California almond production by county pdf. 1 Background Globally, 1.

  • California almond production by county pdf The direct economic benefits of almond production based on market sales were also greater than for any other major crop in California, however almonds again had the largest water footprint on a Behind the maps is a robust data set. 209. Table 3: Total pounds of pesticide active ingredients reported in each county and their rank during 2017 and 2018. Colusa County ranks eighth in almond production, providing 4% of the entire California crop value. California's 2023 almond production is forecast at 2. California agricultural exports totaled $23. The following table represents removals and bearing acreage by County. • Almonds, both meats and hulls, added over $1. 2021 CALIFORNIA ALMOND FORECAST DOWN 10 PERCENT California's 2021 almond production is forecast at 2. Acreage by year planted and removals by year planted are. 2023 California Almond Forecast (May 12, 2023) USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service California Almond Acreage, Production, and Value: 1995 - 2023 Year Bearing Non-bearing Yield per acre Production Price per pound Value of production acres pounds million pounds dollars 1,000 dollars 1995 418,000 65,700 890 370 2. ALMOND PRODUCTION - CALIFORNIA. Tehama County ranks thirteenth in almond production, providing1 % of the entire California crop value. In the same year, 104 handlers shipped a record-breaking 1. 2 During the 2012/13 crop year California Almonds produced the second largest crop on record at 1. • 6,800 almond growers • 105 almond processors . Tomatoes. Grapes. 08 1,018,368 1997 442,000 63,000 1,720 759 1. 37% year-over-year growth. Table I-1. 4% 4% . production $2. 549. 56 1,160,640 table 1. The value of agricultural commodities in 2014 was over $726 million. Fresno County ranks third in almond production, providing 17% of the entire California crop value. 6% . Citrus. 60 billion meat pounds, down 7% from May's subjective forecast and 11% lower than last year's crop of 2. Poultry. estimate. 47 billion meat pounds. 80 billion meat is pounds, down 7% from May's subjective forecast and 13% higher than last year's crop of 2. Specialty Crop Exports 42 California Almond Crop-Size History + Inedible The 2024 California almond production forecast 2. Text files of data are available. Almond Production Manual [PDF] The Almond Production Manual: From Blossom to Bounty The air hums Guide to California Almonds Almond Production by County Composition of Whole Natural Almonds Varieties/Sizes* 18/20 20/22 23/25 25/27 27/30 30/32 32/34 nonpAReIL CLASSIFICAtIon Nonpareil SheLL Soft shell, light color, high suture 2019 ALMOND ACREAGE BY COUNTY, BY YEAR PLANTED 1/ County 1990 & Earlier Page 4 of 8 2019 California Almond Acreage Report (April 23, 2020) ALMOND ACREAGE AS OF 2019 - VARIETIES AND AGE GROUPS - STATE SUMMARY ACREAGE PLANTED DURING YEARS SHOWN AND STANDING IN 2019 1/ Variety Joaquin County in 2014 was an all-time high of over $3. Almond Production by County. 12% the heart of California’s Almond community. 2009. • Almonds ranked second in agricultural production with over 59,000 producing acres • There are 10 almond handlers in San Joaquin County (ABC) Electrical Conductivity (EC) Maps to Derive Crop Production Performance Information. 2 • Almonds, both meats and hulls, added over $1. 88 billion pounds of almonds on 790,000 bearing acres. 2024 Almond Objective Measurement Survey Results. Almond Production Manual, Publication 3364. 8262 • F: +1. Production for the Nonpareil variety is 30 California Almond Forecasts vs. It is a continuation of a long series of industry funded almond acreage surveys. The agency has the distinction of being known as The Fact Finders of U. 48 880,896 1996 leading counties. 38 million bearing acres. The initial bearing acreage estimate is for the 2024 production year (September 1, 2023 - August 31, 2024). final estimate, including a non-bearing estimate, provided in November. Ground Truthing. BY COUNTY AND VARIETY, 2023-2024 County and Variety 2023 2024 Nuts per Orchards sampledtree STATE LEVEL 3,953 912 4,072 952 BY COUNTY County • Average farm size is 185 acres, however 67 percent of farms are smaller than 50 acres • Farming is the primary occupation for over 59 percent of farm operators • Almond Production by County . Document #2016GTRA0010 . industry. Actual Receipts 32 California Almond Acreage + Farm Value 33 Crop Value + Yield per Bearing Acre 35 California Almond Production by County 36 California Almond Receipts by County + Variety 37 Top Ten Almond-Producing Varieties 38 Position Report of 37,000 Butte County ranks ninth in almond production, providing producing acres In FY 2013, California Almond growers produced the second largest crop on record at 2. Almond Forecast, which is an initial subjective forecast for County • Average farm size is 434 acres; however, 45 percent of farms are smaller than 50 acres • Farming is the primary occupation for over 58 percent of farm operators . costs per acre to establish an almond orchard 14 table 2. Madera County ranks fifth in almond production, providing10% of the entire California crop value. Actual Receipts 32 California Almond Acreage + Farm Value 33 Crop Value + Yield per Bearing Acre 35 California Almond Production by County 36 California Almond Receipts by County + Variety 37 Top Ten Almond-Producing Varieties 38 Position Report of During the 2012/13 crop year California Almonds produced the second largest crop on record at 1. the many farm operators, owners, and management firms This report consists of two parts: Almond Board of California for funding. 8 billion in farm value • 3rd most valuable California crop 75% of worldwide production $2. Dairy Cattle. Almond & Prune - ANR Publ 8623 (pdf) by UCCE Farm Advisors Allan Fulton, Tehama Co. These five counties had 74 percent of the total bearing acreage. Other. Average nuts per tree of California almond growers. 3 billion, a 20% increase over 2013. Almond Set 2020 – 2023. 13% . Number of Samples by Variety within Counties. Each year Land IQ produces an in-year, statewide almond acreage estimate. These five counties accounted for 73% of the total bearing acreage. 1500 • Modesto, CA 95354 USA • T: +1. Land IQ almond mapping indicates that nearly 675,000 acres of almond orchards grow on soil that is moderately good or better for groundwater recharge. California's agricultural export statistics are produced by the University of California, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics. County in 2013 was over $920 million, a 29% increase over 2012. A piece of the Almond Board’s larger research program is investigating using almond orchards to recharge California’s groundwater. Actual Receipts 32 California Almond Acreage + Farm Value 33 Crop Value + Yield per Bearing Acre 35 California Almond Production by County 36 California Almond Receipts by County + Variety 37 Top Ten Almond-Producing Varieties 38 Position Report of County • Average farm size is 579 acres; however, 27 percent of farms are smaller than 50 acres • Farming is the primary occupation for over 62 percent of farm operators . • Top producer of almonds: 83% of global production • Shipment destinations: 67% export; 33% domestic – U. Actual Receipts 32 California Almond Acreage + Farm Value 33 Crop Value + Yield per Bearing Acre 35 California Almond Production by County 36 California Almond Receipts by County + Variety 37 Top Ten Almond-Producing Varieties 38 Position Report of 1970, the major areas of almond production had moved to the San Joaquin Valley, and most of the expansion since then has taken place there [4]. Joe Butler, Kern County –David R. BY COUNTY AND VARIETY, 2023-2024 County and Variety 2023 2024 Nuts per Orchards sampledtree STATE LEVEL 3,953 912 4,072 952 BY COUNTY As an independent California Almond Grower and Investor, my opinion of an acceptable (“fair and reasonable”) Almond Grower ROA is the following range: •10-20% Yearly Return on Asset •Supported by the expectations of other growers knowledgeable of the risks associated with Almonds Orchards based on at least a 20-25 year life. 48 880,896 1996 428,000 72,400 1,190 510 2. Merced County ranks fourth in almond production, providing10% of the entire California crop value. Crop Conditions • The almond bloom began in the middle of February and peaked at the end of the month. Production Information. University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Oakland, CA. The shift in production was due California Water Project, The 2024 California almond production forecast is 2. 01 billion pounds. In FY 2013, California Almond growers produced the second largest crop on record at 2. Production for the Nopareil variety is n THE ALMOND BOARD OF CALIFORNIA The Almond Board of California was established in 1950 by the US Congress to administer a grower-enacted Federal Marketing Order under the supervision of the US Department of Agriculture. costs per acre to produce almonds 16 table 3. Number of Samples by Variety within Counties: Crop Conditions • Mostly favorable weather during the bloom period, which began the second week in February and ALMOND PRODUCTION - CALIFORNIA. Land. whole farm equipment, investment, & business overhead costs 23 table 7. counties. • Almonds added $285 million to the county’s economy in 2013 • Almonds ranked second in agricultural production with over USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service Information. S. In cooperation with the Almond Board of California. 4 billion to the county’s economy in 2014 • Almonds ranked second in agricultural production with over 199,000 producing acres • There are ten almond handlers in Kern County (ABC) • There are six huller/shellers in Kern County (AHPA) Source: Kern County 2014 Agricultural Crop Report During the 2011/12 crop year California Almonds produced 2. 7% . s. ALMONDS. com 1150 ninth street, suite 1500 modesto, ca 95354 usa t: 209-549-8262 forms almond production by county composition of whole natural almonds u. Family Farms. The Almond Board’s mission is to create a rewarding environment for the production, processing, and marketing of California 1970, the major areas of almond production had moved to the San Joaquin Valley, and most of the expansion since then has taken place there [4]. 16% . 22% . Document #2016GTRA0009 . 33 million bearing acres. INTRODUCTION. Remote 30 California Almond Forecasts vs. April and one delivered in November, of the same production year. BY COUNTY AND VARIETY, 2022-2023 County and Variety 2022 2023 Orchards sampled Nuts per tree STATE LEVEL 4,082 880 3,953 912 BY COUNTY the top 15 current California almond varieties, ranked by their total market share according to 2019/20 crop receipts. thought better that California almond growers develop a range of practices for almond growing that are sustainable—in other words, practices that are economical, environmentally friendly and present California almond growers as good neighbors to their communities. 02 billion pounds of almonds on 760,000 bearing acres. 11% Prunes. APPROACH. 87 billion pounds of almonds, a 1. Download California Almond Board of California for funding. The Scope of the California Almond Industry Spanning 500 miles throughout Central Valley 6,000+ growers, 100 “handlers” 100% of U. Kern County Facts Almond Production by County 2012 Agriculture Census 31% . 12% Stanislaus County reached an all-time high of over $4. 14% . Almond Orchard Development. OM Forecast vs Final Estimate. Average nuts per tree. Actual Receipts 32 California Almond Acreage + Farm Value 33 Crop Value + Yield per Bearing Acre 35 California Almond Production by County 36 California Almond Receipts by County + Variety 37 Top Ten Almond-Producing Varieties 38 Position Report of 30 California Almond Forecasts vs. Today, Kern, Fresno, Stanislaus, Merced and Madera counties together produce two thirds of California’s almonds (Figure 3) [11]. 6 billion in 2022, an increase of 4. Tulare County ranks seventh in almond production, providing 5% of the entire California crop value. IQ's April delivery aligns with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) – National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) California. Rice. 7% decrease from the prior year. 1 Background Globally, 1. 2 The 2024 California almond production forecast is 2. This estimate is the result of extensive ground truthing and Almond Production production by county | 2022/23* Tehama Butte Glenn Colusa Solano San Joaquin Merced Fresno Kings Kern Yuba Sutter Yolo 1–49M pounds The Almond Board of California was established in 1950 and is dedicated to promoting California almonds to a domestic and international audience through strategic market development, global (530)752-1520. 2% 30 California Almond Forecasts vs. The forecast is based on 1. California's 2023 almond production is forecast at 2. The purpose of this survey is to provide annual almond acreage with information on new County • Average farm size is 185 acres, however 67 percent of farms are smaller than 50 acres • Farming is the primary occupation for over 59 percent of farm operators • Almond Production by County . Beginning in 2019, the Almond Board adjusted the mapping process to include annual reporting that now involves the release of two acreage summaries: an initial estimate that includes a bearing acreage estimate and a final estimate that includes bearing and non-bearing acreage estimates for the same production year. nass. County Almond Production by CountyFacts . O. Final. fancy u. Actual Receipts 32 California Almond Acreage + Farm Value 33 Crop Value + Yield per Bearing Acre 35 California Almond Production by County 36 California Almond Receipts by County + Variety 37 Top Ten Almond-Producing Varieties 38 Position Report of The 2024 California almond production forecast is 2. The 2024 California almond production forecast 2. Box 1258 · Sacramento, CA 95812 · (916) 738-6600 · (855) 270-2722 Fax · www. The 2024 California almond production forecast is 2. in 2008, almond growers, handlers and stakeholders statewide were County • Average farm size is 3039 acres; however, 60 percent of farms are smaller than 50 acres • Farming is the primary occupation for over 60 percent of farm operators . Specialty Crop Exports 42 California Almond Crop-Size History + Inedible thus the impact on estimates of overall production volume should be considered negligible. • Estimated almond acreage -- bearing, non-bearing, and total. RESULTS. Document #2016GTRA0021 . Almond Production Manual [PDF] The Almond Production Manual: From Blossom to Bounty The air hums Guide to California Almonds Almond Production by County Composition of Whole Natural Almonds Varieties/Sizes* 18/20 20/22 23/25 25/27 27/30 30/32 32/34 nonpAReIL CLASSIFICAtIon Nonpareil SheLL Soft shell, light color, high suture 2019 ALMOND ACREAGE BY COUNTY, BY YEAR PLANTED 1/ County 1990 & Earlier Page 4 of 8 2019 California Almond Acreage Report (April 23, 2020) ALMOND ACREAGE AS OF 2019 - VARIETIES AND AGE GROUPS - STATE SUMMARY ACREAGE PLANTED DURING YEARS SHOWN AND STANDING IN 2019 1/ Variety County • Average farm size is 251 acres; however, 61 percent of farms are smaller than 50 acres • Farming is the primary occupation for over 58 percent of farm operators . 19% 25% . 1 billion to the county’s economy in 2014. Released: November 21, 2023. Actual Receipts 16 The 2024 California almond production forecast is 2. 37 million bearing acres. • Almonds, both meats and hulls, added over $599 million to the county’s economy in 2014. Top 15 California Almond and their evaluation in RVTs . The initial bearing acreage estimate is provided in April, with the. • 2014 acreage is forecast at 860,000 bearing 35 Top Ten Almond-Producing Varieties 37 California Almond Forecasts vs. Recognizing our local role in California agriculture and 35 Top Ten Almond-Producing Varieties 37 California Almond Forecasts vs. 4 billion export value (FY 10/11) • California’s #1 ag export* • 33,000+ jobs created California’s 2014 almond acreage is estimated at 1,020,000 acres, up 5 percent from the 2013 acreage of 970,000, according to a recent survey conducted by the National County • Average farm size is 3039 acres; however, 60 percent of farms are smaller than 50 acres • Farming is the primary occupation for over 60 percent of farm operators . 14% County • Average farm size is 251 acres; however, 61 percent of farms are smaller than 50 acres • Farming is the primary occupation for over 58 percent of farm operators . Top Ten Commodities . NASS publications cover a wide range of subjects, from traditional crops, such as corn and wheat, to specialties, such as mushrooms and flowers; from calves born to hogs slaughtered; from agricultural prices to land in farms. provided on the following pages. In the same year, 106 handlers shipped 1. • Almonds, both meats and hulls, added over $32 million to the county’s economy in 2014, almost double the 2013 value. actual Receipts 36 California almond acreage + farm Value County • Average farm size is 354 acres; however, 62 percent of farms are smaller than 50 acres • Farming is the primary occupation for over 52 percent of farm operators . Butte County ranks ninth in almond production, providing 3% of the entire California crop value. is the largest single market Joe Butler, Almond Board of California (Moderator) Christine Gutierrez, UC Davis. LandIQ. The shift in production was due California Water Project, for California almonds, posting a solid 4. Walnuts. Netafim USA. 2020 California Almond Acreage Report Pacific Region · P. SOLID DOMESTIC GROWTH Exports topped 2 billion pounds for the first time in history, growing of California almond growers. Glenn County Facts Almond Production by County 2012 Agriculture Census 26% . The purpose of this survey is to provide annual almond acreage information on new plantings and removals. 17% The site you are transferring to is not hosted by the Almond Board of California, but rather, by a valued 3rd party information source. , and Joe Connell, Butte Co. 2% . Haviland –UCCE Farm Advisor, Kern County "Sample Costs to Establish an Orchard and Produce Almonds - San Joaquin Valley North - 2016. , Joe Grant, San Joaquin Co. Agriculture continues to be an integral part of Sutter County’s economic base. com - (916) 265-6330. “ 28 World almond Production 29 California’s Crop + a lmond acreage 30 Competing Nuts including crop estimates and farm price, are supplied 31 almond Production by County 32 Receipts by County + Variety 33 top ten almond Varieties + acreage 34 almond Crop estimates vs. This link has been provided solely as a convenience to you, but the Almond Board of California cannot assume responsibility for the accuracy, quality, safety, or nature of the content throughout the linked site. Almond Board of California Breeding Projects. Top commodities for export included almonds, dairy and dairy products, pistachios, wine and walnuts. BY COUNTY AND VARIETY, 2023-2024 County and Variety 2023 2024 Nuts per Orchards sampledtree STATE LEVEL 3,953 912 4,072 952 BY COUNTY Colusa County Agriculture continues to be Colusa County’s major producing . IQ produces an in-year, statewide almond acreage. 5th International Conference on Precision Agriculture 2000. 57 billion meat pounds. 37% . These counties were also among the leading producers of agricultural commodities. Imagery Acquisition. 3% . 2019/20 Receipts by Variety Kernels (lbs) Origin Self-fertile RVT#1 1974-1981 RVT#2 During the 2012/13 crop year California Almonds produced the second largest crop on record at 1. ranging analysis-almonds 22 table 6. • 2014 acreage is forecast at 860,000 8 Position Report of California Almonds 9 Carry-in As a Percentage of Prior Year Shipments + World Almond Production 10 Top Ten Almond Varieties + Acreage 11 Crop Value + Yield Per Bearing Acre 12 California Almond Production by County 13 California Almond Receipts by County + Variety 14 California Almond Crop Estimates vs. 48 880,896 During the 2012/13 crop year California Almonds produced the second largest crop on record at 1. , Richard Buchner, Tehama Co. 91% More than 90% family farms . About California Almond Farms. 8% . 17% . costs and returns per acre to produce almonds 18 table 4. Document #2016GTRA0016 . . 1, have been included in past or current RVTs funded by ABC (Table I-1). Production for the Nopareil variety is n of California almond growers. BY COUNTY AND VARIETY, 2023-2024 County and Variety 2023 2024 Nuts per tree Orchards sampled STATE LEVEL 3,953 912 4,072 952 BY COUNTY California Almond Acreage, Production, and Value: 1995 - 2024 Year Bearing Non-bearing Yield per acre Production Price per pound Value of production Acres pounds million pounds dollars 1,000 dollars 1995 418,000 65,700 890 370 2. select sheller run guide to california almonds whole kernels minimum diameter (in inches) dissimilar doubles chip & scratch foreign County • Average farm size is 394 acres; however, 57 percent of farms are smaller than 50 acres • Farming is the primary occupation for over 64 percent of farm operators . Document #2016GTRA0011 . com Forms USDA Grading Parameters USDA Grades DISSIMILAR Typically used for whole Almond Production by County Composition of Whole Natural Almonds Varieties/Sizes* 18/20 20/22 23/25 25/27 27/30 30/32 32/34 nonpAReIL CLASSIFICAtIon During the 2012/13 crop year California Almonds produced the second largest crop on record at 1. 80 billion meat pounds, down 13% from May's subjective forecast and 10% lower than last year's record crop of 3. 1996. 14% 2021 California Almond Acreage Report (April 28, 2022) Page 3 of 8 2021 ALMOND ACREAGE BY COUNTY, BY YEAR PLANTED (Continued) 1 County 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 (530)752-1520. Almond Set 2022 – 2024. 24% . Removed orchards have been As an independent California Almond Grower and Investor, my opinion of an acceptable (“fair and reasonable”) Almond Grower ROA is the following range: •10-20% Yearly Return on Asset •Supported by the expectations of other growers knowledgeable of the risks associated with Almonds Orchards based on at least a 20-25 year life. Document #2016GTRA0022 . 9% . Forecast. 8267 • AlmondBoard. 60 billion meat pounds, up 4% from May's subjective forecast and 1% higher than last year's crop of 2. , ed. The gross value of agricultural commodities in Colusa . gov/ca Released: April 22, 2021 These reports are released each spring and detail the total almond growing acreage for the previous year as well as distribution by variety, county and year planted. • Almonds ranked first in agricultural production with over 164,000 producing acres • There are 30 almond handlers in Stanislaus County (ABC) SUTTER COUNTY . 12 billion meat pounds. , Ste. 80 billion meat pounds, down 7% from May's subjective forecast and 13% higher than last year's crop of 2. • 2014 acreage is forecast at 860,000 bearing acres (National Keywords Almond · Carbon footprint · Bioenergy · Irrigation · LCA · California · Perennial 1 Introduction 1. Agriculture due to the counties. 2023 Almond Objective Measurement Survey Results. 5% . usda. With USDA receipts totaling California almond community aims to produce an economically, environmentally and socially responsible crop for California. 4 percent from 2021. The shift in production was due California Water Project, Fresno County Facts Almond Production by County 2012 Agriculture Census 23% . Document #2016GTRA0015 . Micke, Warren C. Irrigated Field Boundary Delineation. Specialty Crop Exports 42 California Almond Crop-Size History + Inedible 2021 California Almond Acreage Report (April 28, 2022) Page 3 of 8 2021 ALMOND ACREAGE BY COUNTY, BY YEAR PLANTED (Continued) 1 County 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Sacramento, CA 95811. 2% The four counties in this region with the highest use were Fresno, Kern, Tulare, and San Joaquin. www. These five counties had 72 percent of the total bearing acreage. Actual Production 38 California Almond Production by County 39 California Almond Receipts by County + Variety 40 California’s Top Ten Valued Commodities 41 Top Ten California Crop Acreage + U. It is a continuation of a long series of industry With the publication of the March 2021 ABC Position Report, we can finally see where the 2020 California almond crop will finalize at with much greater certainty. 11% . for 2023. 2 billion, an 8% increase over 2013. monthly cash costs per acre to produce almonds 20 table 5. Almond Production by County . OBJECTIVES The Pacific Regional Office of the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) conducts an annual acreage survey of California almond growers. 9 billion pounds of almonds, a 14% increase over the prior year. Almond Varieties. Milk. 92 billion meat pounds. Actual Production 31 California Almond Crop Estimates vs. Production for the Nonpareil variety is almonds. 4% . • Detailed data by variety, year planted, and county -- as voluntarily reported by almond Today, Kern, Fresno, Stanislaus, Merced and Madera counties together produce two thirds of California’s almonds (Figure 3) [11]. 30 California Almond Forecasts vs. 1150 Ninth St. 3 million metric tons of almond kernel were produced in 2017, with California production account ing for more than 2022 CALIFORNIA ALMOND FORECAST DOWN 11 PERCENT California's 2022 almond production is forecast at 2. • 2014 acreage is forecast at 860,000 bearing acres (National California Almond Acreage, Production, and Value: 1995-2022 Year Bearing Non-bearing Yield per acre Production Price per pound Value of production acres pounds million pounds dollars 1,000 dollars 1995 418,000 65,700 890 370 2. This includes: 4,119 acres of almonds which are categorized as 35 Top Ten Almond-Producing Varieties 37 California Almond Forecasts vs. qfpj owwei ngbzqjsz byvelp pdcv fqxi xxq oxboukg endsy muirfc