Waleed nopixel She is known for her blend of politeness, innocence, kindness, unhinged behaviour, and a touch of perversion. He was a Tommy Tate is a character role-played by Zerkaa. She was once the co-owner of Harmony Repairs Garage and formerly a full member of the Vendetta racing crew, racing under the alias of Proxy. A horrendously picky eater. She founded several successful BONDI TILL WE FUCKING DIE! The Bondi Boys Motor Club (BBMC), alternatively the Bondi Boys & Babes Motor Club, was a 1% outlaw motor club that operated out of Vespucci Beach, Vespucci. Alex Mushkin-Domino returns to Los Santos with her wife Mary Domino-Mushkin after they were lost at sea and captured by pirates during their honeymoon cruise around the world. Hailey Maxwell is the Shift 1 Lieutenant for the Los Santos Police Department, Badge #238. Nana is a free spirit who loves bananas. He retired on July 25th, 2024, following a near-death kidnapping involving Hydra, and a build up of grievances with the PD. R. She also runs the Flight Division as the Air Head. The food court contains various rentable food stalls. Charlie "Ember" Quinn (born March 26th, 1997) is a clown, and member of the Clowncil. Brian is Procyon Motorsports formally The 6STR Tuner Shop, also known as the "Tuna Shop'', is a repair shop and import car dealership owned by Mary Mushkin. She was a former member of The Saints and a Deputy of the Paleto Bay Sheriff's Office. Shawn Maple is a Sergeant for the Los Santos Police Department, Badge #297. The Bondi Boys Motor Club (BBMC) is a 1% outlaw motor club and terrorist organization known for its chaotic approach to life and its adherence to 5 days ago · Tommy Tinker is a character role-played by iamnxera. He was an OG member of Gulag Gang and a former OG member of 100% Open Source This is an all in one ambulance job, to make easier the usage for the players and it is more optimalized. On July 28th, 2022 - After getting promoted, Tinker went around asking for money for his Explorer. "Bladestorm" Turgle Suggulon has a mysterious background. Due to his constant involvement with a lot of Nancy Drew is a character role-played by Kate. Hey this is Tasib Waleed. Due to their deep-rooted history, he has undying loyalty to his dad, Raymond Romanov, and by extension, his mom, Kit Archer. He is a Hangaround of Hydra Gang, a Resident for Los Santos Medical Group, and was briefly an attorney within the Department of Justice. Cypress is an organized crime syndicate that operates out of the Cypress Flats region of the City of Los Santos, founded by former Edbert Ropeburn is a character role-played by heyimzed. Terry Linkston is a character roleplayed by Cheez. Susie Carmichael is an OG and founding member of Hydra Gang. She started out as the clean face for 4EQ and Vault Tec, before eventually co-leading a shadow crime organization called The Stable. A charismatic, silly, and overly affectionate character, he is often heard barking and threatening to smooch during pursuits. After causing "too much" conflict amongst the humans by making them fall in love with gods, Aphrodite has been punished by Zeus. Jean 'X' Paul is a character role-played by xQc. It was created by Irwin Dundee. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. This is my Official Daily Vlog Channel. Perez was a loud, happy child in the early years. Buns, takes employees to his office, also known as the kitchen's freezer, and The Besties is a criminal gang founded on December 15th, 2023 by Fanny, Ming and 4Head. She is often described as rambunctious but very level-headed when it comes to gang and business matters and maintaining relationships with acquaintances. Let Our Chaos Reign" After 5 years of hardship and war, Chaos Legion MC has returned to Los Santos. Lost Forever, Forever Lost" The Lost Motorcycle Club (Lost MC) is an outlaw motorcycle club operating out of Stab City in Sandy Shores. His is clean in appearance with 4 days ago · Susie Carmichael is a character role-played by Kemony. In April 2024 he ran for Mayor of Los Santos against Maximilian Thoroughbred, Michael Simone, Marlo Stanfield, Doug Loftis, Archie Archer and "L. Joined Mar 27, 2023 Messages 1 Reaction score 1 Points 146 Location egypt. Collin McKinley is a retired criminal who lives in Kentucky and works the family ranch. Edgar Del Castillo is a character role-played by Peppo. Raul Luis-Blanco was one of the first people who, after the rebirth of Hydra, was considered a Hydra Associate. Rue Minmi is a character role-played by Cutieno. Mar 1, 2024 #16 trisgwiyued said: nopixel Brazil (América do Sul) GTARP | Allow list 4. Maximilian "Yung Dab" Thoroughbred was an infamous SoundCloud rapper, criminal, and terrorist. Gage Draider is a Senior Officer for the Los Santos Police Department, Badge #434. "L. She used to have another tattoo of an octopus on her left arm, but got it removed as it was a reminder of her years in PD. Ziggy Buggs was formerly an exotic dancer prior to becoming a cop, he performed to make some extra money to help pay for his Law School Fees. L. They are commonly known as The Nerds. NoPixel Groups. He is the Founder and Leader of 3PAS. U. O. The idea of role-play is to talk, act, and proceed as the character you are playing. There happened to be a bunch of very funny people and streamers all on the server early 2. Bambi Joyce is a British Criminal part of the Joyce family that flew to Los Santos from England, following their brother Jon Joyce. He was previously second-in-command of Hydra Gang. Reed. Lovemore currently works multiple legal jobs and is dipping his toes into the criminal world through his mentor, 4Head. — The Raiders MC Covenant The Raiders MC was originally a 1970s motorcycle club founded by the people that raised Rue Day. Aphrodite Theos is an Officer for the Los Santos Police Department, Badge #269. They have no official name, but have been dubbed "Cypress" for their prominence in the region and have The Emergency Medical Services (EMS) are headquartered at the Central Los Santos Medical Center. He was not just a business owner but a criminal, being one of the most well-connected people in Los Santos. Buns, takes employees to his office, also known as the kitchen's freezer, and Turgle Suggulon is a character roleplayed by Stormfall33. Ballas currently have 2 sets - The East Side General Description []. Following Lenny's violent Koil is the co-owner and lead developer of NoPixel as well as a long-time roleplayer. New! Track your favorite gangs, departments, and businesses. She is sometimes referred to as the Meth Queen due to her extensive knowledge of the meth game. His parents found him Boe Jangles was a character role-played by bLuE622. Jackson’s dad was an Officer in the Navy, currently retired after 31 years and retired at the rank of Captain. Edbert Ropeburn is High Command of the Already Dead MC. The Lost is one of the oldest organized crime groups in San Andreas. R. View Mobile Site Follow on IG Aubrey "4Head" Webster is a character role-played by 4HEAD. He is known as the "Original Los Santos Park Ranger", A. January Fooze. Aaliyah Court was a character role-played by hol_stream. Inda Daisy Moss is a character role-played by KateC. It was all live-streamed on Instagram, and Tuggz found out at school the next day. Aubrey Webster, better known by his street name "4Head", is a co-founder and leader of The Besties. It contains custom scripts created Wade Bradford is a character role-played by fragss. Arush Patel Santana is a character role-played by Sayeed . Tommy Tinker was an Officer for the Davis Police Department, Badge #122. Delver Lee is a character role-played by @delvernaysh. Kylie currently has multiple characters. Active Characters; 3. 0, after lying to his superiors. North America Discord Server Join Server Brazil Discord Server Join Server India Discord Server Join Server Spain Discord Server Join Server Forum statistics. Chaos Legion can commonly be seen riding their bikes together all across the State of San Andreas. Turgle was discarded at birth by her mother into the trash on the Earth date of 1991-01-06. They originally met on a LARPing online forum and came to Los Santos to meet in real life for the first time. Samantha Morningstar is an Old Lady for Chaos Legion MC. Inactive Characters; 2. TBD Mackenzie Hayes was born in Vermont, and is the daughter of a retired police officer, and Samantha Morningstar is a character role-played by Zhedish. . Alex Shields is a Senior Officer for the Los Santos Police Department, Badge #200 2 days ago · Hades is a criminal organization founded in 2024 by Benji Ramos and Raymond Romanov. Bay Weather is a Sergeant for the Blaine County Sheriff's Office, Badge #302. Elle is known for her fiery personality and sassiness, but she is very laid back and level-headed. Stanley 'Lil Tuggz' Miller is a character role-played by dasMEHDI. Threads 231,694 Messages 448,959 Members 531,238 Latest member 3PAS or TRIPAS is a cartel organization based in San Andreas. Her Callsign Was E-32. She is also one of the best lawyers in Los Santos. He was a shadow employee of The Company, where he created and ran Street Bratz. She is Hydra's lead meth cook and one of the biggest meth producers and traffickers in San Andreas. Aaliyah Court was an Intern for Los Santos Medical Group. Ursula is a civilian character with ties to the Clowns. She is currently a Full Member of The Manor, putting in work for the gang wherever she is needed. His sharp eyes and straight talk earned him Kyle Pred is a character role-played by Kyle. I'm January. Vladimir Raven was a Trooper for the San Andreas State Police, Badge #286, however he eventually chose to retire. They engage in criminal activities such as car boosting, street racing, kidnapping, drug trafficking, gang wars, robbery, weapons manufacturing, Patar Bellosh is a character role-played by MooseTaffy. She tries to see the best in people, regardless of which side of the law they are on, and likes to offer compassion, at least until she feels that she’s been wronged, insulted, or disrespected. She is most known for playing Brittany Angel, an ex Trooper and now Judge, Mary Mushkin, a successful business woman and leader of the The Kaneshiro Clan and Brock 5 days ago · R. Geneviève Toussaint is the current Chief of EMS; the Deputy Chief position is currently held by Sami Hall. Levi is a full member of Hydra Gang, and helped re-build the gang when they all moved back to the city. He is a true visionary. Delver Lee is an entrepreneur, a clown, and a visionary. Santino Forte is a Police Officer for the Los Santos Police Department, Badge #218. Jackson Decker is a Deputy for the Blaine County Sheriff's Office, Badge #329. The room is empty. Despite his awkwardness, people gravitate towards him. Additionally, he tends to wear goggles over his mask that cover his bright blue eyes. Nana Banana is a character role-played by BananaHead_OG. It consists of a number former members of The Mandem but also with the addition of other former members and new faces, including Luke Atar, former Ballas Members Taylor Lott & Clive "C2C" Anderson, former Saints Shawn Maple is a character role-played by Silbullet. He has a strong work ethic, and often worked long hours at G6 with his co-workers. Jordan Walker is a character role-played by Aus24. Main Characters [] Kael Soze. Chatterbox, like many clowns in Los Santos, wears a mask. She is currently not in the Jan 8, 2025 · Lovemore Dlamini is a character role-played by Caramel. Silent is an ex-CS:GO professional, most well known for his 1 v 4 clutch in 2016 during a CS:GO match. Kit Archer is a Full Member of Hades, who oversees their Moonshine growing operation. In his own words, he thinks of a grand scheme or vision and reverse engineers it to achieve his desired results. During this time, Ash left Sherry Paie, James Haze, and Bob Carter to look after the LS branch of UwU. Jenny has green eyes and long wavy ginger hair, that she usually wears around her shoulders or in braids. She is also a member of Hydra Gang. She prides herself on loyalty and never reveals names to anyone. The 3PAS cartel was founded by Edgar Del Castillo, Frederick White and Benicio Delgado on the 17th of September 2024. Santino Forte is a character role-played by BamBamRP. He is a good tactician, a clean shot, and a skilled racer and getaway driver. After the BBMC were RICO'd and forced to disband, Ed traveled to Japan to find his family. Jordan Walker is a member of Hydra Gang and husband to Maddy Walker. She makes music under the pseudonym "Sparrow". She sports a victory roll styled white hair and is quick-witted, flirtatious and talkative towards strangers to lure them into a sense of security although she is genuine she much rather talk Brian Knight is a character role-played by dasMEHDI. Ray is easily recognizable with her tan skin and dark brown hair, Little Seoul Food Court is a place of interest for social gathering and buying food in Little Seoul. Patar Bellosh, is a well connected person who works hard to be an positive influence in the city. A charismatic, silly, and overly affectionate character, he is often heard barking and threatening to smooch during Welcome to Lofi Nopixel. She is honest, smart, and can be assertive, Hades is a criminal organization founded in 2024 by Benji Ramos and Raymond Romanov. I'm just a person who wants to be honest Fan Fan (Fanny) is a character role-played by fanfan. Visit the forum thread! (8/8) - (8/14) | NoPixel Character of the Week is Dwayne "Wiked" Flores, played by @/ogWiked ! Dwayne, who goes by the name Wiked, is a founding member of The Mandem. Flop Dugong was a Senior Officer for the Los Santos Police Department, Badge #225. While Octavio has worked numerous jobs since returning to the city, he was a dedicated Grime delivery driver, quickly working his way up to the packer truck. Cassie Cupcake. Ray is easily recognizable with her tan skin and dark brown hair, Kit Archer is a character role-played by KateC. Lieutenant Aaron Byson Achez Perez is a character role-played by AcezProduction / AcezProduction Achez Perez, known by his last name "Perez", is a high ranking member of Hades, and is a former Company Project Manager and high command of R. Lovemore Dlamini is a South African of Zulu heritage, easily identifiable by his unique accent and African style hat. Tandy Miller is a character role-played by walnutcast. Finley Milton is a character role-played by Sannmann_. Not much is known about Ashlynn, previously known as HelloGamerGirl, is a Twitch streamer and has been a member of the NoPixel Community for several years, with her main characters being Brenda Pancake and Cassie Cupcake. He helps push weed. She is new to Los Santos, and seemingly Earth. Ballas are known for the color purple, dealing in drugs, money laundering, weapons trafficking, robberies and various other criminal activities. She has a distinctive Mackenzie Hayes is a character role-played by Zaquelle. They engage in high stakes criminal operations ranging from racketeering, drug trafficking, arms trafficking, transporting illegal goods, robberies, extortion, kidnapping, and cartel-style executions. 2. He got married to Etta Maplethorne on September 13th, 2024 Skye Faye is a character role-played by ms_star. She is known for her direct communication style. The Manor is the name of a predominately British street gang that ex-Mandem member Sparky Kane founded and now leads following his return to Los Santos. People often say his Ember Quinn is a character role-played by NinjaJessica. Libby was the first female Chief of Police in the state of San Andreas. Patched members are often seen wearing either their leather vests, known as 'kuttes', or other clothing items with Miguel Almerion is a character role-played by SwizzMB. They operate out of the Barrio, based in the Jamestown area of Rancho in South Los Santos, and La Fuente Blanca. The Already Dead Motor Club (ADMC) is an outlaw motor club operating out of the Rancho and Strawberry neighborhoods in South Los Santos. Leonard is under investigation by officer Jack Vos for his involvement in a "harem", which Leonard vehemently Aiko Young is a character role-played by JustKiku. Joel Garcia. They hold the Rogers Scrapyard as their territory, which they legally own. Tommy Tate, widely known as Tommy T, is a British road-man who fled to Los Santos at the age of twenty-three, with the aim to start fresh after living a life of crime in South-East London. Reed Dankleaf was a member of The PD. His mother was the first female Paramedic in NSW. stands for "Raymond's Unfortunate Scuff Team" (see aliases for other interpretations). Five years later, he has finally returned to Los Santos after hearing that a new Riders of Fortune, Raiders for Life The Raiders Motorcycle Club (Raiders MC) is a 1% outlaw motorcycle club based in Chumash. He was also a former OG and El Jefe of the Vagos. Boe Jangles was a well known criminal in Los Santos and had connections across the city. While she maintains a tough exterior and holds high standards, she is also fair, treating everyone with respect and Jason Polam is a character role-played by Nmplol. Tandy Miller was an Intern for Los Santos Medical Group. Bay Weather is a character role-played by baymeep. It is located within the Snr. Juan Carlos Hernandez, commonly known as "Flippy", is a co-founder and the leader of Hydra Gang. Capped Tarranova, better known by his street name "Pigeon", was extremely well-connected, being known as one of the most prolific drug and weapons Here is some of NoPixel's Mlo's DOWNLOAD : *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Maxine Jackson Decker is a character role-played by Asteroba. While members may choose to not report petty crime, they are required to report instances Osvaldo Pingafria is a character role-played by hogshund. On this channel I share my life with you guys, I would love for you to be a part of it. She is not an alien, as evidenced by her stating, "I love America," as a regular human would. They almost accidentally, finally, played into empowering the roleplayers with the sheer amount of Fiona Stewart is a character role-played by Ashi. Jordan Walker was the co-owner of Harmony Repairs Garage. Please ensure you follow these steps in-order to apply any purchases to your Here is some of NoPixel's Mlo's DOWNLOAD : *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Rue Minmi is the Secretary of the Already Dead Motor Club. Fiona Stewart, who also goes by the nickname "Fifi", is known across Los Santos for her white hair and fiery personality. Cold emptiness. Nana Banana is a Patched Member of the Already Dead MC. Gallery [] Categories Categories: Player; Community Stand On Bidness (SOB) is a criminal gang operating out of El Burro Heights. She is the twin sister of Yuno Sykk and adopted daughter of Vinny Pistone. Barry invited Sean McQuillen to be his Vice Prime The Guild is a group of LARPers who play their Dungeons & Dragons characters in real life. She was a former AEMT for the Emergency Medical Services, Call-Sign A-69. She is currently a Trainee Jason Ledson is a character role-played by KiloAU Jason Ledson is a male originating from Australia. She wears a variety of outfits, from comfy and baggy to more revealing clothing, though often tends Maddy Walker is a character role-played by madoreline. While members may choose to not report petty crime, they are required to report instances Elle Queenie is a character role-played by itsElleCee. Cuban Gordon Ramsay, Osvaldo, self-proclaimed head chef at Snr. ziad waleed. The script comes with a built in medicer system which can improve the role plays because of the damages divided into body parts. He was officially invited to Hydra Gang on the 20th of April 2022. Ginger Ale is an improving criminal, and former social media influencer. Going by his customary alias "X", he is famous for being a Criminal Pioneer and being the first at cracking most of the heists existing in the city. In defiance of her troubled past, Ember expresses herself through vibrant and mismatched clothing, embracing bright and colorful outfits that reflect her spirited Yokai is a Racing Crew/Syndicate founded and ran by Mary Mushkin The Yokai Racing Crew was founded by Mary Mushkin and Eddie Marshall after the dissolution of The Midnight Club. Over the time, the group would get into various forms of crime, and becoming experts in them. They also made a skilled E-Sports team with plans to make money through Arcade 4 days ago · Cuddles Fish is a character role-played by ArtByBaha. Cypress is an organized crime syndicate that operates out of the Cypress Flats region of the City of Los Santos, founded by former members of the Leanbois and Cleanbois. Osvaldo Pingafria is also known as "Cuban Tom Hanks," "Cuban Gordon Ramsay," or "CTH". With the day to Osvaldo Pingafria is a character role-played by hogshund. Larry Knox is a well known personality within the city of Los Santos, and a former OG member of Gulag Gang. No ornament nor decoration anywhere. Larry Knox is a character role-played by ripoozi. Ray was also a part of the friend-group The Gworls. He was the Vice Prime Minister of the Bondi Boys MC. Wade Bradford is a Sergeant for the Los Santos Police Department. He is the former CFO of Cop Killa Records, former leader of The Gnomes (a terrorist organization), and former member of Prune Gang. "Master of the Murder 4 days ago · Emeka Rose is a character role-played by emoussy. He has a nice, jumpy & homely personality which he uses a holster an army of grinders. Years ago, he was an OG of the Diamond Dogs and, before that, a Patched Member of the Lost MC. He hated to go out of character, and while in character would follow any instructions given to him so long as it was a 6 days ago · The Project was a criminal crew led by Chico Guzman, comprised of individuals united by their shared interest of one day joining Hades. Yokai refers to Japanese spirits, legends and demons and was chosen due to both of their close relation to the subject, Eddie with Titanium’s Oni mask and Mary with the Alias R3dD3vil. He's also known for his weird sense of humor. Wayne has been caught so many times for this act that Maxine Celsius is a character role-played by Jozukai. She had aspirations of joining The Company after being approached by Raymond Romanov at Snr Buns shortly after The Italians disbanded. Brian Knight is a Lieutenant for the Los Santos Police Department, Badge #495. He has been an active streamer on Twitch since mid 2015. Maddy Walker (née Lawson) is a member of Hydra Gang and wife to Jordan Walker. Burt Beans is a role-playing nerd who plays the character of Gloryon, a cleric with healing abilities who is empowered by the stormlord Kord from the popular TTRPG Dungeons and Dragons. Twinkles can be identified by his clown mask with bright green hair. Francis J Francer. Ziggy Buggs is the Chaplain of the Already Dead MC. All posts and discussions should be directly related to NoPixel. Known in the clown community as a business clown, he's often seen planning ventures with individuals such as Scruffy Doodle, Augusta Carlin, and Pilbis Shonely. From my perspective, management, admins, devs have never truly understood that. His adopted mother is Tessa Lamb, and Bobby Beldrum is his estranged adoptive brother. Arya Shah is a 30-year-old ex-business/financial professional-turned-criminal after her involvement with underground crime once she left Canada. Edbert Amberlyn Ropeburn is a loud, outspoken Australian who was born and raised in Bondi. She's asleep. He has 11 toes and was medically diagnosed with “Mommy Milkers” by Dr. Flop is a Prospect for the Already Dead MC. She matches energy and can be stubborn at times. The group specializes in 5 days ago · You Can't Kill What's Already Dead. His sharp eyes and straight Jan 9, 2025 · Chatterbox is a character role-played by Chatterbox. These food stalls can be claimed and used to The Ballas are a Los Santos street gang operating out of Davis, Mirror Park and Chumash. S. She was an independent individual involved in endeavors ranging from legal business to unlawful ventures such as gun What made nopixel special has always been the player base. They engage in criminal activities such as car boosting, street racing, kidnapping, drug trafficking, gang wars, robbery, weapons 3 days ago · Levi "Rex" Archer is a character role-played by Rexs. Jagger "Chatterbox" Gerardy (born July 4th, 1995) is former King and Elder of the Clowns, and founder of the Clowncil. Little Seoul Food Court is located in Little Seoul, at the intersection of San Andreas Avenue and Calais Avenue [Map]. F. Gregory Johnson was an Officer for the Los Santos Police Department, Badge #441. From New Jersey. He was an active CS:GO-pro up until 2020. The Eastside Vagos (ESV) also known as the Vagos, is a Mexican street gang led by el Jefe Lex Dyminz. is a gang that participates in heists and other jobs to generate a flow of money for the group. Collin McKinley was a private detective who moved to Los Santos to begin a new chapter of his life. Edgar Del Castillo, a descendant of a king named Edgar Lopez, Wendy Thomas is a character role-played by RoyalCreates. 0. Additional Characters [] Steven Welcome to Lofi Nopixel. 0 and will continue to do with future This subreddit is dedicated to NoPixel content. Visit the forum thread! *** Log in Register. He also claims to be the Maximilian "Yung Dab" Thoroughbred is a character role-played by MOONMOON. 0 so when it got a light shone on it, it took off. The bed is there, a plain draped window, a door. She's from an unknown land NoPixel is a Grand Theft Auto V role-play server, developed by Koil and many other developers and contributors. Arush Patel Santana, known as "Speedy", is an OG member and Don of Cypress. Silent has been apart of the NoPixel community for 3+ years. Member. General Description []. McKinley was a ruthless PI, walking a thin moral line to get the job done. Shortly before the island of Los Santos was deemed uninhabitable due to issues stemming from the Sanguine Isle War, Ash Ketchup departed on a trip to open UwU Cafe franchises world-wide. But she sits up in bed anyway. Before coming back into Los Santos, during her 5 years gap, she took $11 6 days ago · Raul Luis-Blanco is a character role-played by Reedy. Devious, Persistent, and Headstrong, Terry Linkston, known by most as "Tezza", is widely regarded as a man to fear and be weary of, however, if you become acquainted to him, you will quickly realise that Terry is loyal and protective of his people. The server is run on the official Rockstar multiplayer server system for GTA 5, FiveM. Hailing from Australia, Finley Arthur Milton was born and raised on Jan 8, 2025 · Ursula Leichenberg is a character role-played by AuriEllis. On the outside, she seems like a very happy person, always trying to tell a joke and Chatterbox is a character role-played by Chatterbox. Later, they were joined by Ray Mond is a character role-played by Valkyrae. On Ash Ketchup is a character role-played by ash. He lives in the trailer park commune with Windsong, Big Phil, Happy, Stumbles and Ace Carter is a character role-played by JJFried. EMS is their own department and include the Los Santos Fire Department. He was a member of the Cleanbois and leader of the Goon School/Goon Squad. Edgar Del Castillo, a descendant of a king named Edgar Lopez, Cypress is the semi-official name of a crew founded by former members of the Leanbois and Cleanbois. A. Edgar Del Castillo is a dynamic, polarizing criminal mastermind and serial murderer. Stand On Bidness (SOB) was founded on September 2nd, 2024 by Miguel Almerion, Freya Almerion, Raul Luis-Blanco and Claude "Kio" Petit. The gang's main business revolves around pushing guns, drugs and various other Elizabeth Reed is a character role-played by madoreline. Kyle Elizabeth Pred-Soze is the current Mayor of Blaine County. Later, they were joined by Edgar Del Castillo is a character role-played by Peppo. Octavio Vettel is a member (Specialist) of the crew unofficially known as Cypress. Santino Giovanni Forte hails from New York and is a proud Italian-American, known for greeting Sparky Kane is a character role-played by Louuis Sparky Kane, or SK as he is more commonly known, is a charismatic gangster that moved to Los Santos from Romford, Essex. Otto Delmar. Buns building, which serves as its anchor. They voted in their first President named Ruiz, who came up with the club motto "Riders of Fortune" on the wisdom You Can't Kill What's Already Dead. Finley "Finn" Milton is the Tail Gunner of the Already Dead MC. Elle tends to be very kind to The Besties is a criminal gang founded on December 15th, 2023 by Fanny, Ming and 4Head. He eventually became founding member of the Baastards MC Gregory Johnson is a character role-played by KingJayClouted. Elizabeth Reed is a Deputy for the Blaine County Sheriff's Office, Badge #341. On March 23rd Declan Crane and Lenny Hawk took Bay to the top of Mount Chiliad, which they had dubbed "Mount Fuji" to enlist her into Eclipse, an elite LSPD anti-gang unit. Skye Faye decided she needed to leave Los Santos and get away from the city and police department after Ginger Ale is a character role played by aikobliss. She enjoys teaching people, but can also be quite stubborn on a subject she is passionate Aphrodite Theos is a character role-played by RoyalCreates. Rue Minmi is a high functioning alcoholic that is loyal to those who she see's as close to her, and always looking to scam people for some cash. Despite knowing she still sleeps, she stands. She was an only child who lived a 3 days ago · Alex Shields is a character role-played by KKrackd. Lieutenant 3 days ago · You Can't Kill What's Already Dead. Minerva Maat was a EMT for the Emergency Medical Services . He was previously a State Marshal for the San Andreas State Marshals, Badge #007. January Fooze (born January 10, 2006) is a member of the Fooze Family. Has close ties to and former OG member of Chang Gang, honorary OG of the Angels and often regarded as one of the top gang leaders in Los Santos. Ray Mond Pistone (born January 1st, 1996) is a full member of Chang Gang, and under the name Hiccups, she is also Queen of the Clowns. Her punishment is to have flesh Octavio Vettel (formerly known as Octavio "Goofy" Stenberg-Dream) is a character role-played by neutreN. Brenda Pancake. nopixel Brazil (América do Sul) GTARP | Allow list 4. The Mandem (MDM) is a predominantly British gang that currently operates in Los Santos. He is well known for his range of characters, helping to maintain the balance of citizens in the server. The Besties first came together when Fanny, Ming, and 4Head crossed paths just outside the Cràpphuise Apartments on December 15th, 2023. Jason Polam is shy, socially anxious, and accommodating, with low self-esteem and likely depression. He has since transitioned to primarily Jane Randal is a character role-played by SaturnEighteen. Nancy Drew first moved to Los Santos on March 25, 2021 from Staten Island, regularly turning invisible to others due to her history as a psychopomp. He is also a Full Member of The Besties. K. Born in Brisbane, Australia to an American Father and Australian Mother. 0 Connect nopixel Community Discords. Larry Knox left for Atlanta for two days and became a Kia boy (never been the same since), sold the Lucky Wayne Biggaz is a character role-played by jimmytulip. He can usually be found hanging out with close friends, or working his Sanitation job. Jan 8, 2025 · KylieBitkin is a full time broadcaster on Twitch. He started his career on Twitch mid 2018 but moved to Facebook Gaming as of October 11th, 2021. That's what we're doing with nopixel 4. Jean Paul is a tall French-Canadian man with short blond hair. Jenny usually wears black or dark Arya Shah is a character role-played by Thirteen. Ah yes, this must be a dream. He spent a long time in rehab, paid for by Jenny Hall, before returning to Los Santos and promptly eating a bag of Cypress is the semi-official name of a crew founded by former members of the Leanbois and Cleanbois. On March 10, 2024, Ash Ketchup and Levi bought their own house 2 days ago · Karl “KJ” Johnny Black is a character role-played by Kongfue. She has a tattoo on the back of her right arm representing an arrow. C. Cleo Shaw is driven by a strong personal moral compass. Alan currently is involved in the weed game. Wayne is the leader and founder of Top Shottaz and a full member of Chang Gang. Minerva Maat is a character role-played by MinervaMaat. The leader of Ballas, Andre Tyson, is the face of the gang overall, whilst each set is internally led by its OGs. Daisy Moss is the Chief of Police for the Los Santos Police Department, Badge #223. See more NoPixel is a Grand Theft Auto V role-play server, developed by Koil and many other developers and contributors. Jackson moved around Juan Carlos "Flippy" Hernandez is a character role-played by Silent. Fan Fan, aka Fanny, is a co-founder of the criminal gang The Besties. Emeka is back in Los Santos 5 years later, after living the life of crime, having all the money in the world (from her jobs & of course sugar daddy), and her fancy cars to absolutely nothing to her name, leaving her to work her way back up. He also worked for and founded the White Widow Dispensary. He was elected Mayor of Los Santos on January 20, 2024. Miguel Almerion is co-founder and leader of Stand On Bidness. Liz was born in Berkeley, California, but at the age of 2, her family moved to Indio, California, where she would spend her time going to terrace parties and attending music festivals like Coachella. Leonard Cassidy is a Captain for the Blaine County Sheriff's Office, Badge #309. He was also briefly an Intern for Los Santos Medical Group. Capped "Pigeon" Tarranova is a character role-played by Capped. Welcome to NoPixel's official Tebex store! Here you can purchase various packages for our public server (s). Infamous for wearing the Monkey mask and white tee Often Jenny Hall is a character role-played by NikkisARiot. Does not like sushi, 3PAS or TRIPAS is a cartel organization based in San Andreas. The San Andreas State Park Rangers, along with the Blaine County Sheriff's Office, the Los Santos Police Department, and the San Andreas State Police make up the executive branch of Los Santos; together they ensure Tommy 'TicTac' Oliver is a character role-played by slimeoz. It contains custom scripts created by Koil, and community developers. Since leaving law enforcement, he became associated with Chang Gang and developed some ties to the Bondi Boys MC. KylieBitkin has been a Twitch Partner since February 11, 2019[1], and mainly streams GTA 5 RP. Description []. Originally pitched as a ‘cult’, Hades is an organised crime syndicate and gang operating out of various locations across Los Santos including a Cleo Shaw is a character role-played by saturneighteen. RatedEpicz is a long time member of the NoPixel Community, joining early 2017. Tommy was a Blooded Member of the Ballas and a member of Yokai 5 years ago. Any other content will be removed. Her presence in the city brings a mix of charm and unpredictability, making her a memorable figure. He is a member of Cypress. A growing hub for the NoPixel GTA RP server. A great driver, proficient in all aspects but has difficulty making jumps (blames it on the car). January Fooze is a character role-played by xChocoBars. He is known to almost always be on a "weed run" or in the process of growing weed- he does this task alongside members of Street Team, who often work for him to distribute his goods. He was formally invited and accepted as a Hades Associate on June 19, 2024, before being promoted to Full Member a month later. Jane is the niece of James Randal. Tommy Oliver, street name TicTac, is a Lieutenant of Hades. Ziggy Buggs is a character role-played by Ziggy. Daisy is highly motivated to improve the police department. Active Characters [] Juan Carlos Hernandez. Fanny has stated that she has an aura Collin McKinley is a character role-played by Lt_Custard. Terry was a founding member of The Manor, being one of the original Ray Mond is a character role-played by Valkyrae. Jackson’s mom was an ER nurse and is currently doing work as a medical assistant at a VA (Veteran’s Affairs) Hospital. While Jordan primarily dealt in street racing, he was also a known contact in some Hailey Maxwell is a character role-played by GlitterGlock19. She has an eye-patch. The ADMC is a 1% terrorist motor club founded by Barry Benson after he returned to Los Santos following his deportation four and a half years earlier. Fanny approached a small group and asked for assistance with driving a manual car, to which Ming volunteered. She knows she's asleep. The new Federal Government of Los Santos designated Cassidy as a member of the Skeleton Crew. Skye Faye is a Captain for the Los Santos Police Department, Badge #222. Mackenzie Hayes is a Senior Deputy for the Blaine County Sheriff's Office, Badge #366. His mother sucked off a pilot, his dad got angry, and they caused the plane to crash. The crew will The San Andreas State Park Rangers (SASPR) are a division of the San Andreas State Park Center protecting all of the parks and wildlife within Los Santos. NoPixel Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Although he is known to get into some shenanigans, Brian is a highly skilled and effective officer. The Lost MC is currently run by President Flossie Grey. Liz Anya is the stage name of American singer-songwriter Elizabeth Tanya Hillridge. Twinkles Alex Mushkin-Domino is a character role-played by Shadiko. Tallie likes to say she is 50% Armenian, 50% Redneck but always 100% That Bitch. The Randals are all generally stupid, have terrible memory, and repeat the same deranged behaviors, which can randomly Karl “KJ” Johnny Black is a character role-played by Kongfue. Following the economic collapse the group Wade Bradford is a character role-played by fragss. Alan Kyles is a character role-played by Chelb. Karl Johnny Black, known as "KJ," is a Norwegian-American with a Texan twist, recognized for his cowboy hat and all-black attire. Stale air. Lovemore has an affinity for cars, whether it's racing them, 4 days ago · Liz Anya is a character role-played by alexhasg2g. She excels at gathering information and distributing that information in strategic ways. Maxine Archer-Romanov (last name originally Celsius) is a former full member of Hades. They are recognized by Vladimir Raven is a character role-played by Lt_Raven. The shop was founded and previously owned by Eddie Marshall. Characters Roleplayed. This look is usually accompanied by his helmet, a pot, or some other headwear. Tallie Marks is a Patched Member for the Already Dead MC. North America Discord Server Join Server Brazil Discord Server Join Server India Discord My ultimate goal with nopixel is to continue pushing the boundaries of what can be accomplished in a roleplay server. Featuring groups, recaps, and both official and community content. He was close friends with Charles Johnson, Abdul AlRahim and Judd Lincoln- whom he hung around when robbing stores or causing general chaos to the city. She was an officer of the LSPD but has since quit Reed Dankleaf is a character role-played by 0Reed. She has no bed in her apartment. . He was the first police officer fired in 4. T. See who's streaming, get viewer counts, and access multi-POV links for immersive viewing. Using his interpersonal skills, he leads a successful group called Civ Gang. Boe had Ashlynn, previously known as HelloGamerGirl, is a Twitch streamer and has been a member of the NoPixel Community for several years, with her main characters being Brenda Pancake and Cassie Cupcake. Personality and Appearance []. Jane Randal has come to Los Santos looking for her uncle, James Randal, after her father claimed James is holding a big family secret that she is too young to know. Miguel is known for his confrontational nature and aggressive personality, with his first instinct being to confront or Gage Draider is a character role-played by Raided. Speedy is a very violent individual with the mind of a strategic genius, making him as much of a forward Eugene "Twinkles" Anwar is a character role-played by Twinkles Eugene "Twinkles" Anwar is part of the New Clown Order. 0 and Prior. His is clean in appearance with distinctive red hair and blue eye Tommy Tinker is a character role-played by iamnxera. Originally formed June 6, 2024, as an informal heist crew made up of the then unaffiliated Chico with Gene Auber and Aleks Harris, the Project was officially founded as a group around the time Chico joined Hades as an Associate. Flop Dugong is a character role-played by ChrisTombstone. Originally pitched as a ‘cult’, Hades is an organised crime syndicate and gang operating out of various locations across Los Santos including a primary headquarters in Vespucci, main storage in Paleto and claimed turf in Sandy Shores. Jean Paul is a widely known criminal mastermind in the city of Los Santos. They are said to be the largest Hispanic street gang in Los Santos. Rated is known for roleplaying a high profile criminal in the Chang Gang (Randy Bullet), as well as a Trooper for the San Bambi Joyce is a character role-played by PeachyLivv. She is also co-owner of Anime City, a storefront in 5 days ago · Burt "Gloryon" Beans is a character role-played by Garek. Mickey Sinclaire offered her an invitation to join which piqued her Eryn Carter is a character role-played by kirst345. You Can't Kill What's Already Dead. Wade Wilson is a character role-played by bythybeard. Raul left the gang on 1st September 2024 soon after Miguel Almerion because he felt awkward being in a gang that 3 days ago · The Mandem (MDM) is a predominantly British gang that currently operates in Los Santos. January is noticeable for her white hair and and white heart blush on her cheeks. The Emergency Medical Services (EMS) are headquartered at the Central Los Santos Medical Center. Psychiatrist (Five Year Gap) - Bit a Leonard Cassidy is a character role-played by TheBigMeech. Ember has bright red-orange hair, and wears face-paint. As a typical Essex boy, Sparky is partial to a fake tan and You Can't Kill What's Already Dead.
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