Unkillable clan boss team ally attack. Focus on:-Every … Well Frozen Banshee is one of the best.

Unkillable clan boss team ally attack Occult Brawler - poisons. His ally attack is the highest raw damage output for this comp simply because he also increases damage inflicted by 20% on the In this Turvold champion guide we will cover 3 seperate Clan Boss setups; Unkillable Clan Boss Teams, Standard Non-unkillable CA teams and the Myth Fu Hello - currently my clan boss team maxes out at about 7MM for Nightmare difficulty. Right now I am using skullcrusher (171), toragi (175), geomancer (175), vizier 172) and pythion (206). Key points here: Miscreated monster going before Clan boss to protect your team (i. I try to give ALL my clan boss Counterattack/Ally attack. I am curious about how other Therefore, she is used to impressive effect against clan boss and as the ally attack champion in the Arena speed farming team, The Blender comp. Focus on:-Every Well Frozen Banshee is one of the best. Counterattack and/or Ally Attack is an amazing way to increase your damage output in Clan Boss and if you tune them correctly. But I want to set up a both unkillable and counter (or ally)-attack team. Top. Venomage on the other hand is more geared towards wave clearing, but can provide the same 2 poisons every 3 turns, and has a chance of exploding existing Altan is a magic legendary champion in the Barbarians Faction in Raid: Shadow Legends who, back in the day, was the most sought after champion for the Decrease Attack role in Clan Boss. Sepulcher if you have the gear speed required to go 4:3 to the clan boss FB Sandlashed Kreela (replace with Rhazin once you fuse him) I used that same team with Sepulcher going 4:3 and Rhazin to hit 1-key NM Hi guys, i hope you can help me with finding the right speeds and additional members for my clan boss team. Main tank in Guardian gear. Retribution will not proc on that unkillable team. She is here for speed and Decrease DEF debuff also a Weaken to make the Clan Boss quiver in his boots! There is a 1 turn delay but watch the video below and copy it exactly as Deadwood does! Guides. Hello there, Searching what we can do with Emic and his skill cooldown reduction using Skullcrusher and Pain Keeper I made this funny Clan boss unkillable team with double counter-attack!Bonus: any 3 turn ability is Retribution Mastery and Ally Attack for Clan Boss Unkillable Comp. That what makes the team Just to add some clarifications: (Part A) the damage the team takes will not be reduced by 15%, the reductions are multiplicative so for example if there is ally protect and a guardian set then it will be reduced by 15% of the remaining He has an HP Burn and 2 Poisons on his a2 which is 2 amazing debuffs for Clan Boss as it is 2 of the most damage-dealing abilities over time. We all Know the Budget Unkillable comp, it’s the gateway to getting a consistent Ultra nightmare Clan Boss team as you only need Maneater and Painkeeper for it to work, But what she is more commonly known for and increases your damage ten-fold is her chance to Ally attack with 3 of your other champions. Clan targets low hp, weak affinity, Geomancer - Currently used in Unkillable Fayne Toragi Rares Two maxed and booked Frozen Banshees (one in unkillable) Pain Keeper I was thinking something like Valkyrie, Vizier, Narma, Geomancer, and an ally protection like Ursuga. 50% dec att brogni- clan boss team? Team Discussion Hey all I have been running a budget unkillable for a while, it works fine, i two star UNM easily, but it isnt affinity friendly and i have to mess around with gear on nightmare. Sandlashed could extend this. com/store/apps/details? How do you guys build Fayne in a non-unkillable clan boss team? Team Discussion Alternative is have 100% uptime on ally protect and on defense up. Maneater and Warcaster Unkillable team where you can use Counter-Attack and Ally Attack Freely. Unkillable team ally protect is calculated = 50% X base attack X multiplier X other factors. I see people mostly prefer counter attack in Clan Boss, and people use ally attack for blender team. A place to discuss everything about Pokémon VGC and Play! Super pumped about this 1st ever 1 key. Subscribe here: https://tinyurl. Clan Boss Budget Maneater Unkillable Tuning . Unkillable with Magic Boss UNM r/RaidShadowLegends • For the bargan price of about 8 million silver and carpal tunnel you too can turn 2500 mystery shards into a Soulstone, Lego book and 1/16th of a Lego. This can be prioritized in the team setup. Ghrush is currently in there to apply Leech and for his heals every so often. Full Guide including speeds, masteries, and DeadwoodJedi Calculator links. All champs below should be between 170 and 189 speed (after Budget Unkillable is the easiest way to speed up your progress in Clan Boss, easily pushing you into Ultra Nightmare. You can see the transition from my previous team to this current team. twitch. Arena Calculator I do have one Maneater and 1-2 other block damage types of champions but no Painkeeper which I have commonly seen in unkillable comps. com/c/BionicGamingEntertainment Twitch: The best midgame UNM clan boss team, the Budget Maneater only requires 1 maneater and 1 pain-keeper to be fully unkillable. For You need Vergis for high levels of CB until you make an unkillable, he has Ally Protection which negates a significant amount of damage. Now presenting the Ninja Helicath Clan Boss Team! We have options for if you don't have Ninja as well! Full auto and works on UNM and NM!!!#RaidShadowLegen I would highly recommend considering running an ally protect instead of the conventional unkillable as your stun target. Best thing you can do is have % boots instead of speed. In a killable team it can be tricky keeping attack based champs alive, so defence based damage dealers are good. His ally attack brings buffs and his A1 can bring defense down so you can potentially ignore defense down in other slots and bring more hard hitting A1s. In 2019, there was a player who created an Unkillable Clan Boss team using only Rare champions with 4 Valerie and 1 Paragon. His A1 also hits for 10% more damage for each debuff on the enemy, so make sure you keep debuffs up on the Clan Boss. Download Summoners Glory & Use PROMO CODE: Skratch Apple: https://apps. Otherwise she can provide 2 poisons every 3 turns or so. e. Longbeard Longbeard is a legacy champion in Raid: Shadow Legends Unkillable Clan Boss Team & Strategy. 95% of CB Speed tune problems in this sub involve ninja! You can also bring in Ally Attack and still stay in tune. Razelvarg Specific: No Hi guys, i hope you can help me with finding the right speeds and additional members for my clan boss team. it influences who Clan Boss will stun - he will go after anyone I use my Fahrakin in my 2 key UNM unkillable, and am able to get his ally attack to work. Put Seeker in a Toxic set, he does a lot of damage when built well. 2:1 Unkillable Clan Boss Speed Tune Guide for RAID: Shadow Legends using Seeker and two unkillable or block damage champions. I personally use ally protection and I have seen a massive improvement. I’m planning on using u/DeadwoodJedi ’s calculator and guide (fantastic work there man, best guides I’ve seen). You may have a skill that you’d like to happen at a specific Clan Boss Turn (such as after AoE 1) but it is a 4 turn cooldown. I can now do a budget unkillable as I have 3 Painkeepers. Find h Drop Frozen Banshee, she isn't very good without Counterattack or Ally Attack. people would say what about the dynamic multiplier, shouldn't it be included as this is what logic says. 2 is easily solvable: make sure that 1 applies then tune it so that Fahrakin is slower than Geo and make both take their hp burn turns in the same clan boss turn 1 makes the run affinity unfriendly. I dont have fahrakin I wish I did the only ally attack like that is Nekhret and I don't think he can do it. Mikage: Increase/decrease buff duration, A1 attack with shadowkin + self sheild, Increase attack/crit for 2 turns and ally attack. Like Likes 0. Razelvarg Specific: No Masteries or Gear that can grant Counter-Attack, Turn Meter, Buff Extension, or Skill Reduction. If you can't run an Razelvarg opens a2, then a3. I have heard about champions like Iron Brago, Brogni, Mashalled, ally protect, and strengthen champions that aren't used often in unkillable teams, but are still very good at clan boss at the highest levels. Fayne is almost as good as anax, but If you need more damage, there is a budget unkillable with ally attack that works. Are there more differences? Which do you prefer? No counter - no unkillable Clan boss team! Showcase Share Sort by: Best. As in Atk or Def % depending on the champ. tv/SkratchPlays You need help with Raid? Join my This tune gives me a nearly 100% uptime on increase def (apart from Skullcrusher before AOE1, but he's unkillable at this point). Morag is good for CB due to ally attack and strengthen. His passive lets him survive the stun better than most dps if you don't have a full unkillable (ex: Helicath shield only for stun) and he brings some extra poisons and burns, but those are I've just pulled a frozen Banshee and was wondering if I should replace Kael with her in my clan boss team. As long as the ally attack champion doesn't have tm boost (lanakis), it will work. Double ally protect is totally viable. Allows a debuff blocker keep your team stun friendly I did disable Tatura’s A3 to keep the You need a lot more survivability for UNM clan boss, plus a way to do a lot more damage. (lead) gives your team (on average) around 50 speed. If they go after this buffer, they lose a free turn. Elen fills a different You want your clan boss team to be all 60 with masteries (warmaster or giant slayer). Sepulcher if you have the gear speed required to go 4:3 to the clan boss FB Sandlashed Kreela (replace with Rhazin once you fuse him) I used that same team with Sepulcher going 4:3 and Rhazin to hit 1-key NM Heart Eater Clan Boss is so good for an easy team to get a 1 key UNM Clan Boss run so follow this guide for Great Success! Emic will take a double turn before the first AOE attack, placing unkillable on his second Kreela and Longbeard are both on my NM and UNM unkillable teams Reply reply DR4_Zoro • DT-normal waves double ally attack speed team with Kreela, Fatman, Kymar, Skullcrown and Cupidus. This way everyone has maximum uptime of that counter attack buff. (Just for reference: I am also working on a speed tuned team in parallel but so far my untuned I’m going to try to speed tune an unkillable clan boss team with either 1) Kreela/Farakhin in an ally attack composition, 2) Saint Nic and Man Eater, or 3) the budget man eater build. Speeds and gear are a little bit higher than the budget unkillable. You may well also want counter attack. Each has their own unique take on the 1-Key UNM "1:1 Unkillable + Counterattack + Ally-Attack". Let me know if you plan or running Counterattack instead or neither and I can try to cook up the speeds for you! TL;DR - THIS IS A GUIDE FOR A CREATING A FULLY AFFINITY FRIENDLY UNKILLABLE CLAN BOSS TEAM THAT CAN START ON AUTO. to place the counter-attack so its on your champions for both AOE Hello! I'm currently doing around ~18-20mil per key on Hard clan boss, but I'm really wanting to push it up more to try to get it up more and work my way into Brutal. Clan Boss Speed Tune for Raid Shadow Legends. Apr 8, 2021, 14:25 04/08/21. What might be the speed requirement for an unkillable + If you're running a killable team, they need survivability - buffs like increase def, strengthen, shields, ally protection. I'm sure this team setup would be able to achieve a 2:1 however it would need seriously high speeds on the Maneater and Emic. Did you use him in an unkillable comp or a regular comp? Reply reply B0BL33SW4GGER • In my unkillable comp. I am currently using Skullcrusher and have just leveled Fahrakin. If you have enough Accuracy on Unkillable With Ally Attack - Version 2 (subbed in OB and Fayne and took out FB and Bulwark, gained 10 million in damage!) In most scenarios other than force affinity clan boss she will be better with the poison sensitivity increasing the damage of all poisons and putting on more poisons overall to make sure the bar stays full. Clan Boss Calculator. the team stays unkillable but you need to get Demytha up to 275+ speeds and have relatively good gear then you can achieve the 1 key comp. Open comment sort options. You WILL go after the boss. Have you So I followed Deadwood Jedi’s comp for the slow helicath unkillable team and it was going good till turn 28 when it fell apart real fast. Myth Seeker is a great team that works best for Void Clan Boss so if you can get in quick enough then you have a good team comp here. I'm following this guide: https: so definately him. 2 Let's look at a few things that I've noted when building my team: Do NOT start at 170 speed. After you speed tuned your team correctly. rate and c. against clan boss it is only calculated using the static multiplier similar to any other area in the game. damage, poisons or counterattack. She's also in my FK10 and Dark Fae 120 teams, as the only champion in the game with a full-team ally attack with +ATK buff. His passive lets him survive the stun better than most dps if you don't have a full unkillable (ex: Helicath shield only for stun) and he brings some extra poisons and burns, but those are just icing on the cake. I know this works in different comps with Roshcard but Alsgor brings a full heal for a target ally. Max Unkillable Clan Boss team focused around the crazy speeds of Razelvarg to incredibly fast and do great damage! Click on the speeds to see detailed notes for each champion position. FB is underwhelming without ally attack or counter attack. You CANNOT use Counter-Attack on Razelvarg. Skullcrusher, altan (increase def,decrease attack), Gnut, Rhazin, steel skull (cleanses stun). Retribution Mastery and Ally Attack for Clan Boss Unkillable Comp. Any hero with >190 speed will go BEFORE clan boss. It's late and I've probably missed some really obvious ones that someone will point out. Jareg is a great option as a support champion in any traditional clan Unkillable Clan Boss Team . But if you are definitely getting emic then maybe its not worth building him just for this. So no you can't. Infinite Multi Battles Macros Roll Gear Faster Easy Referrals Play RAID on PC: https://bstk. So now I just run the one shot bommel comp with two ally attackers as well run an untuned "machine gun" clan boss comp with 3 ally attackers to 1 key Sepulcher Sentinel was in my UNM for the longest time before I swapped to an Unkillable team. Search. All Speed Tunes. The damage ultimately became too much to withstand. Toragi (Ally Protection, Dec Atk, Poison, Shield) Anchorite (Extend Buffs, Inc Crit Rate & Dmg) Ninja (HP Burn Activation, Dec Def) Artak (HP Burn Activation, Dec Atk) Deliana (Leech) If you post your champions it would be much easier to suggest a team, there are many teams that can 1 key but we have no idea what you have available. He also has more decrease attack on his A1 and he places poisons when hit. I was counting on ally attack proc-ing a lot with the reflex gear and cycle of magic mastery I put on him. I think you should get high C. I use a non-unkillable team with brogni that comfortably two keys UNM and one keys NM on every affinity. If using THE BEST EPIC CLAN BOSS TEAM! NO UNKILLABLE NO LEGENDARY NO COUNTER ATTACK! | Raid: Shadow LegendsHere is the speed tune I used, full auto from start (will n A 2key UNM - 1key NM ALL Affinities Helicath team using Fahrakin the Fat and a 4:3 champion to demolish the Clan-boss!With not even good gear as u will see Finally got my budget unkillable ally/counter attack working. Ally attack somewhat less so, because most are 4 turn cooldowns and can likely hit Unkillable with Magic Boss UNM r/RaidShadowLegends • For the bargan price of about 8 million silver and carpal tunnel you too can turn 2500 mystery shards into a Soulstone, Lego book and 1/16th of a Lego. Team Discussion Otherwise if you have an unkillable or a leech champ you can use relentless on ninja his A1 turnmeter boost is too difficult to speed tune around with the ally attack and counter attack in your team 181-189 is a good range for NM, you need Skullcrusher at 181 Unkillable clan boss team questions ? Team Discussion Hey guys, Skullcrusher would be a great stun target actually because of his passive(he ditches the stun basically) , also counter attack is great if you time it on cb's aoes. com/us/app/id1523255119 GooglePlay:https://play. Team 1 is based around counter attack and Ally attack with strong A1s. RaiderNation32. I use him in my team, but I'm not sure putting him in for Ghrush will be enough to reduce your key usage. Unkillable Clan Boss team focused around the crazy speeds of Razelvarg and two Block Damage or Unkillable Champions. youtube. All Affinities! ️Subscribe http://www. 2)Debuffer. for This prevents Clan Boss from killing the team and enables the player to deal sufficient damage in 1 Clan Boss key for all Clan Boss difficulty to reap the best chest reward. He would still be a good choice for his decrease def, hp burn, and poisons should you This guide will showcase Fahrakin three different Clan Boss teams, an Easy Double Maneater, Budget Unkillable, and a standard non-unkillable Counterattack team, Dragon need help figuring out why my new unkillable clan boss team isnt working really put it down to is the dps champs i went with which are dracomorph and martyr which i thought bringing a counter attack and a good debuffer/damage Fahrakin was part of my original CB team and was the easiest to rebuild for the myth-fu DPS spot. com/store/apps/details? Sepulcher or Jareg. In arena I like her a Unkillable Clan Boss team focused around the crazy speeds of Razelvarg and Demytha to go incredibly fast and do great damage! Ally-Attack’s must be used immediately before Razelvarg takes his turn. I would look at building out a traditional clan boss team. it influences who Clan Boss will stun - he will go after anyone who doesn't have the counterattack buff still on. Best. Of course if you can achieve a higher ratio , even better but usually you can't. Maneater Tunes. I'm not sure there's a way to end up with the stun target Using DeadwoodJedi's Three 4:3 comp, I can get my Jareg's/Toragi's 4 turn ally protects up before each AoE attack from clan boss, Fayne/Veno to have decrease Atk/Def up every clan boss turn, and MM to block debuffs before the stun. The first stun will not be cleansed, so plan your Good sets like Speed, Regen, Perception. com/236ubx3b Live Streams & More Content on Twitch: https://www. Before my team comp was helicath valk viz banshee So if you're unfamiliar with the ukillable teams, they need one champ to go slow so they still have the unkillable buff on them when the stun comes around. With Fahrakin he will still bring some poison but also bring ally attack and the crit buffs which are a Ultra Nightmare Clan Boss Team help pls Team Discussion Since I don't see any unkillable champion or a Brogni, you may want to go with the counter attack option and use Skullcrusher Recently I Have been looking through the internet and only teams I have found are build with skullcrusher. I currently run doompriest, apoth, draco, frozen banshee, jareg i do about 20 million to 25 million per key on NM right now. The main debuf you need is decrease attack and if you read the previous part , you already know why. u can't use counter attack on budget unkillable If you want to use Fahrakin you would also need a Special speedtune as his ally Averaged over 50 turns not getting 100% crit rate every turn isn't that big of a deal if it lets you get huge multipliers from high defense / attack / hp etc. If you add Brogni then you can make it affinity friendly. I think maneater COULD work, but I think trying to run the rotation properly would give me a heart attack. if your UK includes Painkeeper, who gets some turn meter boost from her A1, it's likely to I have pulled Alsgor in the recent shard event and am now finally ready to build an unkillable team. It’s going to take me a bit to get these guys leveled and ready to go, but I’m wondering if it’s worth it to try a counterattack and Ally Attack comp. On affinity clan boss he will also steal Clan Boss’ increase attack which then will be extended by His ally attack brings buffs and his A1 can bring defense down so you can potentially ignore defense down in other slots and bring more hard hitting A1s. Gear isn’t optimal for damage yet and I’m still working on leveling everyon up, but it’s something :) Team Discussion Help with my Clan Boss team? Currently using BeK, ( Variation ) This team can also be used as ally protection with extend for 3/2 team what would be good , if you already have even better artifacts than the classic 190 to 210 speed tune , by trading the fast speed booster for one ally protection with one extender at 245 speed +/- , you could use another buffers you want like Mythrala for example with Increase Defense with speed between Kreela brings the pain every 3 turns with ally attack - note that you can save a lego book if you didn't get the -1 CD on ally attack, because she prioritises A3 (buff/AOE nuke), which utilises Zavia again, this time on her triple attack A1 His ally attack brings buffs and his A1 can bring defense down so you can potentially ignore defense down in other slots and bring more hard hitting A1s. . for Clan Boss team- fahrakin? Team Discussion but not sure if he will work for me as i dont have an unkillable. Full Auto Teams; Unkillable; Slow Tunes; 1:1 Ratio; 2:1 Ratio; 3:1 Ratio; 4:3 Ratio; Champion Now presenting the Ninja Helicath Clan Boss Team! We have options for if you don't have Ninja as well! Full auto and works on UNM and NM!!!#RaidShadowLegen Yet my team fails at all tiers of clan boss and to all affinities, yet hellhades team can do all affinities even UNM one key. It doesn't work on all affinity. When Plarium found out many players were using this Unkillable strategy in Raid Shadow Legends, they added a new game mechanic to prevent these Unkillable, Block Damage and Your team would become: Brogni with high HP - Run A2 last before CB does his turn-2 attack, and then A3 on CB's turn-3. If you need more damage, there is a budget unkillable with ally attack that works. What’s your clan boss team? If you speed tune it you can extend unkillable perfectly and cut a champ like frozen banshee, bring a toxic set and because you have jintoro he will a1 with her A1. I'd replace her with an ally I just pulled a Helicath and trying to make a team that can 2 key UNM Clan Boss. Before Helicath, I was two keying UNM CB with a combination ally attack, counter attack increase defense team that would last to turn 40-54. Helicath + Ninja + CA UNM Example of an Ally Protection Team. No buff extender I am working on kreela now so that i can have an ally attack that is speed tuned (lanakis doesnt work for that)My goal is to be able to 2-3 key UNM consistently also my clan hits clan boss early so i usually only get 1 key on void. Unfortunately my only options for stun targeting are Gnarlhorn or Torturehelm. Team Discussion I have a man eater and a pain killer, I kind of want to run them with Brogni and Martyr with Frozen Banshee but i dont know if it the buffs will add up to enough damage. Debuffs you want decrease attack for sure and then probably poisons, defense down, weaken and hp burn. Good luck. Here summary and video: Main purpose: this is just to say it is possible so those players who may be lazy or don't want to learn speed tuning can definitely accomplish 1 key NM untuned. So the cornerstones of any good clan boss team (outside unkillable) is attack down, and ally protect. I do have to disable it to run the same setup on NM though. Most of my myth-fu comp except yeah thats where one of helicathsis. Feel free to play around in the calculator to find what works best for your team. me/snsf8OMzS----- Been playing for just over 4 months and am trying to up my clan boss output. Currently 3 key brutal but have the team to break into UNM. So yes the team dies after turn 50, also the clan boss hits pretty hard after turn 20 or so I don't remember the exact turn number. It is so nice compared to trying to swap in paragons/bushi/gnarlhorn between affinities. Reply reply OpinionsProfile any Attack-based champ you plan to use in clan boss must be geared as if they aren't - and given that such champs usually have stat tables weighted AWAY from Unkillable Clan Boss team focused around the crazy speeds of Razelvarg to incredibly fast and do great damage! Ally-Attack’s must be used immediately before Razelvarg takes his turn. If a standard unkillable 2 keys, it means that team is not fully optimized yet and have tons of room for improvement You're also forgetting the biggest flaw of Budget unkillable teams. Everyone should have warmaster/giant slayer and after the defensive stats are reached then they should have 100% Currently, I am using an unkillable team only that deals 22-24M damage on UNM with a single key. Sepulcher or Jareg. Have ally's attack with their A1 Have 25% reduced damage The only difference seems to be that that Ally attack is proactive and counter attack is reactive. His passive with his HP burn helps us immensely. Unkillable Clan Boss team focused around the crazy speeds of Razelvarg to incredibly fast and do great damage! Ally-Attack’s must be used immediately before Razelvarg takes his turn. He also brings an ally protect and an increase defence. She also has the chance to block the stun from Hi, I made a blog post about my Un-tuned Clan Boss team reaching stable 1 key NM at 46 mil damage. Eventually the CB exceeds the ally protect. For the fifth, ideally as mentioned, someone with DEF down, counter-attack, or ally-attack. I wanted my counter attack buffer to go last but before the boss. Razelvarg Specific: No Masteries or Gear I see so many unkillable teams with double ally protection for ultra-nightmare. A 2key UNM - 1key NM ALL Affinities Helicath team using Fahrakin the Fat and a 4:3 champion to demolish the Clan-boss!With not even good gear as u will see Kreela is nice for the ally attack and extra Warmaster procs/heals, but her only support is a 10% hp shield for your stun target, and 30% crit rate without 100% uptime. Your team for example Ultra Nightmare Clan Boss Team help pls Team Discussion Since I don't see any unkillable champion or a Brogni, you may want to go with the counter attack option and use Skullcrusher Unkillable Clan Boss DPS . Could use the 30% aura but I may lean on Acriza's crit rate boost. The tier list of priorities would be: Allows relentless/extra turns Works on UNM and NM Affinity friendly Works on Brutal I have most of the usual suspects: Tower, Santa, 1 Disclaimer: The 2nd build only works as speeds for NINJA with an Ally attack on a 4 turn CD. Anything that increases You happen to have both an Ally Attack and a Counter Attack champ, so we're going to make use of both. r/VGC. I find that it is way easier to build an unkillable team like a myth heiress team that requires pure damage on one champ and merely hitting speeds on the others to get to a 2-key unm team as opposed to expert gearing a full team of Krisk, Valk, Lydia, draco, and Brago to do a 1-key team. The leader of the team needs to be the Stun target because Paragon will give them One is a atk based poison champ mainly for speed farming dungeons and the other is a def based bruiser with hex, ally attack passiv, hp burn, atk debuff and def debuff. Razelvarg Specific: No Masteries or Gear that can grant Counter-Attack, It means that you will get one attack for each attack clan boss gets. Make sure you put in Clan boss ignores unkillable buff after turn 50. I feel I have combed everything over to find the problem yet I can't Geomancer is our main damage dealer. Ninja is the best worst clan boss champ in the game lol. I would have shield, counter attack, ally protection and 15% damage reduction (no defence up though). However, in . Good news would be this comp would be able to add an ally attack/counterattack or both in the setup to get ridiculous damage especially considering Emic will reduce a cooldown by a turn. Brakus - sheer damage. New Before this we tried 3x4:3 champs, again with noone taking two turns between AoE 1 and 2 so Def up + Ally Skullcrusher is the only epic in the game with a full team counter attack and only one of three in the entire game the other two, insane Legendary champions Valkyrie and Martyr. You only need 1 I just pulled my first Maneater last weekend. The common practice is to throw your best speed gear on Apothecary getting a 2:1 or 2. The UNM clan boss I think runs around 190 Reflex is probably the only set worth farming, I have both my ally attack champs in it. I get 14-16m in an unkillable UNM team with FB. Need some help creating a better one. Then his a3 puts a damage buff on all allies with an Increase C. Unkillable. Paragon is used to apply Unkillable buff while Ally attack on UK teams is possible, but it may complicate things in some cases (e. Decrease Attack on her A1 and a block debuffs/increase defense goes a long way. Ally-Attack’s must be used immediately before Razelvarg takes his turn. Razelvarg Specific: No Assuming you don't have unkillable available, you want ally protection, shield, increase Def. fastest, and over 190 speed) you want Demytha going right before Clan boss so the block damage buff doesn't get worn off (second fastest, and over 190 speed) an easy choice for creating a clan boss team is typically a speed tuned team either with an unkillable champ, aoe counterattack, or ally protection. g. Sets like stalwart or defiant can help too. I guess it depends on how long your current team lasts, and if Ghrush's leech ever falls off the boss. It reaches around a turn 39 and does between 30-40 mill . I previously ran a Valk based team instead of Toragi and damage was much less. but wouldn't there be an issue with Double ALLY ATTACK UNKILLABLE with DEADWOODJEDI!! | Raid: Shadow LegendsThis video is a showcase of the new Clan Boss tool created by TheDeadwoodjedi. Is unkillable just the pinnacle of high level clan boss fighting? Couldn't Team Discussion Currently running help understanding speed dps in unkillable clan boss comp comments. I went up to 175 and that seems to work. Michi is amazing in any boss fight where he can land his debuffs to answer your question and becomes even better in longer Boss fights like cb and hydra. Brago - DEF up and ATK down on boss. My team is currently Kael 6*, toragi the frog 6*, doompriest 5*, rearguard sergeant5* and ninja 6*. They basically take 2 turns for every 3 of the clan boss. the best ways to do damage (other than unkillable) are counterattack and ally attack along with weaken and decrease defense. Hey guys! I've been looking around a lot for a clan boss team that is unkillable and allows for extra turns. NOT Typically die on turn 50, but you can get UNM done in 1-2 keys. My current team is: Vergis, Apothecary, Aothar, Ninja, CruetraxaNinja Frozen is great in counter-attack, ally attack, or 2:1 ratio teams, or paired with another champ that can provide poison sensitivity. Other thought was similar to what other dude was trying maybe whisper plus some ally attack type champ. He pairs well with ally attack champs (Fahrakin, etc), and poison sensitivity champs (Frozen Banshee, I would highly recommend considering running an ally protect instead of the conventional unkillable as your stun target. I tried DeadwoodJedi with the following settings and I preparing my team Hey guys! I've been looking around a lot for a clan boss team that is unkillable and allows for extra turns. Team Advice I have the pieces in place I just need information. An alternative to speed tuning, which is commonly used for earlier accounts, is a “speed team” – the general idea and goal for a team like this is going as fast as you can with as many turns as possible while you are alive, using champions with an Ally attack ability can really enhance your damage output in a team like this, as effectively it is giving your whole team an Toragi: ally protection is ridiculously good against the clan boss when doubled up, but even having it on one champion will work well. Jareg is the decrease attack champion for this comp and he is one of the best at this job. It's not my "normal" team as I run Brogni over fatman usually, but I took advantage of finally seeing a Force boss. Ally/Counter-Attack can work, but it can add complication if not tuned right for each difficulty. Start with the basic 1:1 171-189 speed range. Reviewing this rare level blessing They are only common and uncommon pieces but they are good enough for your early clan boss team. On my second account I have a 1:1 team that 2-3 keys UNM. 2:1 Ratio. Any hero with <190 speed will go AFTER clan boss. In the end, budget unkillable is all about the 2-key because it's very achievable with a large variety of champs but the comp is unable to 1-key. She relies on counter attack to land enough poisons though (or 2:1 speed ratio). Speed Tunes. Edit: forgot leech. I am currently running Helicath, Doompriest, Grizzled Jarl and 2 DPS (Draco and Dark Kael) and I am getting 2-key UNM (Slow Hellcat Unkillable as per Help needed with Nightmare Clan Boss Team as a F2P player . This team However, I'm looking at building glassy damage dealers for a new budget unkillable team. Counter attack. google. But a successful cb team is 25% champs and 75% gear. Does anyone think theres a better set up i could be running or ideas to throw out. He What's do you consider a good budget unkillable damage average for UNM clan boss? Team Discussion You should be able to make a 2-key team for any affinity without ally attack. Before there were such things like Block Damage comps, Unkillable comps or Ally Protection comps. the answer is logic says cb is a different environment Zavia - strong aura lead, and poison Royal Guard - defense down debuff Vogoth - constant leech debuff Rector Death - attack down debuff, healer, reviver Kreela Witch Arm - ally attack, increase attack and critical rate buffs. Ally attack will work, as long as it is not Kreela. Utilizing Helicath to block damage on the clan boss AOE hits and his Shield to prevent dying from the stun and Ninja for insane damage. His passive lets him survive the stun better than most dps if you don't have a full unkillable (ex: Helicath shield only for stun) and he brings some extra poisons and burns, but those are an easy choice for creating a clan boss team is typically a speed tuned team either with an unkillable champ, aoe counterattack, or ally protection. The tier list of priorities would be: Allows relentless/extra turns Works on UNM and NM Affinity friendly Works on Brutal I have most of the usual suspects: Tower, Santa, 1 You need a lot more survivability for UNM clan boss, plus a way to do a lot more damage. Self heal, debuff clense, ally protect + strengthen. Good amount of poisons, decrease def, weaken, decrease attack and HP burn. You could probably build the one in Retaliation set and sub the other for an ally protect champ or something. Bateater, FuMyth, Infinity teams, Double ally protection, Renegade Warcaster Skullcrusher, Double Tower, Valkyrie super tank team, 2:1 with salad and the list goes on Clan Boss team help. I do not find any speed tuning for the Nightmare as my clan did not reach UNM yet. Survivability is insane with ally protection, although the damage is less per turn due to lack of counter Dracomorph is commonly used in many Clan Boss team setup including Unkillable Clan Boss, Counter Attack Clan Boss and Ally-Join Attack Clan Boss Team setup. RATE and Running a champion at 4:3 ratio can be desirable to enable a cooldown to fall into sync with the team. apple. 5:1 The moniker for unkillable requires a champs that have either block damage or unkillable buffs. muwepp zrw vswuuw bdgcrev wvc vfhsc alfbrh ihoa ulzrquw nhvtgw