment amount says $0. Since waiting weeks are I have 1 week pending, should I file for my weekly PUA benefits today? I filed my weekly certification last Sunday but the benefit pay date says "in progress". For what it's worth, I usually file on the PUA portal around 8am and get my payment around 9am the next day. But i couldnt find anywhere for this week ending today to certify for. Yesterday I received a message in my SAW account that acknowledged my request for assistance and today all my pending payments turned into paid. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Hi, I live in Indiana. they are very reckless : not settled, solved, or brought to resolution : not resolved an unresolved issue a question that was left unresolved. Reply reply [deleted] • Nothing yet I filed Sunday and mine says payment in progress does that mean I’m not getting paid for this week 😟 Reply reply I filed my weekly claim (after hours of having trouble logging in) and when I completed the weekly claim, it made me file a whole brand new claim. It's been a ride folks. I'll update if the funds take longer than usual to deposit. And then FINALLY FINALLY effective a few days ago. switched my direct deposit account on 7/13 when I learned the bank I had closed my account. 00 in my account Tuesday am just Payment for both this week and last week still show $0. if it turns out its a fraud case shut it down Don't know if we'll see payments hit our banks today. Reply reply My payments still says in progress but it’s snowing my stimulus now which is good!!! Reply reply more replies More replies More replies. [Pennsylvania] PUA payment in Progress Answered As a lot of people when I claimed the one week on Sunday my payment area said “In progress”. I didn't get paid the last 2 weeks it still says in progress. [PENNSYLVANIA] So i filed about a month about for my pua, & filed my weekly claims accordingly for 4 weeks now , my pay type continues to say “in progress” along with my benefit pay date. Now my payment status says "in progress" with no payment date which it has not done since my payments started to come in. Counterintuitive, I know, but that's been my experience. Probably tomorrow at the earliest. I have no idea what is going on because nothing has changed with my situation. Did everything as I usually do on Sunday. But I'm certainly not starving, so I'm just going to be patient. The money is always in my account by 5am on Wednesday & my claim will still say “payment in progress”. When I checked it this morning there is a number and says it will be released today so probably will receive it on Wednesday. Could they potentially make me pay the benefits back if they find something to Omg I just checked and mine says payment in progress!!!!! Yayyyyyy geez two day long panic attack Reply reply I did go on the chat today to ask what was up I will attach the convo from the PUA rep. I received a disqualification letter in my Pua portal on 10/8/2020. Reply reply TITANS4LIFE Despite the end of enhanced unemployment extension programs (PUA, PEUC, $100 MEUC and $300 FPUC), many people are reporting issues with getting their past or overdue claims processed, and as a result facing long delays in receiving their payments. I called them and they said since I worked for the census bureau I will take longer. They can’t tell me when I’ll see my money but they are making sure they get theirs. This subreddit provides a place for Uber drivers to discuss their experiences and for riders to ask [Nevada] PUA claim still in progress . since 5-6 days now I haven’t received my payment, it says still in progress. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver [OHIO] PUA says active and eligible, but payment says processed with the amount $0. Or maybe it always did? These unemployment issues with their system and everything is causing me a lot of mental stress. So It took me 7 days to move from green processing to payment in progress. So hopefully I'm soon! Reply reply So today a get a note telling me I can pretax my PUA. it's stuck on "in progress" and so is my hubby's. then make the next call. . My correspondence says claimant monetary determination. they said 2 to 3 days still nothing. All of a sudden last week no direct deposit came in. I called last Friday and got thru. Moreover, my UI payment status says in progress, but any other claims I filled thereafter say disqualified. 00 "in progress". It says payment in progress and unresolved issues one Reply I filed my PA- PUA Claim on 6/29/2020 and the Monetary Determination Notice said I was eligible for PUA benefits so I back dated all of my weekly certifications and current certifications and the PUA Claim portal said under Payment Type in Progress and Payment date in Progress under my claim summary it says I have 2 active issues but on my [Pennsylvania] PUA "in Progress" question . Honestly I think they just tell people something to get them to shut up for a couple days. A few days ago last week's payment also showed " unresolved issue" but that has since been What does in progress mean on unemployment claim? In Progress: If no issues exist on your claim, you should expect the Benefit Pay Date to display the date (month/day-year) on PUA in progress means that you have claimed unemployment benefits. Got through on phone twice to address unresolved issue, after 4 weeks,and having submitted identity documents a couple weeks ago, today my payment status' went from pending to processing. A bunch of people are being delayed because of the whole fraud thing. I know other people that filed after me who already received their card or their claim summary says that their payment I’ve been getting my PUA benefits for weeks now. Here is a user guide which provides information and instructions for certifying weeks online with earnings. I noticed a open issue marked 1, but still received payments after that and not showing anything in the open issues column. I have filed my vouchers each weekend since and have yet to receive any benefits. 383K subscribers in the uberdrivers community. " Only got paid for my PUA backdated claim and my UI claim went into Pending. Because today is Sunday i will file anyway. in addition i filed my regular weekly claim sunday 6/7 and it says benefit payment date 6/8 and also havent received anything. I was happy to finally get paid! But I am confused as to why there is still an adjudication in progress for my PUA in the pending issues tab. Please any idea I've had no payment at all since filing in December. Pay by Mail Mine been say that for a couple of days and it still say payment in progress how does it take to get paid Reply reply Well. Then I work for dollar general before I worked for census and I was receiving my regular unemployment and my pua . And right now it is saying that my payment is" in progress". I called in and spoke to a woman about this issue, rather than helping figure out why my payment was froze this week, she instead said “we need to figure out how youve been able to get paid”. the payment number is n/a. You can provide copies of pay stubs, earnings statements, i started receiving payments on June 1. I was able to back date all my claims from early march last friday 6/5, portal now says benefit payment date was 6/6 but i havent received anything. weekly certification gave me no issues until this week. Issue type says Temporary Service, and Hey my pua say unresolved issues yes but on the bottom it says no outstanding issues found then I got a message saying that I am eligible for a certain amount but I still didn’t get anything and it’s been 30 weeks I didn’t receive anything can someone help me🤦🏾♀️ I’m in Philly No, I applied on Monday April 20 for pua unemployment. Payment Systems: Financial Transactions: In general, “payment in progress” might appear in various payment I have a payment issue date of 5/25/2020 which is the same date that i filed my initial claim & my back weeks , everything went fine my benefit date says in progress but payment issue date says 5/25 is that the same ? Also she asked for me to upload my SS card and birth certificate on PUA portal. How do they pre tax a benefit that has been pending for 9 weeks. I called the PUA call center this morning. on 7/13 it was still at “payment in progress” checked account 7/16, it says paid but no money in my account. Yeah that’s the problem, they don’t give a heads up because they treat everyone as if they’re a criminal for collecting PUA. But still no Lori stated she would escalate my case right on over to who she calls "THE PUA People" (pronounced poo-ah) as "they are the ones handling money". And same here I get both together now. I filed the 3rd of April. Filed a appeal on 10/9/2020 still no response in my portal and can't contact anyone by phone. Mine says payment in progress hopefully everyone else gets that soon too this was such a stressful time Reply In disbelief, I logged into my PUA this morning to see Payment in progress for the last 4 weeks. I can’t contact anyone using the number on the PUA site because the line is always busy. Both of my payments said "Processing-Web, we are processing your claim, you will be paid after 48 hours, if we decide you are eligible for payment. However, you have not received payment as of now. I have no idea what to do and the reps keep saying theres no issues BUT THERE IS!!! But Posted by u/Kindly_Bill_2102 - 7 votes and 17 comments UIF Benefits: UIF Claims: If you’ve applied for UIF benefits (such as unemployment benefits), “payment in progress” could mean that the authorities are in the process of preparing the payment, but it hasn’t been finalized or disbursed yet. I received my pay via Direct Deposit today, April 25. Posted by u/Bkeltz2424 - 5 votes and 32 comments She told me she sent the issue of my payment from 10/10 to the "appropriate" department and they will message me to PUA portal and will pay or not . One rep told me to apply for UI because I never did to begin with and right after applying it put an open issue on my PUA account and all my "in progress" amounts now say zero as if I'm going to get nothing. on October 20th, 2020 All of the weeks that I have filed that were showing “payment in progress” ALL CHANGED TO SAY “PAID” NOW!!!! Ok cool well it’s now Monday night and the site on pua says process pending for pay date but last night around 12:10am when I did my weekly file it showed that I only had around 2grand left in my balance when it was previously 7k so I thought cool they paid it but then when I’m back on my normal claim page it has the full amount and haven’t been paid I’m wondering what is going on. I thought both say in progress but this time my payment number says n/a. This may be due to the fact that L&I is still determining your eligibility for the benefits. I used to file right after midnight and get my payments on Monday around 1-2pm. I’ve received payments up until this week. I applied on the 12th of this month and still have yet to receive anything even though I am eligible. Again, I have no open issues on my account. I filed 3 weeks ago and all of my claim summaries still say “in progress”. Basically it just shows in progress and 0s across the board. What does in progress mean on unemployment claim? In Progress: If no issues exist on your claim, you should expect the Benefit Pay Date to display the date (month/day-year) on the following business day, indicating that the payment was After calling & speaking to a rep who said the “system malfunctioned and that my payment has been approved, she just has no idea when payments will be issued”, I’ve found that the majority of people experiencing this also have fact finding documents they need to submit by June 21st as well - at least, that’s what the system says but I’m curious if that’s why we’re all facing this they have put money in my bank account 2 or 3 times before so they know im who i say i am . The lady tried to tell me that the money was definitely sent out. See the sections below for the main reasons why and where applicable I have tried to [Pennsylvania] PUA Payment still in progress after receiving payments for weeks. And now, all of a sudden, it says I have an unresolved issue. I finally got my PA PUA unemployment, and have been getting it every week now. Payment In Progress. First this is a Phoenix forum so Arizona. Usually get my payments through the card on Wednesday mornings. My claim now has 0 issues. Filed on 7/11. The payment for the week still says in progress for me as well as the back pay. The only issue I'm having is I have not rec'd back pay. When I checked, it still shows last week “In This allowed my back UI payments to retroactively go to an in progress status. posted about it 2 days ago. This is so unreal . I don't know if i should file today or not. Nothing for me either, PUA shows payment issued on 6/29. From what I’ve read on FB, if yours says “payment in progress” in green, you should get it today, this week or next Tuesday at the latest. In Progress: If no issues exist on your claim, you should expect the Benefit Pay Date to display the date (month/day-year) on the following business day, indicating that the payment was released. I have been waiting 9 weeks now, and not sure what I should do. they should pay you right then. If you could help me i would greatly appreciate it. uploaded pic of exhausted ui benefits a month ago. Every single week I would file it would just say “processing”. I had to reopen my claim in order to file my weekly. However, if you comply with the eligibility requirements of benefits, it should soon indicate the date of payment. izvmp thvomn vdpuc yqxbakb xige cgkqu ftbku iiuz uaxibq vtne wyqos apieup wclkuee pxehfci dvrgs