He is now upset with me. Please view our voting guide here, and remember to use only one judgement in your comment. I wish I didn't because I inherited it from my grandmother whom I would prefer to have back. I actively lied about it sometimes and even joined in jokes about our strict landlord sometimes. A week turns into a month and turns out there never was an apartment. Telling them he was coming over is a courtesy that wasn’t needed because it didn’t affect them since they were supposed to be gone. She was pretty upset about it, and said that I was stealing from all the roommates by asking for money I didn't actually spend. They called me insensitive and selfish because I had not asked about one of my roommate’s breakup. I thought this was a pretty nice deal for them but I wasn’t too worried about it because it was cheaper rent than a lot of comparable options. TheAccursedHamster. She moved into the house with him because she has no where to go. My experience is that roommates bring what they have and collaborate to buy what else is needed. I might be acting a bit harsh because I am upset at the situation and because they didn't consult with me first. They want me to live in my sorority house so I don't have to worry about subleasing or potentially having to cover my roommates' rent if they don't pay it. Seems like an easy rescue. No she would use my apartment to house her roommate. If your roommate has a problem with her having a problem with it, he's also an asshole. AITA- for demanding my roommates not touch anything that they aren't sure belongs to them. He was still there while roommate had also left. I never really thought about the legal aspects of it mainly because my name wasn’t on the lease. I also didn't tell her I didn't have any left because I was annoyed with her, and didn't care if she thought I was purposely not giving her something I had an abundance of. (semi nudity after 3am) to private. It was on a whim, I was in a weird situation with previous roommates blah blah blah. She let me know before hand, and I had no issue. I did not take this seriously because that roommate (we’ll call her 20F Sarah) had not told me anything about that and they obviously knew I was not telepathic. Discover videos related to Aita for Not Telling My Roommate I Own The House on TikTok. No, he doesn’t own the house. It is an older house in a mature neighborhood in my city. The past few weeks, you told me twice you didn't feel like talking when I said hi. My roommate thinks I am being too controlling and that I should also be trying to maintain a friendship with this person. In a bid to earn some extra income and alleviate my financial burden, I decided to rent out a room to a complete stranger. Since we have moved into the new place we have had issues with charges not showing up in our account AITA? tl:dr I tried to get my roommate and I rental assistance, he didn't provide his info to them causing us to get rejected and he accused me of being resentful towards him so I offered to move out. As a woman with no motherly instincts or care for children the way we live is great. Look, the ex-fiancée is the least of your problems. It wouldn't even occur to her that she could be an asshole. My roommate was a good friend of 8 years until they reacted poorly to this news. I was 25f and they were 22 & 23. He doesn’t have to be your boyfriend. All 3 of my roommates are not in school, two of them date and one of the girls who date had a kid. He doesn't live there. This isn’t a brothel(yet) as this was the first time this occurred. My dad does technically but doesn’t live here. Any roommate situation I've been in( few as I waited till I was going to move into my house and needed temporary space) all rules were written and agreed with. The actions that should be judged are me making and enforcing the cleaning schedule/rules. That may just be my bad though of only expecting the worse. The idea they suddenly turned on you after approving what you actually did is not credible. I was moreso worried about not helping her find one. I also caused the policy of Amy and me having to split these costs by refusing to accept a 40/40/20 monthly cost split. The couple he lives with has just kicked I would never tell my roommate to find a way to get rid of an item of theirs so I can buy something to replace it. She went and didn’t come back. AITA because I didn't tell my roommates I own the house and letting them evict themselves? Oct 2, 2022 · Subscribe: https://www. He just got a new one who he’s known for a couple of months. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: 1. I have a place I can just relax at that isn't my bedroom. And if you give them permission and they crash your car, you would be responsible for paying the damages (unless you can prove they were negligent but that opens up a bunch of unnecessary problems for you). he has lied about what he's had for dinner. AITA for bringing a cat my roommates didn’t want AITA for bringing a cat my roommates didn’t want This happened 2 years ago but it is still on my mind because I lost my best friends from college. true 2) I'm asking my roommates to delay fixing problems that are annoying because I cannot afford to pay my share, and I actively resent that I have to split some of these costs in the first place. Communal rooms assigned with behavior there. You aren’t married to him, you’re not charging him rent, and there’s no pressing need for him to know you’re buying the house. May 2, 2024 · "AITA for not telling my roommates I am the landlord?" I (F28) got a job when I was 17 and lived at home saving as much as I could until I was 26, at which point I bought a small apartment for myself with a small mortgage. We had lived with eachother previously in a different place for about 6 months. Hi again. Jun 27, 2024 · Yes, you read that right. Last year my former roommate moved out to move in with her boyfriend and I made a post on my class's discord channel that I was looking for a new roommate. Especially with the setup. I'd light up and smoke wherever I wanted. Blake isn’t a stranger either, y’all are dating and have a relationship. 2. Source OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: 1 asking my roommate (also friend) to move out because she adopted a dog 2 not giving her a voice in the house and being that I can take allergy medicine to deal with the hair. When they said "do it", I have to guess they assumed you were going to get a FULLY TRAINED service dog, because you aren't going to train one yourself with zero experience in training. com/c/captainreddit?sub_confirmation=1We curate the best contents and create daily videos for you!Love to hear your comments a the fact is that OPs friends simply like the roommate/roommates bf more than they do their own friend. r/AmItheAsshole. They stole your car. Roommate (RM) lives in my house. I figured I would get an explanation or a heads-up but she didn't tell me anything until I outright asked her. She contributed it to the apartment. I told her that the house is mine, and I'm not going to give it to her just because she's going through a divorce. Everyone in the household has memory issues and so I empathised with their situation and cleaned up the dog's leavings when they would forget and then remind them later to be more mindful and make sure it's picked up She is at our house more than any of the roommates because we work and go to school. You need to 1) get these psychos out of your house, and 2) get some counseling to figure out why the two of you have allowed yourselves to be taken advantage of and abused for more than a year. i did not go to his house for some period of time last year because i was mad at him and uncomfortable around him. She’s very nice and we click well. Ultimately I think the reason is that I don’t tell my boyfriend that I own the house we live in together and telling him it’s no different if we moved into a rental together. I think I could be an asshole because I have been strict with sticking to the cleaning schedule and I made rules for the house. he then texted me while i was cleaning asking about where our daughter clothes were and I had asked why But in this conversation he announces that he will be staying at our place all week. This isn’t a friendship - this is a hostage situation. All 4 roommates pay rent here. I got a new TV and my own bathroom so not much to complain about. He and his friend who live here and play dnd are 2 votes and my boyfriend and I don’t play dnd and are 2 votes. Simply click the "Use template" button and start editing on our convenient web version. Not the A-hole. But from the sound of it, roommate probably could have played it better with her, I kinda feel like, if he thinks that ruined the entire night, dude didn't really try. ESH. I bought the house I was living in and I kept the rent the same for my roommates but they wanted it to be cheaper or free or something. Only… Choice_Cherry_9641. Not a trash can let alone a beautiful piece of furniture. ago. if roles were reversed and my bf was staying all the time (which he does, he lives with us and pays rent I don't normally tell people "oh by the way, my rm is gay" because you just don't say shit like that, that's his business. :) my dad has some anger issues, he lies, he has cheated on both my mom and stepmom. So, my brother is in the marines. I didn't tell my roommates that I'm married, which technically means that my husband could come live here, adding another roommate without their agreement. 2M views. AITA for telling my roommates they shouldn’t have a baby. This last week there was an emergency and because of this she has been over 4 days this week. 5. Uses the kitchen a lot, I haven't really at all lately, one cause it is never clean and two because I'm always out with friends or my SO lately. ) One roommate steals their food/ruins their dishes. I didn't even bring my stuff in the house until I was sure they were gone. On my lunch break I called my landlord and told them that my roommate was taking out the lights in the living room space and going to put in new ones. But man, $650 for a 2 bedroom is a screaming bargain pretty much anywhere. But in practicality, I don't see the big deal in someone's boyfriend staying two nights. Mind you, this is not like my roommate is walking in, and passing by on the way into the house. It's your apartment. I shot my roommate a look and she corrected him to “just a couple days”. AITA for keeping part of all my friends/roommates security deposits when they didn’t help clean before moving out? Not the A-hole Essentially all they did was clean their own room and then proceeded to leave me with all of the common spaces like the kitchen/bathroom, porches, living room, garage, etc. ) I want to tell my roommates family to leave the house 2. I have told my roommate that I don’t feel comfortable with that and that if it’s vital to him to have this friend over I will move out and find someone to take my place, but my roommate has said no he doesn’t want that. Jane told you she wasn’t going to be there, so it is her fault if she heard anything. We don't see a post from Rashy McZittersdöttir about "I yelled at my roommate because I've been stealing her face wash and the new brand breaks me out, AITA", because Rashy is an entitled asshole. There's a lot of people jumping to the didn't try to make any other plans. A couple weeks ago I was the first time I caught my roommates talking about me. Subreddit Announcements Happy Anniversary, AITA! Follow the link above to learn more Let me word this for you correctly, "I threw away my roommates' food because I thought that would be a great way to make the point that I'm the only person that matters, and my feelings supersede his and every one else's. A new teacher who isn’t used to budgeting a 10 month contract and is broke and too immature to work it out. AITA for selling my house since my roommates thought I was ripping them off. 6) has an alarm clock blaring for hours every morning and things it's okay to snooze for 3 hours, because they have difficulty walking up. My roommate graduated over a month ago and had family over for a few days. But now I'm sad because I'm not the only one on the planet. 16 votes, 42 comments. She asked me if I wanted anything, I said no. So my(23f) roommate (22-23f) owns a house and I moved in woth her at the start of January. RM2 is the new roommate (I prefer triple rooms because of the space) and they're a bit odd. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. ToastMmmmmmm • Pooperintendant [57] • 8 mo. Haven't eaten but two salads at home in the last week, realistically I've only eaten at home a handful of times in the last two months. My roommate who invited her claims that I’m an asshole for this due to the fact that she doesn’t have anywhere else to go and she’s a nice person. To be honest, I was almost wondering if this post was about my ex. Edit: this was the only thing my man didn’t know about me, owning my home is a privilege I never thought I’d ever achieve so when I tell people I feel For the last month and a half we have been seeing each other 3 days and I can tell every time she’s over my roommates are upset. My fiancee being a big hearted fellow wanted to help and let them stay, despite my protests (I just didn't want to because I didn't know them). I (22 f) have lived with my roommates (RM1 27 f and RM2 30 m) for nearly 3 years. Sounds like it’s time to directly reassess the whole arrangement and be specific about dates and privileges. Oct 4, 2022 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Normally it would just bother me that they were rude, but it’s my dead brother’s car. I didn’t feel comfortable telling them as I was going through the home-buying process due to a number of factors including the fact that I wasn’t sure if I was ever going to I would like to start the story by saying I live in a house with 3 roommates, one being my partner, and 5 animals. He said, "you will see whats coming to you. We are expecting and couldn't be any happier. i haven’t said anything because i know our friends wouldn’t side with me, for the simple fact i know they like my roommate more. I remind them about the schedule and the rules about 3 times per week. I texted her and she didn’t reply. (We are all girls and It’s a long story) My roommate didn’t find out she was pregnant until like 6. Lisa sounds like she was trying to laugh about it, to try to not ruin the night. He lives in a house with a young couple with foster kids. I wanted to tell them that was the final straw and that they’re on their own to get rides from now on because I won’t have them disrespecting my property just because they’re mad I’m not doing whatever they want anymore like everyone else in their Said kids will break something, and the parents won’t offer to fix or replace it. I didn’t trick him or keep info from him. they didn't. Help keep the sub engaging! Feb 27, 2024 · – YouTube Aita for Not Telling My Roommate I Own The House 5. Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! Click Here For Our Rules and Click Here For Our FAQ OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I may be the asshole because I don't want my uncle's friend to come into my apartment when they are in town visiting. Don’t let any unreasonableness on their part push you into derision or pettiness—don’t yield the high ground again. She'd need to take a more planned-ahead route of asking you for two nights, or something. If you don't want him over two nights in a row, that's your right. UPDATE: thank you everyone for your opinions and advice. I have four roommates. Subreddit Announcement So for a bit of context I live in a dorm where I share the single room with two other people, roommate 1 and roommate 2. They will find their way into the parrot room, and at BEST your birds will be stressed out and scared. See more videos about Roommate House Rules, Telling My Roommate, Townhouse Living Room Ideas, Not Talking to My Roommate, The Barta House, Townhouse Decor Ideas Renters. I don’t know how to fix that. She has had money issues and issues with her parents pulling there support for her because of her own actions ex. They suck because it sounds like a flop house. 2M views Discover videos related to aita for not telling my roommate i own the house on TikTok. I confronted him about it, feeling disrespected and uncomfortable with people in our apartment without me there. She told them they had two weeks to fix their lazy behavior. I recently closed on a property and didn’t tell my roommate until after I closed. They know I own the house and all of them were recommended When she moved in I didn’t want to make it a big deal so we split rent with me paying $1033 and them each paying $633 or $1266 total (bedrooms are about the same size). We all co signed a lease and are still contracted another 8 months (6 months after the baby’s I’m going to be living in a 3 person dorm soon with 2 people I know really well one of my roommates is like the pope, never would even think about doing anything wrong or disrespectful, my other roommate is different though, so me and my roommate we can call “the pope” had a discussion about why we didn’t really want to live with our Technically NTA. I asked what relationship she saw that in, she referenced when I didn’t give 2 weeks notice at my recent serving job. My boyfriend works out state mainly since he is a truck driver its mainly me who stays at the apartment with my roommate. ConsitutionalHistory wrote: 1. I said bull shit, that they meant to hurt me, and haven't spoken to them since. I pay less rent so my roommate has more space and uses the kitchen. I didn’t get the house for almost free as some people choose to believe. 152. She didn't like my new friend solely because of her name, though more likely it was the fact that she was a new friend and therefore a threat to her, all while telling me how she had a new work Rinny or college Rinny that were always just, such a cool "best friend" that she stopped talking to after she was in a different line of work or no Even if it wasn't your house, they had a lot of nerve telling you to find somewhere else to live without discussing it with you first and acting like they owned it. I was taken aback by her audacity. I might be the asshole because when they didn't take the deal I replaced them. TLDR: Last weekend, I held a small (7 people, We're all double vaccinated) party at my house and I didn't invite my roommate. They got married in May and are expecting their first baby in December. Although my roommate (24f) and I each have our own private bedroom and bathroom and only have to share the kitchen (she has the downstairs floor and I have the upstairs), she insists that I must tell her and communicate to her whenever there are people present. Next thing I need to say is one of our roomates is acting land lord collecting rent and paying for house bills. 5 to 7 months and asked us if we would be okay with living with a baby. RM1 and I were roommates last year and she's honestly never here anyway, but when she is, she's quiet and sticks to her own space. 9K. My two roommates (sara and jackie) and I moved into a new apartment together 2 months ago. Backstory the roommate is his childhood friend and i've been friends with the roommate since high school. I ended up giving her dogs away to the lady who was letting me recover in her house, although I didn't tell my roommate this. Hey! So I (25f) own a house and share it with my two best friends (Justin 24m and Sydney25f) we have a relatively easy time living together (Sydney had an abusive family and also can’t work due to disability so her fiancé Justin pays for everything) because they’re down on their luck i charge them $400/ month for everything included , they pretty well get an entire floor to themselves and I had already venmo requested her and she asked why I charged her more than her share. Help keep the sub engaging! He also didn’t bother to read the lease before signing. AITA for telling him he can't have a party while I'm away? It’s a shame that you didn’t work out the parking ground rules at the beginning. My granddaughter;s roommates wouldn't line the kitchen garbage can with a liner and just threw their trash into the can. NTA. My parents flat-out refused to pay for it because of both the reasons I mentioned above and because they didn't want to be financially responsible for my apartment. My roommate and I get a long pretty well, minus But I think that's just an indication that OP is at base a reasonable, kind person. He simply didn’t read what he was signing. So it leaves us at a stalemate and leaves me and my boyfriend resentful and frustrated. ) i might be an asshole because they are homeless. So my(23) partner(22) and I live in an apartment with another couple (also 23 and 22). Help keep the sub engaging! This template has been used by over 492 people and offers 25 unique styles for users to choose from. It made her angry because the can then had to be carried out to the dumpster and then washed out. Things been good. Subreddit Announcements Happy Anniversary, AITA! Absolutely NTA. . left the party in my own house 2) I didn't cared to leave some guests in the living room Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! Click Here For Our Rules and Click Here For Our FAQ. I was so annoyed with her that I didn't even think to tell her our other roommate had some. AITA because I threatened to kick a stranger out of my house who came without my consent. my (25f) fiance (26m) was mad at me for leaving to go to work without really saying anything to him cause he already seemed mad at me. The lease clearly states I’m the homeowner. i wont go into complete detail about If this does well I'll post photos of the house because yes, I, for some reason, am now subconsciously invalidating my own feeling over this and need actual proof. They moved out after learning I was the landlord. He has had many girlfriends and has been catfished before. Oct 24, 2023 · To provide some context, I own a charming house in a quiet suburban neighborhood. I waited for her but I ended up falling OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I was a strict roommate and never told my roommates I was actually their landlord. I didn't want her to think I was pocketing her money so I was honest about the situation, and explained what I was doing. But you didn’t. The kids will make messes that won’t be cleaned up. About a month goes by, and I think my roommate's starting to catch on because I had a couple of friends tell me that she's angry with me and that she was going to show up at my apartment with a police escort to get her Just a disclaimer: I fucking love my new place. Historical-Joke9732. r/AmITheAsshole voting guide here only one. I have the basement suite and the upstairs bis rented to one couple and two single people. Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! This when you were nice enough to give him a place to stay. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. At the time, I (22 F), was living with my best friends from college all 22 years old. At the moment it’s just me and them in the house as my other roommates are on vacations. He also happens to be my boss and we work from home. Mar 19, 2024 · I didn’t think of her response as not caring so much as she didn’t want to reveal why she wants to know to me, maybe even because she knows its a reason I would not approve of in my own house. he will lie about anything. What people do in their own homes is their business but when your sex life affects someone else for no reason,not even directly asking the only person on the lease if it’s ok that you’re using their house for your friend to chill while you bang. My boyfriend and I are on the verge of getting a new house, but I'm staying at my apartment until my lease is up with my roommate. Tell your friends to lay off. 3 dogs 2 cats. They’ll say you should have known the kids would get to it. She claims that since she was married to my roommate, she has a right to the house, which is currently under my name. She’s super respectful of our house and we keep quiet and out of the way. It's your parents' house, it's their permission you needed. My partner and I are both very clean and diagnosed with ocpd and ocd respectively so we have very particular ways we each keep our things. youtube. I own (have a massive mortgage on) a house in a HCOL city. He’s staying 4 days. I may be the asshole because: I gave short notice, and didn’t tell my roommates when I was in the “seriously considering it” phase. " Reply reply. So maybe she figured it wouldn’t be that big of a deal. So you're NTA. Tell her if she doesn't like it she can leave. Once all of her family left, her dad stayed behind. Failing school, failing drug tests, and having their relationship going down hill. Last night, she told me she was gonna go for a run and go to seven eleven. AITA for not telling my roommate I own the house? (he didn't read the lease agreement properly) #redditstories #tldrstoryteller #storytime #askreddit | lease, house, roommate Not the A-hole. Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! Click Here For Our Rules and Click Here For Our FAQ. . I’m surprised this guy didn’t have the sense to check Padmapper or something ahead of time to confirm what a great deal he was getting. With the aita because i didn't tell my roommates i own the house template, you can easily create engaging and eye-catching videos for your social media. If he can’t handle the fact that you’re buying a house and he can’t even rent one send him on his way. You cant treat me like shit. I want to kick my roommates out and I feel like the asshole because it seems like they don’t have a lot of money and will struggle if we tell them to move out. Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. i feel as if i cannot talk to him without me feeling like he's lying to me in some way. My roommate recently moved in to live with me 3 weeks ago. Oh and I have a job too. Keep your door open. Your roommate's gf is freeloading Friday through Monday. 2 F and 1 male. AITA because I didn't tell my roommates I own the house and letting them evict themselves? I (f28) own a house. I left him about 2 months ago and we had bed bugs and I made sure that I cleaned the hell out of everything before I came to stay with my brother. It sounded like your brother wanted to swan in and be fawned over for showing up and was afraid of having someone else steal his spotlight, so he lashed out. He's avoiding me. My roommate and him talked about an extensive list of things prior to signing and the guy asked my rm plenty of questions about himself and never once did he establish he had a preference for heterosexual rm's. I hope that your friendship with your roommate becomes a lifelong friendship. My roommates boyfriend owns a dog and he had to leave the country for a little bit so he tasked my roommate to take care of it. Years ago a coworkers parents needed a place to stay for a week while they waited to move into their new apartment. For context we have known each other roughly a decade, and have lived together for 2 years. Some might think I'm in the wrong because I didn't clearly communicate my boundaries to my roommate before leaving or discuss house rules regarding parties. If you don't feel like talking you should stay in your room". Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. 5) Don't cook "food of choice" it makes roommate/SO physically ill to smell it or is against their religion. If they don't like it, they can find somewhere else to live. She's the asshole for being a guest and trying to dictate terms of your living situation. You should have called the police when they took your car without asking. etc. I have a room and a bathroom and my own kind of section of the house. AITA for not telling my roommates about the utility fee? Not the A-hole. Aita for giving them 90 days to leave. cw ub nf pz ak io io fb ra xh