Tank guide hoi4. r/hoi4 A chip A close button.
Tank guide hoi4. There is a YouTube link as well, but I've .
Tank guide hoi4 The navy and air force remain woefully outdated and need more investment to be viable fighting forces. Join Hammotimee as they bring you up to speed on every HOI DLC and their unique mechanics. The Ultimate HOI4 Achievements Guide. as of 1939, dont switch to medium tanks as the 1939 medium tank is badm but bearable, plus breacking your industrle line The T-34 Shenanigans are earliest on by 1939 with the improved Medium Chasis. How to Unlock Return Of The King Achievement in Hearts Of Iron IV. The general strategy here is to do what Mr. Extra Research Slot9. Usually the Germans will manage to In this video I will show you the best 40 width heavy tank division template in Hearts of Iron IV Multiplayer. For heavy tanks, they will allow your infantry to have decent armor and great piercing. We click on the " convert tank" and put our new design now. And there is more. Replace all the planes and air doctrine, spend extra research just buffing up your ground army. Tip Hello, everyone! With the release of the new DLC, the approach to choosing Military Industrial Organization (MIO) has changed So I just wanted to ask if someone can give me a good tank template for Skip to main content. Tactical Air Effort4. A complete guide would actually be super helpful. Best Garrison Template for Germany in HOI4; Best Coastline Garrisons/VP Defenders Template for Germany; Best German Infantry Templates; Best German Tank Divisions; Best Garrison Template for This is what it says in the official guide:"This section contains the various models of tanks from all different countries. unnamed mustache man was supposed to do. The_Doc55 r/hoi4 • A small guide on how to design your divisions. Members Online • Silent_Giraffe8550. That's the tipping point at which the reliability losses really start spiking. r/hoi4 A chip A close button. Motorized get a -50% movement penalty to their 12 move speed on jungle and forest tiles while cav stay at 6. 15. While it is generally better to use Tank Destroyers together with SP Art (see below), they can still be used alone effectively - with careful micromanagement. Once you hit Medium 1s, research them before you get your 50% bonus and then use the 50% bonus on Medium 2s. They already have high piercing. Research medium tanks ASAP and use the research buff from the Valentine focus to get Medium 3s (or 2s if you're behind on research). however they are terrible on defense, a tank will (in most common situation) lose on the Best Tanks for 1. Each tank division is slightly weaker with SPAA but they're also less expensive and you'll have way more factories making them. gg/hoi4commandersWant a Tiger Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. Run by players not WG. Countries that have an unique armor tree are Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, France Tank Divisions can be incredibly varied, especially if you have No Step Back. You have a basic understanding of how things work in the game. Get HOI4 Götterdämmerung https://paradoxinteractive. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Hearts of Iron 4’s division designer gives players a whole lot of freedom in creating their ideal divisions, but what exactly is the most optimal design?Well, that depends on the theater. The AA module on a tank has terrible soft and hard attack values, meaning the tank is next to useless on anything other than AA. Build 2 tank divisions and use the pincer movement to encircle the enemy. Even if the tech doesn't perfectly line up in game, it's an ahead of time Posted by u/Cultural-Soup-6124 - 2 votes and no comments Now our last tank at the production should be outdated. ; reliability: TLDR: it matters if you have bad supply, but dont min max it, always take stats than Puppet East Indies and annex the Netherlands then immediately start building up the ports for the Dutch colonies in South American. If you can stack enough troops with (This is a repost of the original guide by me, but it got buried before I finished it) AT and forts, otherwise, the tanks and CAS/tacs will fuck you up. 2) version 1. You under-stand movement, can read tooltips, know what the fundamental terminology is, and so on. This Hearts of Iron IV Soviet guide will help provide you with some essential guidance and tips to help secure world This is a complete list of all add_equipment commands for HOI4. Hermann Goering Werke7. Luckily, the war starts early for you, and it can end very fast if you didn’t take care of your country This is the last step of this guide which will help you form the Empire as the UK and get cores on Canada, the USA, South Africa, the British Raj, Australia, and New Zealand in HOI4. youtube. If you can stack enough troops with Jan 3, 2025 · Combat tactics provide damage, movement speed, and combat width modifiers in land battles. Nothing beats the hard attack of a Tank Then, I'm thinking mobile infantry divisions, then medium and heavy tanks, and finally "whacky" templates (light tanks, superheavies and some others); but none of that is set in stone. Remember infantry are the worst to attack with. Second, this guide assumes you have at least an intermediate understanding of the game. Tank Destroyers can be added to normal armor divisions to create very effective counters to enemy armor. Meant to help you understand the meta itself, and why it is the way it is produced: 10432 owned: 0 The M3 Stuart was the succesor to the M2 Light tanks and was mass produced throughout the war along with the M5 Stuarts giving over 20000 of them combined they first saw action in Africa under the British as the Stuart I, II. There's no problem finishing construction of the boats that are already started, but the only the tank designer has 6 important common elements, consistent across all tanks. If you're only gonna have like a couple of smaller tank divisions then it won't hurt you as bad if you go under 80% but you'll still take a not insignificant amount of losses to attrition. Tanks are the best. recommended number : 8km/h same speed as mechanized, 6. 2 and max. 0, May 2020. 1496 of the Stuarts had been fitted with Diesel engines and would be known as the Stuart II, IV for the British and Also always train your tanks up to lvl 3 before entering combat becouse a lvl 1 tank will get -%25 attack, which will hurt you combined with the terrain penalties you will take. 1938 mediums with 3-man turrets and medium howitzers are very nice and can be had for quite cheap (around 8 or 9 . I guide them behind the enemy lines 2-3 tiles. By the time I invade USSR in 1942 I have 20 divs of Recommended Read: Hearts of Iron 4 – Italy Guide. Four Year Plan5. 5) Thread starter MR2; Start date Feb 16, 2022; Jump to latest Follow Reply Menu We have updated our Community Code of Conduct. As with all major overhauls ironman mode isn't recommended. tv/dankus_memecusThe Christmas Giveaway: https://discord. In this video I will show you how to play Heavy Tank Germany in Hearts of Iron IV. 9 update is the latest and largest update to date for The guide, which you can find easily if you google "what are the best combat widths for hoi4" , mistakenly averages the best combat widths for each terrain, which in turn suggests combat widths that are actually bad in every terrain. For more elaborate, larger encirclements you’ll need more, but a basic attack only needs 2-3 tiles of space. Best armored division template hoi4. Get app Get the important you only use bomb locks so you can naval bomb for supremacy in the channel The tank design infantry division, you will beat the allies so fast you dont need port guards motorized division, two of the artillery lines may be unneeded Tank division, ignore the stats my dumbass used the wrong tank for the whole war against the The larger your tank army the more important it is to stay above 80% reliability. HOI4 has been rebalanced since the No Step Back DLC and heavy tanks are vi hey guys whats up. Bro flame tank support compaines,i dont think they get said debuff,and i strike the ports so i always have supply and they don't,i never fight in central africa because its just a waste of equipment and manpower which the ai wants because you are against a larger force and don't forget garrision would take a huge chunk of your manpower while you still didn't even take Zuzzu’s Italy Strategy - Hoi4 (1. If you can match Germany 1:1 in tanks, you've basically won the game because it will be prohibitively expensive to push you. The main and only tank division template you should really be concerned with is the Motor Inf. I agree with most of what you wrote, but you're actually wrong on one point. When encircling, I generally keep infantry pretty static and micro my tanks and maybe the mobile units that follow. If you have no experience with Hearts of Iron IV, it is strongly recommended you play vanilla first to get a feel of the mechanics of the game, or BICE can be If you're doing tanks then obviously the first research will be Great War Tanks and continue down the tank track until you finish light tanks 2. I've used the Dustinl Soviet Guide and I've tried this guide a fair few times but I've had limited success. Your tanks lose effectiveness when fighting without supply. Flamethrower Tank. Build a small but effective army as you will never really achieve more than 750k manpower. Hi folks, a few of the regulars from my Saturday MP Game asked me to put together a guide for Germany, so have acquiesced to there request. This is the ULTIMATE guide to tanks in HOI4, this tutorial will show you what the best tanks in Hearts of Iron 4 are and tell you exactly how you need to bui This guide is intended as a beginner's tour of the interface and mechanics in Hearts of Iron IV. best division template for defence:hoi4 Stac The tank-to-SPG ratio is where I really see disagreements in the community, and I lean towards having 1-2 tanks per 20 combat width, since they give helpful breakthrough but are also more expensive. Top. The guide will cover basics on how to successfully manage the conquest and will cover basics such as templates, worth it. The best defense is a good offense, after all (with many exceptions but that's beyond the scope of this guide). But if you plan to island hop through the pacific maby make it 20 width duo to the low infrastructure and naval bases on the islands. To add a desired tank, you must first ensure the variant is created in the tank designer then reference the tank's unique name as you would when adding any other specialized equipment. General Strategy for Germany in HOI4. Anti-air units will inflict damage on enemy planes and try to limit their ground support capabilities. Hearts of Iron IV. The destination for any completionist. r/hoi4. Controversial. 4 factories on tanks after the German Soviet treaty (it gives you a Medium tank that can immediatly start production). . twitch. If you want to know how to unlock the Return Of The King achievement in Going from 1934 heavy tank to 1941 heavy tank is a very efficient use of one of those bonuses. Here is a link: Your tanks should be able Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. If you are playing a minor nation, then you will get an event early in the game that allows you to choose from two generic armor trees, one form the allies and one from the axis. If you are out for min-maxing instead, the shown guide is fine. Best. After the latest patch from hoi4 most of the memes you can pull for the basic tank designer have now gone, after this I thought it only fitting to finally re However, my favorite build is heavy tanks, which is what I'll be teaching you how to use in this guide. Related: HOI4 (Hearts of Iron IV): Division Template Guide (Best Options) What even are tanks? In hoi4 a tank is a universal unit which can move around quickly and deal great damage to the enemy unit. The AI is incapable of this level of organized attack so it matters little against the AI. Lists every achievement and a method or two on achieving them. There are 2 types of attack statistics in the game, one is soft attack and the other is hard A good template would be your average 40 width tank division execpt naval-tanks + mechanized instead of regular tanks and motorized. The game doesn't allow that module on that chassis so you just have to remove it. Every achievement is pointless to be fair if you wanna show your skill play multi-player. So can someone give me a guide please just dont send me some shitty guide thats 5 hours long. In this video I will explain how to build tanks, fighters and mech in Hearts of Iron IV. I hope my informations are not outdated: in the last years as Italy I’m using infantry / artillery / tank templates for the offensive, so I may be unreliable I know roughly what the divisions should look like, usually if I have the manpower I use 8 tanks 6 motorised. You will also need to be ready to fail a lot. I think 14/4 is way to expensive for Romania. If you are running medium tanks, put one with your tanks to be able to pierce heavy tanks. In SP, you can make and be quite successful with a 20-width variant, the 5/2/2. These guys are also very useful against enemy anti-tank infantry, and in marshes/mud where tanks will take too much attrition. You will need all of these to build the most overpowered defensive division in HOI4. cav recon, then later on in the game slap on support anti-tank). Tanks can also be used to stop enemy tank attacks. Tends to be okay at least. Mediums (later modern) have the all round best stats combining speed As the war progressed, in some divisions self propelled tank hunter battalions (Semovente) were shuffled in. Infantry (General): 21 for moderate industries or countries focusing on tanks, 42 for larger industries with You can always find my most updated templates and designs at this link: https://www. Find a research bonus for tanks in your focus tree, rush it if possible, "hard research" the tanks first before you get the bonus if you want (research it without the bonus, then when you get the bonus change the slot to something else for a second then click on it again so it researches with the bonus), divert most of your production to it as I rush tank tech like GenericUser says so that I can build Med IIIs by 1939; however, I almost entirely skip building an air force in order to get at least ten 20w Light Tank divs for my campaigns against Poland and Benelux. Mediums path requires 4 researches instead of 2 to get to 1941 tech, while you have a limited number of bonuses. Third, this guide also assume you have all of the DLCs and a therefore access to all alt-history focus trees and content in the game. New. I can’t seem to do it with no air no tanks just 12/6 armies Reply reply The fact that late game hoi4 is miserable. 1943 tech -> SuperHeavy tank with this design and this division. The combat stats of these divisions will change depending on which doctrine branch you decide to go down, however, this You don’t want to lose tank to attrition since tank is expensive. First rule of tank club is we don't talk about artillery. 14 TOA Login Store Community This guide allows you to quickly spawn equipment in game. Heavy tanks are slow but against human opponents heavy tank divisions will stop medium tank breakthroughs better than anything else. Also use maintenance support for your tanks. Don't be afraid of expensive divisions as you don't have manpower. when you start to convert your daily production will SKYROCKET and after you convert all you will still be able to produce ATLEAST 20 30 TANKS a day with only 50 mills. Today he's going to be doing the ultimate HOI4 Tank Analysis aka Division Fellow comrade, you have been called to action to take command of the mighty Red Army. Look at all those tanks! Too bad HOI4 doesn't let you build that many because production is unrealistically low. Come join our Discord: discord. This guide is singleplayer oriented and used for causal gameplay. So I’ve been playing hoi4 for just a few months, i cant find a tutorial for Germany that isn’t a entire fucking hour long. This is also a good opportunity to start building up your tank corps. You will completely defeat the Allies first, making sure you don’t have to keep any troops on the shores of France, and then take care of the red menace to the east. The guide is In this guide, you’ll be shown what division templates are the most optimal. If tanks, you want to build civs until about early 1938, then build military factories for the rest of the game. Be afraid to cross bodies of water without an effective navy. In this guide, we will delve into the intricacies of designing tanks, providing valuable insights and recommendations to help players optimize their armored forces and achieve success, all in the name of world dominance. Rhineland2. The best widths are usually considered to be 10, 15, 18, 27, 35, and 42. I'm not recommend trying to create big encirclement, your tank will run out of supply and you have a risk of being encircled by the enemy. Archived post. For the purposes of this guide, we'll assume you don't have the DLC, though. 4km/h. ADMIN MOD The best tank MIO . This sub is for the free exchange of tips, strategies, player guides, how-to's, news, information and discussion. additional prototype and limited produced variants include the T-28E which increased the tanks armour by 20mm's in which 111 of the existing models Yeah Tanks are great , but over rated by many putting too much effort in early to produce them . What do you mean by "tank build"? Tank division templates or some sort of tank specific strategy for Soviet Union? If former then these are standard tank divisions that will work with any country: 6tank/4motorised. Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. Or 12/8 if you want 40 combat width version (you don't need that against AI). This comes in handy when you're just learning the mechanics of the game and want to have fun. 11. Most HOI4 multiplayer mods allow for free divi This guide is intended to help players make that next step. The side having Initiative gets an It's harder to make a case for the breakthrough specialist tanks being lights, because 3 man medium turret gives way more when you're throwing on radio and armor clicks etc. Your defense numbers after you inundate the waterlines should be in the thousands. 3. Air Innovations3. If it's just the flame tank in a division with no other sources of fuel consumption, the extra fuel capacity can be a noticeable difference, but if you're not adding fuel drums to the medium tanks in the tank division, the extra capacity added by the flame tank will not make more than a few hours difference for the If you choose to make heavy tank 2s to assist in France, you'll only have about 3 fully equipped heavy tank divisions for Barbarossa. For example, to add 1936 Germany starter light tanks, use the command: If you plan to go Axis vs USSR in late game, you need at least some medium tank division to break the lines and then small tanks to pour in and encircle. With your second research slot go down mobile warfare (right side) until it completes (~1940). NOW WE COMBINE ALL THAT AND PRODUCE AROUND 2K Ofc hire the air chief of staff and build your air staff around the air build the allies are doing. additional prototype and limited produced variants include the T-28E which increased the tanks armour by 20mm's in which 111 of the existing models was upgraded to, T So, in this guide, we will show you the best division templates you can use for Germany in Hearts of Iron 4 for all possible occasions. Expand user menu Open settings menu. Here is how to get Flame Tanks in HOI4: Research the Engineer Company II tech, available around 1939. Use maintain company to boost reliability but don’t go above 100%. Edit: also reliability on your tank design seems low considering the average reliability of this division is 69(xd) make sure your tanks design is at least 80% reliability, or you will take a lot of tank equipment losses in combat. The communist path brings stability the fastest and can allow players access to This guide is for people who struggle to conquer China as Japan in HoI4 historical play through. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. To do this, you will need to go An updated, searchable list of HOI4 equipment names to cheat codes conversions. A collection of all division templates and tank & aircraft designs for any minor and major nation. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. This video covers division templates that will make your game much more enjoyable and easier to play for the Millennium dawn hoi4 mod. gg The effect also scales to the number of them added to the division. Oh, and if I feel spicy, I will build and add dedicated light tank as recon. There are three interesting paths that France can take: historical, communist, or Napoleonic. i38e. Maby add in a few motorized arty for good measure. You can also replace motorized infantry with mechanized. Military-wise, Romania can call upon a decent army with 22 infantry divisions, 4 cavalry divisions, 4 mountaineer divisions, and a light tank division in HOI4. And the OP buffs that is Kingdom of Norway. This consists of: 8x Medium Tanks; 2x Motor Artillery/SPGs; 6x Motor Infantry Recommended Read: How to Give Land to Puppets in HOI4 Tasked with the mission to stop the United Kingdom and the Allies from coming in through Africa and the Mediterranean, Italy has one of the most important jobs in weakening the grip of Germany’s enemies in Europe and Northern Africa. In addition, combat width, reliability and support companies are discussed in detail. speed: effects how fast tanks go, should be consistent across all of your templates. Its also significantly more 390K subscribers in the hoi4 community. But you can go low reliability on support recon and flame tank since it’s use low amount of equipment on that division. **self propelled guns** Worth it. Try to capture supply hub if you can. Cyberpunk 2077, Fallout 4, HOI4, Final Fantasy X/X 401K subscribers in the hoi4 community. Whether you're looking to master Espionage or become the Global Market leader, to the Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. Finally, these are great for grinding veterans in civil wars. Other possibilities include Roach-Russia (deep battle, no tanks, lots of infantry with AA and AT, can be done with or without air) and medium tank Russia (more often I would personally recommend building expensive, fast, heavy tank divisions with mechanised. I get The best medium tank designs to use in the divisions below can be found with other combat-focused designs in our Tank Designs guide. Armored recon aka light tank recon need around 58% and flame tank around 33%. By the time I invade France I have six 20w Med Tank divs as well. Please This is a beginner's guide on division templates and tank design. Begin producing light tanks and trucks, but these aren't a priority. In this HOI4 guide, we’ll go through the starting situation of Germany in 1936 and how you could do better than the Third Reich in their goals and perhaps even radically alter Germany’s fate and its place in history. shop/collections/bitt3rsteelA comprehensive guide for Japan in Arms Against Tyranny! Glory o This is the latest version of my "Best Tank Designs" guide!Please keep in mind that these are Single Player oriented designs, in Multiplayer you will need di Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. . and are terrible at everything else. Focus Tree Order:1. By Skinny Ziggy. It assumes a few things. The main weapon modules are unlocked through the artillery technology. Wargaming recognised subreddit for World of Tanks Modern Armor on Playstation and Xbox. Old. New comments cannot be posted and (Small "Guide" in comments) Image This is the end results. Here I'll be describing heavy tank, no-air Russia as played in Horstorical Multiplayer. Also it’s very slow for it being a modern tank lol. There is a YouTube link as well, but I've In this guide, we will explore a fairly historical democratic UK approach. Make sure you have about 30 infantry divisions and keep your motorised and light tanks then justify on the Philippines as they are the puppet of the USA but justification on them doesn’t cause as much world tension. 9. Just have 2-4 main attacking divisions of tanks. Support me on PATREON http://patreon. If you want to play as Poland in HOI4, you will need a lot of preparation. This guide will be for vanilla but when I play, I play exclusively a mod called "PFW". net/MAXRK3 to help out the channel! I get 5% commission on ever purchase and this video is NOT SPONS 372K subscribers in the hoi4 community. and rush Paris (Cavalry, Motorized, or Tank Divisions with Motorized are ideal choices); while fighting the French, also justify on the Netherlands and Belgium, and then conquer them Now there is an important thing you need to know, I don't play vanilla hoi4 anymore. Many players use the 7x2 division template as it is believed to be the overall good division for both defence and attack, but actually it is not a wise decision, especially for multiplayer. Go to the Production tab, open the Build Armored Vehicles menu (the green tank with a + sign next to it in the upper part of the screen), and select to create a tank variant. My current play through it is 10th October 1940 , Allies , USA and Soviets defeated and I am lined up on Japan boarder already , I only have 8 tank divisons , 42W , 10 truck / 12 medium tanks , Armor recon, Engineers , Logistics. For instance, smaller te tanks are a great unit to attack with, with a combination of high attack and breakthrough they thrash anything on the attack. The Great Scribbly One Oct 25, 2022 @ 10:05pm Interesting guide, but calling the TOG II a heavy tank is a disservice. Share Sort by: Best. KDF Wagen8. AA is of course necessary, but unfortunately the way AA tanks work in the division designer means that they aren't really as good as just a regular towed AA gun or support company. com/feedbackgamingSub to my MAIN YouTube: @DaveFeedBackGaming Sub to my FEEDBACKIRL on YouTube: STOP Games on a budget! 💰 Upto 50% off your fav PDX games 🖥️ https://paradoxinteractive. Additional Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. -Tank Hybrid build. Here are After a HOI4 Multiplayer game, Tommy always does an analysis on everyones divisions. #hoi4 #japan #ad Want a Tiger Tank Desk Pad? → https://epicdesk. Especially the SuperHeavy division is insanely efficient After some math and practical testing I have calculated the IC Anti-Tank and Tank Destroyers both do the same role and will add hard attack to your division template. comSign up to fight Dankus for the World Cup → discord. Swiftly find equipment tags to use with console commands such as add_equipment in Hearts of Iron IV. There are three main This HOI4 Tank Guide For Beginners will teach you about the different tank types in the game and also discusses each tank type's specialties, benefits, and downsides. In this guide, we Tank equipment modules are being unlocked through the armor technology tree for the base chassis, engine and armor modules. Rinse and repeat. Steam Community: Hearts of Iron IV. The generals are definitely an issue depending on volunteer limits. HoI4 Division Templates / HoI4 Division Templateleri. United Kingdom Historical Tank Guide. These divisions are generalized templates. Similarly, be aware that command tanks, spotter planes etc During my Hoi4 School stream last week some people asked for some tank designs and suggested templates for medium and heavy tanks, here's my thoughts! I also Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. Going heavy tank lets you save a bonus for 1943 model while not getting behind on your 1941 tech compared to other majors. You are using the amphibious module on the amphibious tank chassis which is already amphibious. Cavalry are amazing in low supply areas with bad terrain. Then I turn them in whichever direction I intend to encircle. These divisions are generalized General Strategy for France in HOI4. The communist path brings stability the fastest and can allow players access to as of mid game when ww2 kicks off, tanks are becomeing less of heavy and light to a more medium tank. When playing as the Soviet Union, however, I find myself not making enough infantry divisions to man the front and And flame tanks are just too good to pass them. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Simple, yet in-depth guide to everything you need to know to design a tank in hoi4. Tank designer and officer corps guide youtube. How should one use roles? The Tank Destroyer role for example looks like massive debuffs for minimal supply usage improvement. Use you're third The Ultimate Guide to Division Templates and Tank Designs (Barbarossa 1. A long guide on how to design a tank division template that fits your needs. hoiworlds. With the help of many redditors here on Reddit (in particolar u/28lobster and u/el_nora, you guys are amazing), I went from pathetic to decent in Single Player (SP) Hearts of Iron 4 (HoI4). If you want to, try using some tank follow behind your spearhead to widen the hole Game settings - The mod built for 1936 starting scenario with historical focus and tested using the Normal settings. Create a new text document using word pad or similar software, then copy and paste the Using Tank Destroyers and SP Art Alone. decide on a number and stick to it. 2. com/playlist?list=PLY4d0TUsYg8KCFGQl9nYPjFnXN0N5ERzeUSEFUL In this guide we will show you how to play as Spain, no matter what path you go down, take part in WW2, and win it all in Hearts of Iron 4. Open comment sort options. WARNING BlackICE is not for the faint hearted. this medium tank is better than a light tank, minus speed, but worse than a heavy tank, except speed and construction cost. Table of Contents. Even if you would build a very shitty and cheap flame tank, the percentual bonus on this templates are just to juicy to pass. Not worth putting heavy td with a heavy tank division. The dozer blade on a fully entrenched unit is +2% attack and defense buffs, that if used correctly can go up to almost 3% with static warfare and defensive doctrine, while fuel can let you move amd allow you to operate with less restrictions. This guide is intended for use in single player against the AI, which does not build advanced divisions of its own. I hope this was helpful - please give me feedback in the comments, I may end up going back and editing/reposting this first one so it's consistent with further entries. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on Reddit; Shop Collectible Avatars; Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to How to Get Flame Tanks in HOI4. 4 speed regardless of terrain and ignore the additional -10% river crossing attack and movement penalties that motorized get. Please read through the new rules for the forum that are an integral part of Paradox Interactive’s User Agreement. The 1. You need ENG II, and when you design the tank you need to change the vehicle type in the top left drop down menu. But I wanna know what the best tank builds are. This is the ULTIMATE guide to tanks in HOI4, this tutorial will show you what the best tanks in Hearts of Iron 4 are and tell you exactly how you need to bui Bro flame tank support compaines,i dont think they get said debuff,and i strike the ports so i always have supply and they don't,i never fight in central africa because its just a waste of equipment and manpower a Fallout themed HOI4 total overhaul serving over 300,000 users and counting. Hearts It can also be used defensively, especially on ports, but only so long as last stand is allowed - otherwise you're likely to run out of org. Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. Once I turn the tanks, I activate the infantry attack so r/hoi4 A chip A close button. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Skip to main content. This was inspired by the tremendeously successful German Sturmgeschütze and a stopgap solution until Italy was able to produce competitive tanks by itself. Table of Contents . Also, if you click on the arrow next to where it says amphibious tank This HOI4 Tank Guide For Beginners will teach you about the different tank types in the game and also discusses each tank type's specialties, benefits, and down Noah Rochefort 2024-03-16 Guides, Others. Also, unlike SPG which requires 50 tanks to make a This is a beginner's guide on division templates and tank design. Plagued with debuffs left and right, the USA has to fight a lot of internal problems before even thinking of joining WW2 against Germany and Japan. Specifically how to combine doctrine, MIOs, focus trees and designs to make an effective fighting force. For more detailed information on the mechanics, including some of the detailed math behind some of the computer's General Strategy for France in HOI4 There are three interesting paths that France can take: historical, communist, or Napoleonic. I mostly played as Italy because it’s a fun country to start with, and it allows you to experience most aspects of the game from the get go. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. A place to share content, Is this a good tank division? comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. Aside the flame tank everything else isnt really better (tbh most is more wasteful), just This guide is a strategy for a very strong start as Japan, one that enables you to take over at least the USA, Iran, Siam, China, and the great majority of the USSR before 1942. There will be some variation in the ideal combat width, depending on your starting region and your playing style. On the other hand a lvl 3 tank will give %25 more attack which is massive becouse the whole purpuse of the tank is to have massive attack value. i play Canada alto in hoi4 and i was looking for some advice in strategies the tank divisions i build generally vary between 2 templates and are located below im not including a pure light tank division because i find light tanks to only be good at going fast and being spammed. ---Chap In this guide, we will give you a list of some of the best Tank division templates you can use in Hearts of Iron 4 and win WW2 with any country that you want. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on Honestly, I think you have encountered what is probably one of many issues in the tank designer. If you still want to like get a little of the production online, put min. They allow you to help on every front of the war, but most importantly can be used to draw out the battle of France and pressure German tanks in France in Africa. Air superiority is a must. If you start militarizing in 39, you can get 4-5 heavy 3-mech 2 tanks out by Barb. Examples and real-world applications of usage are Best Tanks for 1. Using these designs can serve as a simple plug-and-play for your games, or as a starting point to creating your There is no single best combat width now, instead there are several effective combat widths to choose from. You do not already have hundreds of hours of time in Hearts of Iron IV, in- On this channel you can find guides to particularly interesting challenges or achievements, so stay tuned for more HoI4 content by a fool with some janky editing! #hoi4 #guide #ad Watch Dankus win the WORLD CUP LIVE: www. *Intro 0:00 - 00:17Stat Discussion 00:17 - 01:08Modules 01:08 - 05:44Main Tank Designs 05:44 - 11:15Support Tank Designs 11:15 - 13:34Tan In this Hearts of Iron 4 Guide I'll teach you all you need to know about Tanks - be it their Modules, Designs, Templates or which Stats are important. General Strategy for Spain in HOI4. With careful preparation and optimized tanks, we will absolutely destroy Germany i Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. Hearts of Iron IV 47224 Bug Reports Tanks do however have other stats not reduced by the flame tank classification, like Entrenchment or fuel capacity. The T-28 is the first of the Soviets medium tanks this large tank was designed during the early 1930's when multi turret tanks was the direction multiple nations thought tanks should be going in. Cause I have no clue, I kinda guess. The template we made shows whether the tank or the infantry will hunt. Tactics get re-selected every 12 hours from a weighted list of all available tactics. Q&A. To design a template, you will first need army xp to edit While other types of tanks do exist, these are the most relevant and used tank types in Hearts of Iron IV. v1. 1941 heavy tank Sep 3, 2023 · In this guide, we will show you the best Cavalry templates in HOI4 that you can use from 1936 to 1942 without feeling technologically overwhelmed by your enemies. Autarky6. Question Archived post. So good luck getting through as Germany. The ultimate infantry support vehicle. net/OrGbvn Tanks Are 30% CHEAPER! - HOI4 No Step Back Tank In this guide, we will show you the best Cavalry templates in HOI4 that you can use from 1936 to 1942 without feeling technologically overwhelmed by your enemies. Tanks provide Twitch: https://www. I'm not going to discuss things like division templates or tank designs unless the achievement specifically requires it. Don't forget your colonies though and always keep at least 30 Generals! Now that you've conquered the Beginner's Guide, its time to take on your next challenge with Götterdämmerung and our Complete Advanced Guide to Hearts of Iron. *Intro 0:00 - 00:17Stat Discussion 00:17 - 01:08Modules 01:08 - 05:44Main Tank Designs 05:44 - 11:15Support Tank Designs 11:15 - 13:34Tan If you want a combat width for heavy-tanks for(or against) Barbarossa and you want to let them fight mostly in plain-tiles (where those tanks have no debuffs), 30w or 44w is ideal, because the combat width on Plains is 90 + 45. Generally, the strategy is the same for most of the factions: Republicans and Nationalists play the same, while the Carlists and Anarchists are similar. gg/MkhYNWct?event=922849985375133726This game I've been playing the Soviet Union a fair bit and struggling to find a good approach. For research, start doing the classics in Engineering and Industry and prepare to research the Inter-War Tank, Recon and Maintenance Companies, and Anti-Air and Anti-Tank Artillery.
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